View Full Version : What was the funniest thing you have seen on a party boat?

05-02-2012, 06:20 PM
Mine has to have been this lady got on for a fluke trip,(you know the kind loud talking and telling you how great her fishing skills are) so we start to make are way to the hook,and she is telling everyone that will listen how her son just bought her this 300 dollar fluke rod and how great it is.I am standing there watching as we start the first drift ,she puts a buck tail on let's about 4 ft of line out closed the bail and then attempted to cast. The rod went flying about 15 feet made a beeline right to the fluke gods and I had to go to the wheel house cause I could not stop laughing at her. Upon my return to deck my Only comment was (it's mighty quiet back here!) and. The rest of us just started to lose it you fellas got any stories ?

Tony Cav
05-02-2012, 06:52 PM
I've seen a lot of Googans just like you mention but nothing like that. I usually end up insulting somebody and come close to delivering or (usually) getting a punch in the nose.

I once ripped 5 iron workers from Staten Island new ones in the middle of the night. They were rip roaring drunk on Mescal and were keeping me awake. We were the only ones awake and I could have easily spent the night (and a whole lot longer) with Davey Jones.

They thought I was a complete lunatic (or just some A Hole). A bit of both for that maneuver.

05-02-2012, 07:04 PM
I've seen a lot of Googans just like you mention but nothing like that. I usually end up insulting somebody and come close to delivering or (usually) getting a punch in the nose.

I once ripped 5 iron workers from Staten Island new ones in the middle of the night. They were rip roaring drunk on Mescal and were keeping me awake. We were the only ones awake and I could have easily spent the night (and a whole lot longer) with Davey Jones.

They thought I was a complete lunatic (or just some A Hole). A bit of both for that maneuver.
I think its the Hat :D

05-02-2012, 07:34 PM
My friend eating a salad on a boat when he decided the day before to go on a diet. Can't say I've ever seen anyone eating a salad on a boat ever.

http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/384561_312369262117186_100000323453308_1051391_148 6930084_n.jpg

Sea Bear
05-02-2012, 08:20 PM
Not exactly funny, but...

When I use to work deck on party boat bluefish trips, we caught a blue marlin one day on an AVA jig. Freak, once in a lifetime thing.

Word gets out and the next day two guys show up in the morning and they ask us if we have a fighting chair on the boat in case they hook up a blue marlin. At first I naturally assumed they were joking, but they weren't. :eek:

05-02-2012, 08:27 PM
i was on the golden eagle on a full moon bluefishing, and a black guy pulled his pants down and asked if we ever saw the dark side of the moon.we were roflao

05-02-2012, 08:33 PM
On a thanksgiving open boat blackfish tripthere was a guy with his new rod,new white grundens, the whole nine.This guy would not shut up,he was the best at everything.He even said fred gamboa wont shark fish unless this guy is working the reel"he is that good a fisherman"Capt sets anchor ,says drop em' this guy sets the hook for the first time and his new rod explodes.Took everything in my power not to laugh out loud.

Art Berkman
05-02-2012, 08:37 PM
My friend eating a salad on a boat when he decided the day before to go on a diet. Can't say I've ever seen anyone eating a salad on a boat ever.

http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/384561_312369262117186_100000323453308_1051391_148 6930084_n.jpg

I Was on that trip :D :D :D

parker pete sportfishing
05-02-2012, 09:06 PM
About 20 years ago I worked on the big Mohawk III. It was a nasty weekend and we were 3/4 day bluefishing something we didnt normaly do but that summer we did. It was blowing out of the NE seas were building 6-8 with some 10's. We had prob 70 people on the boat. 25% were sick before we got to the grounds. another 25% after we started chumming. Most of the fleet wanted to go in early. But they didnt want the almighty donuts. We had gotten atleast one fish. It was about 11am and i got the idea to walk around eating a nasty cheese steak. the smell of that got most of the remaining people sick and b4 you knew it 3 horns blew. Didnt make much money that day but funny memories .

05-02-2012, 09:13 PM
I was on a AH Party boat striper trip a few years ago. As we were getting ready to leave the dock, a young couple jumped on at the last second. The guy was obviously out of it and was quickly asleep in the cabin. The young lady worked her way around the boat chatting up every one. She made it clear that she was a exotic dancer and had just met the guy she was with a few hours ago. She worked the boat throughout the day, pole dancing in the cabin, stripping in the stern, stripping in the bow, and she was tipped well.
It was a real stripper trip and I caught some stripers too.

05-02-2012, 09:19 PM
Theses stories are part of the reason why you fish on party boats ! People should learn to relax and laugh more ! As I sit here and read. a quote form a old head prison guard comes to me. YOU CAN'MAKE THIS STUFF UP!!!!

05-02-2012, 09:31 PM
il never forget this one,

i was about 7 years old on a bluefishing party boat and some piss drunken idiot started eating bunker chunks saying he forgot his lunch.

