View Full Version : Favorite lake :
03-04-2013, 03:06 PM
Passing the time in March. Let's see, we covered top 5 lures and favorite river, so why not favorite lake.
For me it's Merrill Creek.
03-04-2013, 03:20 PM
Although I have more than 1 favorite, ill say Swartswood is my number 1! Awesome lake!!!
03-04-2013, 03:23 PM
Definitely Glendola reservoir
03-04-2013, 03:24 PM
all around favorite is LH for me only because theres is every game fish in it, and I love the eyes and stripes. Funny I didnt like it years ago til I started learning the lake.
03-04-2013, 03:28 PM
Tough call here... Merrill? RVR? Clark Reservoir?
I'm gonna have to go with Clark only b/c I fish it the most and she's always giving!
03-04-2013, 03:46 PM
Gotta go with LH- whether fished from kayak or shoreline you are bound to hook something. I definitely plan to explore more parts of it before the summer lunatics make it too dangerous in a kayak.
03-04-2013, 04:41 PM
Any lake that is electric motors only, I like peace and quiet.
Mark B.
03-04-2013, 05:04 PM
Peace and quiet for me too,…….wading RVR’s eastern shore fall / winter. Yesterday, caught a 20” brown (skinny, but not painfully, so), there.
End of Nov. 2011 caught & released my biggest LMB, ever @ 24". Quite the surprise, came completely out of the water to pounce on the Yo Zuri right in front of me!
03-04-2013, 05:49 PM
whatever lake wilson's avatar likes
03-04-2013, 06:55 PM
Round Valley when its not crowded. Fishing summer mornings when the lake is completely still is my favorite time to go.
03-04-2013, 08:52 PM
Lake Hopatcong and Round Valley are my two favorites!!!!!!!! When the conditions are right both lakes are awesome.............
Lard Almighty
03-04-2013, 08:58 PM
My favorite lake is, and always will be, Alden Lake in PA. Way back in 1985, I caught my first fish from there. Some of my best fishing memories took place on that lake.
I haven't been there in years. I miss it. :(
03-04-2013, 09:41 PM
Lake Gaston in North Carolina. I haven't been there in 14 years. Loads of awesome memories from a time when life was good.
03-04-2013, 09:53 PM
For me, the shallow ponds, not really lakes, are my favorites. Assumpink is a go to pond for numbers, quantity over quality, but quality exists...pick your day and lure
LOVE to fish Farrington...the pads there offer so many possibilities from pan fish to pike...caught them all there...twitching the pads with a jerk bait in early spring or late fall is a certain strike. PB LMB in NJ from Farrington @ 8 LBS on my scales in the boat and released!
OK, I have said it and stick by it, Spruce Run...When this pond(lake) is way down in late summer/early fall the fishing for me has been awesome. Have topped the scales here @ 6.5 lbs for a LMB and 3.9 lbs for a SMB. Not the PB, but very close and keeps me coming back
Lastly, need to fish MC, RV, and a host of others to make my absolute decision; however, based on my limited experience: FARRINGTON IT IS!
03-04-2013, 10:04 PM
Lake Gaston in North Carolina. I haven't been there in 14 years. Loads of awesome memories from a time when life was good.
I only posted my favorite ponds in NJ...IN NC...Lake Jordon hands down! caught more 10+ lb bass there than anywhere else... Second is Clarkshill Lake on the Ga/SC border...super awesome and full of HUGE LMB, Crappie,CATFISH, HYBRIDS, and Third is Lake Folk outside of Dallas TX...where a lunker in NJ is considered a "small" fish...just saying... been there and done that 4X
03-04-2013, 10:33 PM
I'll have to say Spruce Run. Have been going there sense I was a kid, even before the reservoir was built. We would go swimming in the Mahocaway, there was a swimming hole with a rope swing not far from the old stone tower. Oh yea, really like those Hybrids to.
03-05-2013, 12:07 AM
Any lake that I am at fishing is my favorite!!!
03-05-2013, 07:59 AM
Peace and quiet for me too,…….wading RVR’s eastern shore fall / winter. Yesterday, caught a 20” brown (skinny, but not painfully, so), there.
End of Nov. 2011 caught & released my biggest LMB, ever @ 24". Quite the surprise, came completely out of the water to pounce on the Yo Zuri right in front of me!
24"? that must have been what, 8lbs Mark? I definitely think both the LMB and SMB state records will fall soon.
Mark B.
03-05-2013, 09:40 AM
24"? that must have been what, 8lbs Mark? I definitely think both the LMB and SMB state records will fall soon.
No, many of the predator fish, there, it was thin. I would guess it was maybe 6 lbs.
03-05-2013, 10:49 AM
Lake Wickham Warwick Ny
03-05-2013, 11:46 AM
I would say Shehawken lake in PA would be my favorite lake right now..
Skunk City
03-05-2013, 12:16 PM
Daytime fishing: Pompton Lake. Great bass and Crappie. Perfect size for kayak fishing.
Nighttime fishing: Tie between Monksville Reservoir and Lake Hopatcong. Hopatcong has probably been more productive for me with some nice Hybrids, but something about the seclusion of Monksville at night draws me back every summer. Early June topwater Smallies in the pitch black is a trip :) .
