View Full Version : NJF Tuna Trip quick report:
10-06-2008, 07:05 PM
I think 54 yellowfin, the smaller type.
Great time.........I'll let everyone else elaborate more.........
Watch out for Mola Mola !!!!!!!!!
Special thanx to Family Matters (raffle) and BagelBoy (bagels)
In Pursuit
10-06-2008, 07:14 PM
How's this picture for elaboration?
And the Duffman quote of the trip, " I can't possibly jig anymore........ well one more time."
10-06-2008, 07:21 PM
It was great meeting and fishing with all you guys. You are a real hardcore group of fishermen! Thanks to Andy for putting this together and for inviting me along.
As for the trip, it will go down as one of my best. I ended up with a few Yellowfin and a Mahi, and a pair of sore arms! Thanks to the crew of the Gambler for another great job.
10-06-2008, 07:24 PM
hey guys great catch just wondering where the captain went because i was on the sat nite trip and we went to toms canyon and didnt do so well only 1 longfin in the morning on a drift and 2 swordies through the nite all caught by the same man. no bites other than them. good time had ,just wish the fish were there.
In Pursuit
10-06-2008, 07:25 PM
hey guys great catch just wondering where the captain went because i was on the sat nite trip and we went to toms canyon and didnt do so well only 1 longfin in the morning on a drift and 2 swordies through the nite all caught by the same man. no bites other than them. good time had ,just wish the fish were there.
Same area.
Richy B
10-06-2008, 07:29 PM
One HELLUVA Trip! I had a great time, and I'm sure everyone else did also.
First I won the reel in the raffle, Thanks Doug! it's a beuty. I was going to use this as my tie breaker with Duffman, but he pulled way ahead!
Captain Bob, thanks again, for everything. Especially giving Andy a new sweatshirt. Next weekend we'll have a "Burn Party" so we never have to see or smell that outfit again!
Duffman has "Popeye" arms after landing five Tuna, and "missing" two. Dan has developed a new style of catch and release. Duffman was getting jiggy with the fish, matter of fact Duffman was a bit jiggy himself after slugging down a six pack of Red Bull and a couple cups of coffee, he was hard to stop! Oh, yeah, that special "Catch and Release", yeah Dan, you need to take the protective tubes off the Jig hooks for them to hook up! LOL:D
There was also a rumor going about the boat that Duffman mugged some third grade kids to get their light sticks that they had just bought the last of at Wally World, so that he could Sword Fish!
Ray Rod is definately an "Extremist". He chunk fish's with a 12/0 fishing reel, and then jigs with a trout rod!
Great Trip, here are some pics!
Richy B
10-06-2008, 07:32 PM
more pics
Hey Duffman, Did you have 6 different meat tag numbers? You should play the Lotto with them numbers! Maybe your luck will continue!
10-06-2008, 07:54 PM
one word - NICE!!!!!
10-06-2008, 07:57 PM
Well, what can I say another great trip................that I didn't go on and was very successful. Proving to me even more so that I am a jinxed fisherman and you guys are lucky. Glad to see a better trip this time, sure looks like it was the chaos I was predicting on the first NJFishing trip in September. Next year I'm telling the wife we'll celebrate the anniversary MUCH AFTER the date so I can go on a trip that will be productive.....Nice job Capt and to the guys on the trip. Enjoy the steaks...
10-06-2008, 08:06 PM
Sick trip. Yft's in the 20lb range but plenty to go around. Unreal # at 54 landed, especially with the way the last month or so of tuna season has gone. Size doesnt matter, amount of the steaks in freezer DOES!
#1 - I guess it goes w/o saying, you guys are the hardest working M/F's there are! Everyone pinned to the rail even when nothing was doing, REAL GOOD STUFF!
#2 - Jig4them - your an animal! you must have some jig workout machine at your house that builds forearms and shoulders, the dude just doesnt quit.
#3 - John has "tuna karma" written all over him. Andy, ever have a bad trip with him aboard?
#4 - OK, so its called a "trevala" but landing a tuna on a piece of spagehti just isnt for me.
#5 - apparently everything in the DR is edible.
#6 - Charlie caught a 'big sword" -nowait "big allison" no wait "that blue shark that was swimming around earlier" no wait - "its a nice yellowfin" but inthe end it a was a.......well you know!