05-02-2012, 10:02 PM
It was a last minute tuna trip last year, and a trip to remember. NOAA was as always wrong, they said 2-3 foot seas 5-10 wind. But it turn out to be 6-8 foot and 20 to 25. My good friend john end up praying to the porcelain god for a good 4 hrs. And during that time, all he remembered is getting a golden shower from His friend Ed. It was not intentional but the waves were rockin and john could not move so he did the best he could. All I said to john is " good thing you didn't look up."

05-02-2012, 10:38 PM
I was on a AH Party boat striper trip a few years ago. As we were getting ready to leave the dock, a young couple jumped on at the last second. The guy was obviously out of it and was quickly asleep in the cabin. The young lady worked her way around the boat chatting up every one. She made it clear that she was a exotic dancer and had just met the guy she was with a few hours ago. She worked the boat throughout the day, pole dancing in the cabin, stripping in the stern, stripping in the bow, and she was tipped well.
It was a real stripper trip and I caught some stripers too.

LOL! Now thats a fishing trip.

05-02-2012, 10:46 PM
We had a charter out of AH for spring stripers.

It was one of those days that was almost hot landside with a southwest wind and despite telling everyone to dress warm, one of the younger hotshots shows up with short sleeves, designer jeans, and a tube of sunscreen in his back pocket.

We went around the hook and the air temp dropped to 50 deg coming off the cold water.

He spent the whole time in the cabin getting seasick. What a maroon.

05-02-2012, 11:33 PM
So I'm out on this tuna trip with a fishing buddy. I wake up about 4 am and go topside. The only guys up are 5 iron workers from Staten Island having a good old time. We start talking and they seem ok to me. Boat gets to the Canyon's and guys start getting ready to fish. My buddy comes up from his bunk and tells me about the tongue lashing he gave these guys about keeping him up. They see him and start giving him shit. My buddy (guess who) says dude if these guys start something you got my back right. So im thinking 5 iron workers against me and my buddy. Of course my reply to him was, " Do i know you" ? LMAO still! Funny stuff!

05-03-2012, 12:39 AM
I posted this in another thread but too funny not to mention here... So the best is when I went early and setup 5 rods in the back of the boat for a night bluefishing trip and then went to dinner, met up with the 4 other guys, then got back to the boat and all 5 rods were laying against the cabin. Luckily for me I knew the captain and was talking to him before leaving for dinner and he made the guys who moved my rods move all their stuff to the front LOL!! All night they tried to do the PB shuffle and we kept kicking them out, oh it was quite funny stuff... I think one of them was using an 80lb tuna outfit!!

05-03-2012, 06:24 AM
This was on a charter boat I used to work on but...

I did the day trip and was getting ready to go home and the night trip charter turns out to be a bachelor party. The guys were whooping it up already then I see the strippers coming down the dock. "Well, they're gonna have some fun tonight!" I thought.

The next morning I get to the boat and notice that it is remarkably neat and clean. I'm happy the night crew did a great job leaving me a clean boat...and then I look up. The ceiling in the cabin is covered in whipped cream and glitter.

Oh, they had fun alright!

05-03-2012, 06:56 AM
a non-english speaking gentleman waiting on the boat with a 11 foot surf pole & chest waders to go fluking.

05-03-2012, 07:33 AM
party boat tuna trip 1 guy was maybe 4ft tall with a harness to his rod sitting on a bar stool so he could reach over the rail ,he never got a fish but we were hopping he did .

shrimpman steve
05-03-2012, 07:49 AM
OK, so it wasn't a party boat, but still funny:D

05-03-2012, 08:41 AM
I was talking to a first time fisherwoman on the J2 a few years back. She asked me about the fare. I told her how much plus $5 to get into the pool. She said she wasn't getting in the pool because she did'nt bring a bathing suit and where is the pool anyway? Too bad she wasn't the stripper.

05-03-2012, 08:49 AM
Way back in the early 70's I was fishing on the Gambler for cod. It was January or February . A seal comes up next to the boat and starts barking for a handout. The guy nexted to me appears shocked and says "Look at the dog!"

anchor joe
05-03-2012, 09:33 AM
Why striper fishing in the spring a passenger with no front teeth and being a good old southern boy entertains us all morning. He's not catching and blames it on everything using his drawl and vocabulary, we laugh all morning. Around noon he announces how he lost his teeth. Got damn dog ate them in the morning, I replied when the dog takes a dump will probably bite him in the ass. He replies the dog chewed the teeth into a nice powdery neat heap. This is when we all lost it.:)

05-03-2012, 09:36 AM
i've seen alot of funny things happen on boats but I think I know how the term HEAD BOAT came about ... I was on a trip with 7 anglers ... on the first fish spot ... on the front bench while everyone was fishing in the back ... STRIPPER FISHING ... one guy this girl starts getting friendly $%#@!? and after an explosion ... the guy comes to the rest of us crying and hugs the mate ... then tells him that she will do him too ... after a while the mate comes running around the boat like a little kid that just learned to ride a bike ... telling the rest of us that she showed him her boobs and touched him .... during all this the guy put his rod down (again) and catches the pool fish ... on the way in the girl sits down with another angler and has an extent conversation about social morals while this guy seems to be sleeping ... true story ... :eek: :D

Reel Tuna
05-03-2012, 09:54 AM
Half day fluking on the J2 and a man was fishing with a whole chicken for fluke. He had the chicken strung up like a puppet. Hysterical!


