View Full Version : Best reel seat for Avet SX?

02-27-2013, 07:54 AM
I've been reading a lot about how poorly the Avet's fit into the standard Fuji reel seats, and tried a "Project X CRB" seat....and it sucks too. I'm not looking to add a reel clamp, and hesitant to machine the existing one down. Dont want to remove the anodized finish. I also realize I can order one from Avet (for $15 and shipping which I think is crap.) Why not put them on the reel to begin with. Who's pitching jigs to Tuna with an SX?!?

Anyhow....have any of the rod builders here found a standard reel seat with large enough hoods to lock down this reel? Something that's light for inshore fishing? Time dependent (new kid) I'm planning on wrapping a Lami MB 693 honey blank and cutting it for an all purpose rod. 1 1/2" off the tip and 4" off the back.

Thanks in advance.


Fin Reaper
02-27-2013, 10:46 AM
Avet offers a "trigger seat" foot (or Fuji Foot). I put one on a SX and one on a MX and they stay in my Fuji reel seats without the clamp. I think they run about $20.00 and are available in different finishes

02-27-2013, 10:56 AM
I've been reading a lot about how poorly the Avet's fit into the standard Fuji reel seats, and tried a "Project X CRB" seat....and it sucks too. I'm not looking to add a reel clamp, and hesitant to machine the existing one down. Dont want to remove the anodized finish. I also realize I can order one from Avet (for $15 and shipping which I think is crap.) Why not put them on the reel to begin with. Who's pitching jigs to Tuna with an SX?!?

Anyhow....have any of the rod builders here found a standard reel seat with large enough hoods to lock down this reel? Something that's light for inshore fishing? Time dependent (new kid) I'm planning on wrapping a Lami MB 693 honey blank and cutting it for an all purpose rod. 1 1/2" off the tip and 4" off the back.

Thanks in advance.


The TDPSSD, TDPSM 20 and 22mm's will fit for trigger reel seats, and the DPSH will fit them as well for a non trigger reel seat.

Fuji PSS, NPS will not fit the Avet reel foot.

Model Inside Diameter Outside Diameter Length
TDPSSD20 0.787" (20.0 mm) 1.102" (28.0 mm) 5.079" (129 mm)
TDPSSD22 0.866" (22.0 mm) 1.217" (30.9 mm) 5.079" (129 mm)

The TDPSM is the standard version of Fuji’s Deluxe TDPSSD, offering the good looks of this reel seat model at an economical price.

Model Inside Diameter Outside Diameter Length
TDPSM20 0.787" (20.0 mm) 1.102" (28.0 mm) 5.079" (129 mm)
TDPSM22 0.866" (22.0 mm) 1.217" (30.9 mm) 5.079" (129 mm


02-27-2013, 11:18 AM
Funny you post this cause i'm having the same issue with my Lamiglas rod. I think my new Avet has the new reel seat already and it still doesn't fit. The bottom foot is kinda pointed and the top is kinda squared off?

02-27-2013, 11:46 AM
Same here, I have St. Croix and Lamiglas, the Avet's dont fit right, if you put the clamp you should be fine but carry a screwdriver. The screws after a while loosen. They fit well in my Kevin Bogan rods on the aluminum reel seats.

02-28-2013, 01:45 PM
My Avets fit perfectly in my Kevin Bogan Rods also Jay :)

02-28-2013, 05:31 PM
My Avets fit perfectly in my Kevin Bogan Rods also Jay :)

True that.

02-28-2013, 09:08 PM
Thanks for the input fellas. As luck would have it I just pulled an order for some aluminum parts and talked the customer into anodizing them purple. :-) Going to machine down the foot to standard size, vapor blast the remaining color off and re anodize it with my customers parts. Shame Avet hasn't figured out the inshore capabilities of their SX single speed reels, and people's objections to putting them into beefed up seats. Yes it works...but an Accurate 197 has 50# of drag, yet slides into ALL reel seats. Just my $.02.

If I go heavier, those Fuji H series seats look nice Leif. Thanks!

02-28-2013, 10:17 PM
My avet is also snug as a bug in a rug in all my poison seats, I love it... Stop thinking and go to Bogans, no thought needed...