I'm done, report could have been better if I opted for sleep instead of a 4 hour happy hour on the ride home!
AS always - Capt Mike, Capt John , Capt Greg and Stan - absolute great job fellas. Flawless trip end to end. You guys run a great boat. Nice coming home top dog!
Ton more to add.....stories to is gonna suck tommorrow, good night.
10-06-2008, 08:08 PM
Grant it, some pics are unfltattering.... :)
10-06-2008, 08:10 PM
10-06-2008, 08:12 PM
sargasso fish, they get ya everytime...
10-06-2008, 08:14 PM
and when ya get aboard the Gambler, talk to Capt John and ask for the t-shirt.........if its onboard, its gonna be a good day :D
10-06-2008, 08:14 PM
Nice trip guys. Thank you Captain Bob for giving Andy a new sweatshirt he did need one. Andy when is the next trip?
Clam Strings
10-06-2008, 08:14 PM
nice trip guys..way to put the meat on the boat...
10-06-2008, 08:22 PM
6 hours of jigging = (6) advil + 3 glasses of wine
Unbelievable trip. Capt Mike, John, Greg and Stan worked like dogs to get the fish into the boat. After loading up with the yellow fin we still spent 2-3 hours looking for Mahi and going on the troll.
This team went way beyond their call but, they always do!
Andy thanks for putting this trip together and I am sure the trips you run next year will be just as much fun. It's a pleasure to fish with this group of guys.
10-06-2008, 08:37 PM
Good job Gentlemen, way to Jig'em up....and Andy has a new sweatshirt !
thank god,,,,did ya chum with the old one? I will be going as soon as I can !!!!
how did Mr Muldunne do?
In Pursuit
10-06-2008, 08:47 PM
This is by far one of the best Tuna trips I have ever been on. The crew of The Gambler is top notch, 54 tuna in the boat and they are still busting they're a$$es trying to put us on the fish. Unbelievable. I'm off to bed, with an Ice pack on my arm.:D
10-06-2008, 09:04 PM
Congrats guys!!!!
10-06-2008, 09:05 PM
That "big allison" kicked my a$$. Good thing the mates were there to help.
What a crazy two hours, 4 - 5 hookups at a time and people ducking under and over as fish ran this way and that. That poor mate in the stern trying to keep track tags.
Thanks for posting the morning after picture Duffman - lying sack a..
Tin Squid
10-06-2008, 09:15 PM
Thanks to both the entire crew of the Gambler and also to Andy for making this trip possible. When you have all the pieces (a good crew, people who fish hard and work together with great attitudes) of the puzzle in place, good things can really happen. A fabulous bite was going on from 2:00 am until about 4:15 or so. Duffman started it off next to me with a jig and it was "full throttle" from there with fish hitting the deck with big time frequency. The blood was all over the bow so thick that it had to be washed off at least three times within 45 minutes so people would not slip on it. Now that's some serious tuna fishing folks! :cool:
Kudos to the guys up front who kept the fish "lit up" with their jigging efforts. Warren, Duffman, "In Pursuit", "Ray Rod" and others, you kept it going, great job!
Gambler Crew- Without your solid efforts, we surely would not have had the chance to put it together. You guys did a great job and showed us what good teamwork and solid efforts by pros can produce. Way to go!
Kudos to all as it was a trip to remember.
Keep slingin' those jigs!
Can you say spicy tuna rolls?
Andy, I'm gonna make you try jigging next time! (the iron beats changing baits any day) ;)
Pennsy Guy
10-07-2008, 12:16 AM
It's a REAL TREAT to fish with a group of guys that know what they're doing and work together. Thanks for having me onboard. I've been a bait man up until late last year and am still a novice with the jig, but learning!
Best trip of the past few years, fish-wise AND fishermen-wise.
Sargrasso fish don't fight much but are a load and Mola on light leaders gotta be a blast.:D
Thanks again Andy, like the new dark sweat shirt. Looking to next year......