05-03-2012, 10:55 AM
Seeing a dude with an ultra heavy roller stripper tuna outfit, international reel and all, going porgy/tog fishing on a charter.

Googan with a casting reel on a spinning outfit...and his buddy with a spinning reel on a casting outfit. They felt silly when we told them they had their equipment mixed up.

On a PB out of the Highlands, when Daisy Duke and her three friends blast past us on their pleasure boat...and flashed the crowd...and returned for another one.

05-03-2012, 12:18 PM
Bluefishing on the old gambler and a guy shows up in a 3 piece suit and asked if he was going to get dirty !!! WE said no and come aboard bluefishing is a real clean type of fish and you never get dirty!!! I still feel sorry we ruined the guys suit.


05-03-2012, 12:22 PM
I was on the Miss Belmar night bluefishing in the stern with my 16 year old son and some friends. There was this guy, there is always one, fishing with a river rod and 14# test. EVERY time he hooks up he yells at the top of his lungs "IT"S A F#@&%NG MAKO" and proceeds to beg everyone to get out of his way because he only has 14# test. Needless to say he tangled everyone up repeatedly. I cut this guy off several times with much whining on his part. Anyway our hero starts casting a diamond jig overhand and I told him right away to knock it off he was going to get someone hurt. He says the mates didn't tell him not to and he was told that's simply because they did not see him doing it and if he hooked any of us he was going swimming. He decides to set up in the corner and while bothering everyone there the guy next to him lifts about a six pound fish over the rail that immediately latches onto the guys neck. The whole back of the boat almost fell over laughing. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy!

05-03-2012, 12:25 PM
Pic is worth a 1000 words :)

05-03-2012, 12:31 PM
Pic is worth a 1000 words :)

I saw the same thing on the Angler last year - They did a couple of drive by's

Free Range B:D :D Biees

Tee Hee G-

05-03-2012, 01:15 PM
10 years old on my first head boat trip with my dad for whiting and macks on the Miss Belmar 2. I got a little green and to finish me off my dad says to me..."How about a nice glass of warm milk and a jelly donut". Needless to say I felt better once I got it out....and for the record I got him back 25 years later with a bunker chunk in the trunk of his Acura.


05-03-2012, 01:16 PM
Pic is worth a 1000 words :)

That must have been off the nude beach oceanside down the hook... pfffff

Had two ladies, who I think believed to be more svelt than they were, throw the tata's out at us coming in the MI after repeated attempts on our part to get them to participate...

Oooooof good thing I was in the middle of the channel, it was like a 4 extra large water balloons hitting the ground but not breaking...

T*ts are great ass-sets but ladies, the proverbial "show em if you got em", really only applies to the ones you see in the magazines.. haaaaa :cool:

05-03-2012, 01:21 PM
I was blackfishing next to an old salt. The kind of racist old guy that doesn't care who is listening.

He gets slammed and the fish takes him into the wreck.

He turns to me and the everyone next to him and says:

"you know that Martin Luther King Jr. was a black fisherman...."

lets out some line, waits for the fish to make a move, and swings for the sky and starts screaming

"I'm free at last, thank god almighty I'm free at last!!!!"

He won the pool.

05-03-2012, 01:26 PM
Bluefishing on a PB out of Belmar when a guy brings a 8+ pounder over the rail and trys to pick it up off the deck. Well it sqiurms out of his hands and latches on the the guy's next to him backside with a lockjaw death grip. The guy starts screaming " Get it off ! Get it off! " as he's trying to turn around to get a look at what's going on, the fish is swinging back and forth, and blood starts showing through his khakis. Has to put my fingers into the fishes eyes and pry its jaws open to get it to let go.

Blind Archer
05-03-2012, 02:07 PM
You Can't fool me!
This was on a AH party boat many years ago. A 20's something woman, fishing salt, for the first time, was amazed at the strange fish she caught.
Her first fish, a fluke , brown and white on the bottom both eyes on top. Wow! Her next fish was a stargazer, the mate explained that it can give off a small electric charge to stun its prey. Wow ! Her next fish ... a sea robin, orange , with horns and wings and barks like a dog. Wow ! At the end of the day the horn sounds and she hooks up, as the mate nets her fish, he says "it's a whistle fish". She says "No way... that's a Fluke"

05-03-2012, 03:27 PM
Went to Blemar early-set up my rods in the stren to go bluefishing.

Big guy is there and drinking beer-lots of beer.

