View Full Version : plain jig heads

The Sinker Man
02-25-2013, 08:16 PM
Plain and unfinished ultra minnow and banana type ..
e-mail traps1@optonline.net

02-27-2013, 11:08 AM
Sam has the best unfinished jigs! I also got some ball head jigs that are awesome with great hooks.
Can't beat Sam's unfinished jigs.

03-03-2013, 12:28 AM
Hey sam.. Whats the price? Ultra minnow.. Joe and I will be ordering some soon for this season..

03-03-2013, 04:16 PM
Hey sam.. Whats the price? Ultra minnow.. Joe and I will be ordering some soon for this season..

Ordered some ultra minnows in 4,5 and 6,s as well as some flat sinkers. Sam has the right formula for running a successful business. Give people above and beyond what they expect and they will continue to come back. Tried to give him more money then what he asked for order, as he always seems to charge you less than what he should. That was i mistake as he would not even consider it. Plain and Simple SAM is the Best.
Put your orders in now as May is just arounf d the corner.

03-03-2013, 08:32 PM
I have ordered from Sam and my uncle recently bought some lead heads as well. Sam offers a great product at a great price...try him out if u haven't already!