And, of course, accolades and total appreciation to Capt's Mike, John, Greg and Stan for all they did and do on every trip. Really work hard for us--the Gambler IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!:) :)
Got three more trips starting this Saturday..then next Saturday and then the 28th...Hope some of you can make it....I think the tuna are finally here, it's like they're two months behind schedule...:confused:
For my first tuna trip and I had a great time. It's like this all the time, right guys? :D
It was nice meeting all of you and kudos to the Capt. and Crew for all their hard work. Just an incredible trip for sure.
Looking forward to next year!
10-07-2008, 08:49 AM
The trip was a blast great fishing with the NJF crew as always.
Dan & Ken how the arms feeling ? Sams first trip did was a the deal.
Great trip Capt. & crew U guys worked your A$$ off THANKS.
Grateful Dad
10-07-2008, 10:02 AM
Unbelievable!! Great job guys!
It figures that this was the trip that I DIDN'T go on...
Gerry Zagorski
10-07-2008, 10:11 AM
Great job Andy, Bob and crew and hats off to the Iron Man Toona guys! That jigging is hard work nice to see you all stayed at it and were rewarded for the effort.
10-07-2008, 10:56 AM
What a special trip for everyone! These days don't come around very often. I really appreciated the sportmenship ethic with all of you.
The crew was outstanding and worked really hard.
I can hardly lift my elbows - bad case of Jig Fever....It can only be cured by Sushi!
Thanks again Andy!
10-07-2008, 11:13 AM
Duffman (aka..#8-#23), I can really use some steaks. Your freezer can't fit all that sword and I will trade you for some warm bud light.
Richie B, the venison sticks were delicious, but they sure did give me some nasty gas. I felt bad for anyone who was fishing next to me!! Try to get me that butchers #.
Paul & Bob, the bluefin will be working there way up to lake Kinnelon soon. We should set up a trip and take the quads there..:)
Andy, thanks for showing up and putting this together. Next time you should bring your poles... Good job on hooking your neighbor (John) up with a pole and some fish. He had a great catch!! I got to hook up on some mahi and release them ttys!!
Charlie, how's the back feeling? That sunfish was big + 20 lbs. of extra line and weights along with it.
good time guys, hope to do it again,
Blackfish Bobby
10-07-2008, 12:57 PM
Great Trip guys......Been looking forward to a report like this !!!!
Can you guys tell us which jigs produced best. I already have a pretty good arsenal but always like to hear what worked best. Tuna jigging is awesome !!!! My all time favoorite is the BRAID Glow Mackerel.
In Pursuit
10-07-2008, 01:16 PM
My knockoff glow butterfly was getting slaughtered. Hammered diamonds were working also.
I'm not too sure there were many jigs that didn't work that night.
Tin Squid, I forgot to mention it was great fishing with you.
10-07-2008, 01:25 PM
I used a 10oz hammered diamond jig with a tandem hook.
Duff used the same style but it was bent.
10-07-2008, 03:51 PM
Andy--you outdid yourself this time !!!! Trip was GREAT even though I caught 1-TUNA @40lbs BUT that works for me. Gambler crew was OUTSTANDING before, during and after the BLITZ !!! When you screamed FISH ON or GAF, someone was at your back every time to help. The Capt put us on fish from the start and even though trolling did not produce fish, MAI-MAI were at the pots and it was fun. Again thank you for my second great experience to fish TUNA with, a good well mannered group.I usually fish the surf, as most of you know but always look forward to TUNA time. So now its time to set aside my PENN 9/0 and 6/0 'till next year and break out the 11' rod with penn 7500 for Stripers in the surf. Will keep you all up to date-----see 'ya all later and once again, THANK YOU, Robbie.
Tin Squid
10-07-2008, 06:08 PM
In regards to the jig question, I was using a Dan Hernandez magic metal 7.5 or so ounce jig in green mackeral with a 6/0 Owner Stinger open eye single replacement for the out-of-the-package treble hook. I had a 4/0 assist hook up top off of the ring.
Tight Lines
10-07-2008, 07:47 PM
Thanx again guys. Thanx to Gerry for putting together a website, for which I have met so many great folk.
Thanx to the Capt. and crew and finding that "fishy spot" like finding a needle in a hay stack sometimes.
Thanx to the guys who made MY trip most enjoyable. I know there were sore arms, but my cheeks and gut hurt from laughing so much.
Thanx to those who gave fish to those who had none.