03-05-2013, 12:32 PM
Either Spruce or RVR in the summertime months at night.
Other than that, Candlewood lake in Conn or Lake Champlain.
I'm going to have to mull this one over and maybe edit my post with an entry later seeing there's 2 lakes I fish extensively at the same place. :p
Ol Pedro
03-05-2013, 02:34 PM
Both lakes that I'm going to mention have had or are having water problems . San Vicente res. in San Diego County is the best all around Bass lake that I have ever fished . It's a deep rocky lake with most of the lake accessable by boat only . Plastic Worm Paradise . A 5 lb. Bass isn't even noticed . You have to have something over 8 to raise an eyebrow . They took down the water level to make the dam taller . There are also Monster Crappie and Trout . Threadfin Shad live in the lake and everything eats them . The trout hold over due to the lake depth of over 100' . The Bass gourge on the stocked Trout and there have been fish over 18 lbs caught . My second choice is Prospertown Lake . Even though it has been desimated by the drawdown it will come back in two or three years . It has been my go to Crappie lake for 17 years .
The Birdman
03-05-2013, 08:29 PM
Pines Lake in Wayne. private, but if you know someone who lives on it, your set. Catch and release only so all the fish are FAT. Also like wawayanda too, but not as much as Pines.
03-05-2013, 08:37 PM
I'm willing to bet most people aren't posting there actual "favorite" lake because I know I'm not for sure and that nothing against anybody on here. Unfortunately this lake is too small and if were to get any more pressure than it already has it would probably turn into what ever other lake in Bergen County already is (essentially dead). As far as bigger water is concerned outside of private lakes and what not I'd have to go with Lake Hopatcong. The place just holds such a great variety of fish with some monsters lurking in there.
03-06-2013, 10:09 AM
I'm willing to bet most people aren't posting there actual "favorite" lake because I know I'm not for sure and that nothing against anybody on here. Unfortunately this lake is too small and if were to get any more pressure than it already has it would probably turn into what ever other lake in Bergen County already is (essentially dead).
We all have lakes or spots like that. :cool:
Ol Pedro
03-06-2013, 12:53 PM
[QUOTE=basspilot]I'm willing to bet most people aren't posting there actual "favorite" I do ! I'll even tell you where to go and catch um up ! Prospertown isn't for everybody as it doesn't allow motors of any kind . It also gets choked with weeds as the season progresses .
03-06-2013, 01:00 PM
Loved Lake George as a kid. There was a cove on the south side of Anthony's Nose on the north end where my pops and I would catch bass, perch, pickerel and pike all day and never failed. In NJ since I'm boatless and stuck on the shore the Washington Valley Reservoir as well as Round Valley around the rock wall.
03-06-2013, 08:34 PM
Here we go Again...........................................
03-06-2013, 09:01 PM
I'll go spruce run in nj.......wallenpaupack and nockamixon in pa. The PA lakes hold giant stripers and giant hybrids.
I definately wanna get to LH at some point early spring.....anyone gonna give me some GPS coordinates for those hybrids up there? Lol
Duck or Bleed
03-08-2013, 11:11 AM
Pines Lake in Wayne. private, but if you know someone who lives on it, your set. Catch and release only so all the fish are FAT. Also like wawayanda too, but not as much as Pines. I live on Pines Lake anytime you want to fish it with me PM me :D FISH ON!!!:cool:
Bergen Angler
03-08-2013, 11:52 AM
Oradell Reservoir - only because I live less than 1/2 mile from there. :)
Skunk City
03-08-2013, 12:00 PM
Oradell Reservoir - only because I live less than 1/2 mile from there. :)
Hybrid Stripers? :confused:
03-08-2013, 01:02 PM
Anybody here ever hit manasquan for hybrids?
03-08-2013, 01:26 PM
Hybrid Stripers? :confused:
I was talking to a guy last summer that showed me pics of a hybrid he caught a few months before. They're in there still but few and far between by my estimation. I love that res too. Fished it a lot during the summer and almost everyday from sept-November.
03-08-2013, 01:44 PM
Its not a lake, but the upper chesapeake bay is an incredible bass fishery.5 fish limits of 20-25lbs. are common.
Bergen Angler
03-08-2013, 02:24 PM
Fished from April till November at Oradell 5 times a week. I haven't seen anyone catching Hybrid. I thought they all died out?
Bergen Angler
03-08-2013, 02:25 PM
I was talking to a guy last summer that showed me pics of a hybrid he caught a few months before. They're in there still but few and far between by my estimation. I love that res too. Fished it a lot during the summer and almost everyday from sept-November.
it's a Myth, Legend and Folklore.. :) I would be happy to catch Hybrid at Oradell this year, if they come near the shore.
03-08-2013, 08:51 PM
Shadow lake is my favorite.. Just don't get stuck in the mud getting to the fish.
03-09-2013, 01:51 PM
The 7.4lb bass I caught at Manasquan Res makes that my favorite place. Shore fishing it used to be Swimming River Res but now i prefer not getting kicked out or arrested for tresspassing.
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