Around 6:30-6:45 the guy falls into the water and some folks help him out.

We haven't even left the dock yet.

Knew it was going to be one of those kinda nights with NJ's finest.

On the way out I see the guy drinking more beer and doing shots of whiskey

When the boat starts to set the anchor, I go to use the head...locked. When it opens up it was that guy. Went in and he had been smoking pot in the head.

We set up and start to fish and the Guy begins puking and puking..chumming

A little later I see him passed out in the cabin where he stayed the whole night...didn't even fish. Man I bet he had a GREAT TRIP from start to finish!

Capt Joe
05-03-2012, 03:27 PM
what could be funnier i where is the guy standing that took the pic?:D

05-03-2012, 03:43 PM
In between spots, a little tiny guy was swiping ling from coolers. 99% of us were inside ,but a few of us started to watch him. Once he got to my buddies cooler, ( who was feeling good by this time), he went out to confront him. He came up behind him while he was looking in his cooler, and startled him I guess, because the dude jumped 2 feet, spun around and got into his kung-fu stance, about to whip my buddies ass. Guy was all of 5' while my friend was 6'2 +. Guy had a ling in his left hand ( from somebody's cooler) screaming " My ling! My ling! " while bouncing around, ready to fight!!

To this day, I swear my buddy would have got his butt kicked if he was not feeling pretty good and did not fall to deck laughing!!! Rest of the trip was interesting as we would toss our ling back into the water in his direction! Some times I wish he had followed through.......would have been a much better story!!! :D

Ol Pedro
05-03-2012, 04:38 PM
Back in 1973/74 I was fishing the Afternoon trip on the Seaforth . We set up inside NW La Jolla about 1/4 mile outside of the kelp . We had a pick of Calico Bass , Bonito , and big Greenback Mackerel going when some Yellowtail showed up in the slick . They would follow but not bite anything that we threw at them . I saw one pounce on a hooked Mackerel but it was too big to swallow . I quickly stripped a fresh Mack and flylined the strip out . I let it soak a while as the current was running straight back . While walking the strip back I got bit . I gave it a count of 3 and locked her up . Fish on ! A nerdy young deckhand we called Lightweight grabbed one of the strips that I cut , hooked it on his new custom Sabre set up , stood on middle pipe of the stern starboard corner rail and let the strip fly . I guess that he figured that he could see the fish better that way . Just as Capt. Larry started yelling at him to get down the kid got bit . He swung the rod , fell backwards , and let go of the rod in mid air as he did an ass plant on the deck . The rod hit the top of the rail and took off like the roadrunner in cartoons being towed by the Yellowtail towards the kelp . The deckhand on the tanks laughed so hard that he stepped in the starboard bait tank , soaked half of his body , and narded himself . With the reel locked up there was no chance of recovering it . Other than a bruised ass , family jewels ,and Ego's , the only thing that was terminal was the gaff in my Yellowtails head . It was one of the best times I had while fighting a fish .

05-03-2012, 05:12 PM
I was working on a party boat cutting bait on the back cutting board when a gentlemen wanted to use the bathroom.When i told him that the bathrooms are not to be used a dock he could use the bathroom at the tackle shop or the porto john, he decliened and said he could hold it.As we were leaving the slip he ran over to me grabbed my 5 gal bucket with my bunker backs in it droped his pants and let it fly in the middle of the stern in front of about 30 people.Im looking at him as his butt is stuck in a 5 gal bucket and told him to pick it up and i will unlock the bathroom.I told him i would be back with some tp when i got back he said he didn't need tp he poured the liquid bleach that was in the bathroom to clean himself.I could not belive it.Top that one

05-03-2012, 06:01 PM
I was working on a party boat cutting bait on the back cutting board when a gentlemen wanted to use the bathroom.When i told him that the bathrooms are not to be used a dock he could use the bathroom at the tackle shop or the porto john, he decliened and said he could hold it.As we were leaving the slip he ran over to me grabbed my 5 gal bucket with my bunker backs in it droped his pants and let it fly in the middle of the stern in front of about 30 people.Im looking at him as his butt is stuck in a 5 gal bucket and told him to pick it up and i will unlock the bathroom.I told him i would be back with some tp when i got back he said he didn't need tp he poured the liquid bleach that was in the bathroom to clean himself.I could not belive it.Top that one
That's a classic you can't make that sh#t up!!!

05-03-2012, 06:10 PM
Guess that guy wanted to go bluefishing in the Mud Hole! :D

05-03-2012, 06:50 PM
SOO many stories but a recent one was a couple years back when Capt Ron had a good group on the Fisherman for fluking. To keep the croud away I put a giant BOBBER on and the regular people kept moving. Looking up at Ron all I say was teeth.