Next year September 27-28, 2009 God willing.
Richy B
10-07-2008, 09:03 PM
Andy, Thanks for both trips, you go above and beyond and all of us appreciate the hard work you put into these trips. It would be nice to see you fish a bit more!
Count me in for any Tuna Trip(s) for next year....I'm in! You want some money now?:D
I'll start my training in January for the next title fight! Somebody has to take the title away from this guy! I'll be another year older, and the body will be failing even more. I'm using an arm crutch for bowhunting, I'll probably need a power assist brace for jigging next year!
Note to self: Bring lots of Red Bull and Creatine for next trip!
Here's that picture of "The Top Tuna Terminator" and the guy who thought he was a "Contender". But, as you saw in the Duffmans "Embarrassing Pictures" he had me on the "Ropes" (rail) for most of the night, and then I was def. "TKO'd".
Wai till next year! I'm pumpin iron, and I'll be in better shape.......I
10-07-2008, 09:26 PM
Thanks buddy for putting this all together. PIA and the greys get thicker every year, but it all comes out good in the end. Thanks for putting back into this site what it has given to you. Friends, good times and fishing knowledge.
Big, big thanks to all the guys who have done these trips. I was new at the offshore thing just a few short years ago. EVERY SINGLE THING I have learned was from from all of you. Richy, I'm NOT good, just lucky to suck up 20 yrs offshore goodies from the guys here. Luck also has 99% to do with it!
Tin, thanks for all the info. It was like tapping into a jigging data base. All that info will go to good use. Next year, maybe jig a Wahoo???
Just thinking back to 3AM Monday. Like a bunch of 6 year olds on Christmas morning, only instead of presents under the tree, it was blood, gaffs, laughs and yft's flying around. Dont get better than that.
A day later and I'm beat and bruised!
Soooooo, next year........36 hour.....inshore bluefin, then tiles, then troll, chunk all night, pot hop in the AM, hit some wrecks and jig pollock on the way in??? Sounds like a plan.....
Tin Squid
10-07-2008, 10:52 PM
The look on your face once the jig bite got going was worth all the wait at the rail until it broke loose. You had "a man possessed" look and it showed in the amount of fish you decked. You were the one who started it off! It was a good thing that Warren, "In Pursuit", "JD Shots", "Howard A", "Ray Rod" and all the other jig slingers kept at it because frankly, they kept the Tuna hopped up and slamming those jigs! Trust me, there have been times when I went at it alone with jigs and things might have been different if more people were "into it". I'm glad my lobbying and "positive jig karma" paid off. Next year, it'll be 65 pounders on those skinny jig rods, then we'll all see what a real fire drill is all about. :eek: Keep up the positive ethic at the rail and good things will happen.
Tight Lines!
10-08-2008, 11:13 AM
I used a 7 oz stright silver jig with a size 10/0 owner hooks. Whatever jig you use, be sure you hand sharpen or better yet replace the hooks. I didn't get any spit outs the entire night and landed 4 YFT.
I will never ever use a diamond jig of the rack with the existing hooks - they are not sharp enough in my opinion. I just throw those hooks in the trash.
Obviously I am in agreement with Tin Squid, Ray Rod, Duffman, Andy and the others that attribute part of our success to holding the school under the boat. I counted 6-10 guys jigging at any given time. Usually on boats - the mates and 1 or 2 others are jigging and that is it.
Once again - great job to the mates and capt.
See you at the Christmas party!
Blackfish Bobby
10-08-2008, 03:59 PM
Jigging tuna is the best !!!!!! Thanks for the info guys !!!!!
I have been fishng two non sponsor boats DM and MBL out of Barnegat Light.
Been wanting to give the Gambler a shot.
Does the Gambler allow colored (Deep One type) jigging line for the guys who like to jig ??
also ... Can you bring you own livewell and are there hose bib water hook ups available on the boat. We do all we can while fishing is slow to load up on live bait so we are ready when the bite is on..
MBL has manifold series of saltwater hookups on each side of the stern for hooking up livewells.
Capt. Jerry P
10-08-2008, 09:02 PM
Wow Great trip Guys,some catch real happy for ya guys
Awesome Trip Capt Bobby, Capt Mike and crew.
Nice job on putting it all together Andy
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