05-03-2012, 06:55 PM
Sometime in the early 80's on the Helen H out of Brooklyn. Night blues, worst trip ever. NOTHING being caught. The six hot shot drunks who had the port corner stumbled into the cabin to eat leaving their dead sticks in the water (of course). I figure ok, at least some piece and quiet but not ten minutes later five of those reels go screaming into the night, spooled in seconds. Bunch of giants must have passed through. Those guys came back out and saw their empty reels with these bewildered looks on their faces. I LMAO, said "YES, there is a God!"

05-03-2012, 07:00 PM
I could fill this thread. My short form answers would be toaster porgies, an actual Chinese fire drill, guy fighting the anchor winch for 10 mins, a Mr. Hanky that would not topple over for 6 hrs in 10-12 ft waves and several episodes of bluefin tuna on a kmart rental rod with 60lb mono that inevitably result in a spooled reel being ripped off the reel seat and tearing off all the guides on the way to join the tuna.

05-03-2012, 08:34 PM
This isn't really funny, more stupid IMO. I remember years back, must have been 18 or 19 years old. I was with a buddy of mine on a 3/4 day Bluefish trip on the Ol Salty out of AH. We were getting ready to leave the dock when these 5 clowns showed up last minute and grabbed 5 rental rods.

One guy immediately starts stripping all the mono off the rental rod and into the water. The guy must have stripped 100 yards of mono off the reel before the captain saw what was going on. The captain screamed what hell are you doing, that's new line. The guy promptly replied, "I'd like to use my own line!".

Till this day I've never heard a captain curse a fare out worse than than that guy got it. Needless to say, that line got spooled back on the rental rod.

Figures though, that jackass ended up winning the pool that day.

05-03-2012, 08:44 PM
About 12 years ago out on a crowded night blues trip out of Bellmar on the Eagle, had a couple of dummies with listening problems (you know the type). Mates were screaming busy and repeatedly told these inexperienced fools not to swing fish in the boat as they were reaking havoc and of course indangering other patrons. As I previously stated they had listening problems, but that all was remedied when one of the clowns pulled over a still hungry yellow eyed demon who turned his buddies earlobe into a meal.

05-03-2012, 09:30 PM
This was classic, My buddy and i was on a party boat in belmar fluke fishing. We were on the starboard side of the boat. My buddy got tangled with someone on the port side. He brings his line up and there is a fluke on the other guys line. He had no idea he was tangled or had a fish on. My buddy decided to take the fish off the guys line and fillet it(when it was legal to do so,this was years ago) so then he attaches the skeleton to the guys hook and drops in water. The guy brings his line in and the look on the guys face (priceless) funniest thing i have ever seen on any boat by far. everyone was crackin up.

05-03-2012, 09:46 PM
Why striper fishing in the spring a passenger with no front teeth and being a good old southern boy entertains us all morning. He's not catching and blames it on everything using his drawl and vocabulary, we laugh all morning. Around noon he announces how he lost his teeth. Got damn dog ate them in the morning, I replied when the dog takes a dump will probably bite him in the ass. He replies the dog chewed the teeth into a nice powdery neat heap. This is when we all lost it.:)

05-03-2012, 09:55 PM
Fishing one of the half day boats out of Key Largo in March when the spring breakers are out in force. All day they were just letting their lines out, forgetting about them, and drinking beer. Mate ends up cutting them ALL off, and they never notice. After several hours they are all passed out except one guy, I pull in a remora and the mate slaps it onto one passed out dude's back and yells!! The dude jumps up, his girl is now screaming at the top of her lungs while this dude spins around in circles trying to see what's sucked onto his back. His buddy who knew what was going on has now pissed himself laughing as the rest of us are rolling on the deck, dying with laughter. Next trip out a flying fish smacks a girl on the side of the head, her studly boyfriend assumes the dude standing on the other side of her just cold cocked her, so he goes on the the attack!! We were all cracking up, while trying to break them up.

05-04-2012, 09:48 AM
I was recently on an AH party boat bass fishing. There was a guy that had been drinking out of a flask and by time we rounded the hook he was yelling at the captain "stop the f'n boat". This went on all day searching for life to throw jigs at. At one point he tripped over his cooler and knocked over a whole bunch of peoples stuff, and almost went over the rail.

Capt. Debbie
05-04-2012, 11:02 AM
When we were kids my old man took my brother and I out bottom fishing- Ling, Whiting & Cod. Forgot the boat out of the Atlantic Highlands.

Anyway my fishing expert younger brother pulls something up. We had not see one like this- much sleaker looking than the other "pudge" fish (ling ,cod).

Someone says a pollock. About 7-8 pounds. My brother George squeezing it with two hands after unhooked said I would NEVER catch a nice fish like this. It wiggled. He squeezed it even harder to hold it.

It popped free of his hands upwards. It hit the rail and was back in the Atlantic. He's yelling to get the gaff. I laughing and my dad is so pissed off.

Some guy next to me I never met before says : "serves him right. Now you can catch it."

FUNNY MOMENT. There were not many funny moments with my dad fishing (or crabbing).

He would turn crazy man on the water if anything went less than pefect.

05-04-2012, 12:35 PM
Well not a party boat but funny.

When I was a resident in general surgery in manhattan I and a friend of mine that is jewish. He was born in manhattan raised there and did not even know how to drive. One day after being on call for 90 hrs he overhears me ament philadElphiA crew talking about going fishing for tuna out of cape may nj.
He begs me to comme so I reluctantly agree. We get there and while everyone is chunking and jigging the whole time he is in the bunk We see the fish but they won't bite so everyone is sort of pissed. He wakes up after 10 hour nap comes up and grabs a rod. Gets a rod with a lucanus jigg. I teach him how it works to release the spool and count the feet. So he is watching us vertical jigging and does the same. First jigg on the drop he hooks up and turns to us scared and is yelling" the **** is wrong with my rod. You goyems gave me a bad one"

So he had no idea wha had happened untill he was almost spoled. That was the only fish of the day b

05-04-2012, 05:49 PM
My first time on a party boat (the miss moore out of shoals dock on staten island), I carry the pre-rigged rods onboard and lean them against the cabin (we were about half way down the starboard side). I come back from checking out the inside of the cabin and I'm wondering why my dad is hovering over this woman. I look at my brother who starts cursing me under his breath (didn't take much)....I finally realize that the poles slid down, and one of the rods hooked this lady in her wig. My dad was doing his best to get the hook out of her wig without laughing (or cursing at me), all the while the lady is holding on to her wig like a hurricane was going to blow it away.

05-04-2012, 09:47 PM
funniest thing I ever saw...voyager tilefish trip 2008 -- One intrepid angler decides instead of lead sinkers he is going to fish a breakaway-weight system employing a 10lb bag of dirt in a sack. he brought a couple of these on board. I was fishing just down the rail from the gentleman as we make the first drop in 900' and im watching this whole thing unfold with absolute joy/dismay/curiosity just knowing this CANNOT work but i've never been a hater on the party boat and just went about my own business. sure enough as soon as his bag-o-soil hits bottom it becomes apparent there is too much stretch in the guys system to break the (not light enough) mono he had connecting the dirt sack to his high low rig. As the rod doubles over (it was a Trevala!!!) my man starts hauling back on this thing like he is Mike Iaconelli doing a hollywood hookset on a largemouth bass. over and over he is swinging and I can hardly keep from falling overboard im trying so hard not to laugh. faced with line peeling off the reel the only option is to lock down on the drag and start reeling the bag of dirt 900' back to the boat hoping it would break in the current which it did not do until the mates gaffed it for him a half hour later. I am pretty sure the guy was a good sport about it afterwards and caught a tile when the boat loaned him an 32oz lead.

05-05-2012, 09:42 AM
Night bluefish trip, 2 guys next to me getting completely drunk on whiskey can barely sit up straight. They are basically deadsticking when when rod has a run. Guy, sitting down because he can not stand, swings his catch. He is all excited I gotta shark I gotta shark and removes the hook and immediately jams the "shark" down his pants right into his junk. Well the "shark' was a Dogfish and well good thing he was heavily numb from booze. 10 minutes later he was out cold.

05-05-2012, 10:41 AM
Had a customer fishing in the bow a couple years ago who would swing for the stars trying to set the hook on a ling......told him he was going to rip the fishes head off doing that and to take it easy...this went on all morning.

Waited till he went to the head and left his rod in the rod holder, still in the water. Had Eddie the deckhand at the time bring up a ling head which we quickly attached and dropped back down......The "I told you so" laughter and look on his face when he brought up the head was priceless and truly memorable!:)

07-08-2012, 06:03 PM

07-08-2012, 08:19 PM
I was on a AH Party boat striper trip a few years ago. As we were getting ready to leave the dock, a young couple jumped on at the last second. The guy was obviously out of it and was quickly asleep in the cabin. The young lady worked her way around the boat chatting up every one. She made it clear that she was a exotic dancer and had just met the guy she was with a few hours ago. She worked the boat throughout the day, pole dancing in the cabin, stripping in the stern, stripping in the bow, and she was tipped well.
It was a real stripper trip and I caught some stripers too.

07-08-2012, 09:00 PM
Customer, "...how far down does the anchor go?...."

Deckhand, "...all the way to the bottom..."

Captain Jim ROFLAO

07-08-2012, 09:17 PM
A guy is throwing a cast net for snappers in AH harbor before getting on a fluke boat. Gives it a good toss and it gets caught on his dentures removing the entire set and putting them in the water. Just about 3 weeks ago an editor from the Fisherman magazine gets on a party boat in AH and says; " Is it all right if I get in the pool? I'm pretty good." Gets two 18 inchers and goes home thinking he's great.

Capt. Debbie
07-09-2012, 11:49 AM
yea- salad and beer!

My friend eating a salad on a boat when he decided the day before to go on a diet. Can't say I've ever seen anyone eating a salad on a boat ever.

http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/384561_312369262117186_100000323453308_1051391_148 6930084_n.jpg

07-12-2012, 12:33 AM
Probably a chinese fellow on a ns party boat out of PP for an all day bottom trip talking about these new killer rods he makes and shelled out $400 a piece for them and brought 2 on board and wants everyone to try them. First drop on a wreck, guy thinks he gets hooked up, swings for the stars and SNAP, hooked the wreck instead...ok one pole down...couple hours go by while using his second rod, swings for the stars again...SNAP.He ended up winning the pool on a rental rod.

Capt. Lou
07-12-2012, 08:54 AM
Back in the late sixties I used to PB fish for tuna every fall. Those days the MH, 17 etc supported a solid tuna run. Many times you could hook up to a schoolie to a Gt on the same trip. Tuna were mixed size so you fish a 6/0 or bigger outfit .
One Oct. Day on the Highlander I struck up a conversation with a retired naval admiral. He deported a 12/0 Penn & 130# class rod. Thought how is he ever gonna fish stand up with this chair outfit.
Well on the way out he decided to re spool his mono by letting it out behind the boat.
To my surprise & everyone elses I think , the tension on the dragged Mono crushed that 12/0 spool like is was run over by an 18 wheeler !
A real eye opener for us all that day, funny but taught me a lesson , backed di
Spliced all my reels with Dacron after this deal!

Kenny V
07-12-2012, 11:02 AM
Didn’t read this thread but I have a few yuc yucs . Every year you see someone do something goofy. .For the life of me I still don’t get why people would bring a disposable cooler on a party boat . (Or even buy one for that matter). I have seen folks try to put fish in them only to explode apart on the first fish.

Better yet I saw some guy try to sit on one in the cabin on the ride back in. :eek: Not to mention how many times I saw one get steeped on and rip apart as the boat rocks.......lol.. Gota love it...Now Every time I see one of those coolers I cant help not to laugh cuz I can see it coming already.

Ohh Not sure if this was mentioned but then you have these guys come aboard with 20 foot surf rods. When you see this u already know there will be trouble.

Funny but not funny. On a beautiful calm day ..no more than 15 seconds out of the inlet you have folks ralphing over the rail.

07-12-2012, 12:03 PM
Great thread ..! :D Some fantastic stories.. always some kinda entertainment out there.. One of my favs happened back in the early 80's.. My late fishing bud Tony and I where had come down for a night Bluefish trip on the Queen Mary (i think), out of PP.. Kinda crowded, but the bite was good, and there was lots of life in the slick.. including big schools of squid coming into the lights.. Tony gets it in his head he wants to catch some squid to fry, so he pulls an ancient squid jig out of his box (one of those plastic bodies with a bunch of pin-hooks sticking out), a proceeds to run around the boat trying to catch up with the schools darting in and out, yelling "Calamari, Calamari!" . Now Tony was a big, jollly, loveable guy.. big white beard like Santa, and always laughing and joking with the other fares.. hard not to like the guy.. But after several minutes of running around and squeezing onto the rail to get shots at these squid, occasionally tangling the chunk drifters, and generally causing a ruckus, I could see some guys where getting a bit miffed..but no one said anything to him.. but everyone is watching him closely.. Finally, he hooks a squid... As he is swinging it over the rail, its about a foot over his head, and lets fly a big jet of ink... that hits him in the chin, fills his white beard, and covers the front of his shirt.. :eek: Much to the delight of the crowd, who threw up a deafening cheer and applauded him vigorously! He gave a little bow, and sheepishly cut off his jig and went back to Bluefishing for the night . :D

07-12-2012, 12:23 PM
On one of the boats out of Belmar not too long ago for a sea bass/fluke trip while a lovely ground swell was pounding us as random gusts to 25+ would howl in. One of the fares that spent a better part of the day in the cabin (mal de mer but he just didn't want to throw up) finally makes his way out by me and a friend while we were enjoying getting tossed around sitting at the bow.

The look on his face warns me, and I move just as he heaves into an oncoming gust, that promptly catches his stream and splashes it right back on him which makes him heave again with the same results.

We couldn't contain ourselves...felt bad but laughed pretty hard at the poor guys expense....especially after his buddy came over with a bucket of water and dumped it on him to clean him off/continue the laughter.

02-26-2013, 05:44 PM
Any others ?
.........dam is spring ever going to get here?

02-26-2013, 06:06 PM
yeah ... pretty F*%&$ funny if you ask me

02-26-2013, 07:27 PM
Didn’t read this thread but I have a few yuc yucs . Every year you see someone do something goofy. .For the life of me I still don’t get why people would bring a disposable cooler on a party boat . (Or even buy one for that matter). I have seen folks try to put fish in them only to explode apart on the first fish.

Better yet I saw some guy try to sit on one in the cabin on the ride back in. :eek: Not to mention how many times I saw one get steeped on and rip apart as the boat rocks.......lol.. Gota love it...Now Every time I see one of those coolers I cant help not to laugh cuz I can see it coming already.

Ohh Not sure if this was mentioned but then you have these guys come aboard with 20 foot surf rods. When you see this u already know there will be trouble.

Funny but not funny. On a beautiful calm day ..no more than 15 seconds out of the inlet you have folks ralphing over the rail.

I call those styrofoam jobs "self destructing coolers". They never make it through the day.

02-26-2013, 10:44 PM
I was on a AH Party boat striper trip a few years ago. As we were getting ready to leave the dock, a young couple jumped on at the last second. The guy was obviously out of it and was quickly asleep in the cabin. The young lady worked her way around the boat chatting up every one. She made it clear that she was a exotic dancer and had just met the guy she was with a few hours ago. She worked the boat throughout the day, pole dancing in the cabin, stripping in the stern, stripping in the bow, and she was tipped well.
It was a real stripper trip and I caught some stripers too.
I remember that trip to the T that was the best day of working deck i have ever had only thing is on the way in nobody felt kind enough to let the capt. And crew know about the show she was putting on in the bow! They did however feel obligated to inform us after the fact and make us say wtf y didnt u tell us! Lol that was a great day tho.and that day is when then phrase stripers and strippers was coined now if only there was a boat that actually did those kinda trips i cud see them railed everyday.

Team Off The Hook
02-27-2013, 01:14 AM
Few years ago night bluefish trip out of Belmar, get to the boat and 1 dude had way to much to drink.... as were heading out guy sticks his finger in his A*s and starts walking the boat asking ppl to smell his finger.... 2 hours later and still drinking guy does some chumming of his own and then catches the pool fish.

02-27-2013, 07:00 AM
I used to work the night blues/striper trips on the Night Hawk out of belmar. A russian guy who was a total sleezeball came on the boat wearing flipflops. He kicked a blue fish and it bit off the tip of his big toe. It was disqusting and hilarious.

The Bill TM
02-27-2013, 11:57 AM
The funniest thing I ever saw on a PB has to probably be when I was out bluefishing from PP and this drunk young fireman was selling his fresh made bucktails... They were actual buck tails from when he was hunting deer with a hook tied to them.

The funniest thing that I ever did on a party boat was when I was fluke fishing out of Perth Amboy and the water was covered with jellyfish, so everything that comes out of the water is covered in slime. My hands are covered in jellyfish goo and I get a bite, I set the hook and the rod slips out of my hands and into the water. It was a St. Croix light rod with a Daiwa Luna reel and it was floating on the top of the water, needless to say I was pissed I just did that. Luckily the captain was fishing right next to me and calmly lets out some extra line, wraps the excess line around my rod and somehow pulls it up. I thank him up and down, then realize the fish is still on my line, the whole boat watches to see what kind of monster could rip the rod right out of my hands.... Then the worlds smallest sea robin comes over the rail. The entire boat was rolling around on the deck laughing at me.

03-01-2013, 01:02 PM
Great thread ..! :D Some fantastic stories.. always some kinda entertainment out there.. One of my favs happened back in the early 80's.. My late fishing bud Tony and I where had come down for a night Bluefish trip on the Queen Mary (i think), out of PP.. Kinda crowded, but the bite was good, and there was lots of life in the slick.. including big schools of squid coming into the lights.. Tony gets it in his head he wants to catch some squid to fry, so he pulls an ancient squid jig out of his box (one of those plastic bodies with a bunch of pin-hooks sticking out), a proceeds to run around the boat trying to catch up with the schools darting in and out, yelling "Calamari, Calamari!" . Now Tony was a big, jollly, loveable guy.. big white beard like Santa, and always laughing and joking with the other fares.. hard not to like the guy.. But after several minutes of running around and squeezing onto the rail to get shots at these squid, occasionally tangling the chunk drifters, and generally causing a ruckus, I could see some guys where getting a bit miffed..but no one said anything to him.. but everyone is watching him closely.. Finally, he hooks a squid... As he is swinging it over the rail, its about a foot over his head, and lets fly a big jet of ink... that hits him in the chin, fills his white beard, and covers the front of his shirt.. :eek: Much to the delight of the crowd, who threw up a deafening cheer and applauded him vigorously! He gave a little bow, and sheepishly cut off his jig and went back to Bluefishing for the night . :D

Now that is funny!

03-05-2013, 01:25 PM
i was working the deck on a head boat with a charter of 40 guys. we were on a drift fluke fishing when a guy at midship dropped a rental rod overboard. he reluctantly went up to the wheel house and paid the captain the $85 for the lost combo. I gave him another rental pole and he was back fishing for the next drift. Wouldn't you know it that same guy snagged his line off the bottom on the next drift and got the rod back! Captain came down and gave him his money back, it still amazes me when we laugh about that trip. 40 lines in the water and this guy in the middle catches the rod... customers never cease to amaze me