View Full Version : Looking for a new Surf Casting rod/reel...any thoughts

Mr Maj
02-19-2013, 02:16 PM
A friend of mine is looking for a surf rod and reel--mostly for stripers/blues on the beach. Since I mostly fish from boats I dont know enough to be dangerous on this so any recommendations would be really appreciated...he isn't looking to break the bank but something that will hold up well (assuming it is taken care of) would be great.

Let me know.


02-19-2013, 02:31 PM
A friend of mine is looking for a surf rod and reel--mostly for stripers/blues on the beach. Since I mostly fish from boats I dont know enough to be dangerous on this so any recommendations would be really appreciated...he isn't looking to break the bank but something that will hold up well (assuming it is taken care of) would be great.

Let me know.



Get the 9 ft Penn Torque Surf Rod and the Penn SSV 6500 reel


02-19-2013, 03:20 PM
Three things you need to find out before purchasing

Will this set up be for plugging / throwing lures


Mostly bait fishing


Finding an outfit that you can get good balance of both... Slinging plugs and being able to fish bait on relatively calmer type days.

Once that has been established a more educated guess can be determined as to a rod / reel set up..

Daiwa has a series of Rods / Penn(Like Leif mentioned) - that are affordable and can meet his needs.

He can also purchase a Penn 4 /5 or 6 Series modestly priced...

Good luck / Tight lines

02-20-2013, 10:41 AM
Three things you need to find out before purchasing

Will this set up be for plugging / throwing lures


Mostly bait fishing


Finding an outfit that you can get good balance of both... Slinging plugs and being able to fish bait on relatively calmer type days.

Once that has been established a more educated guess can be determined as to a rod / reel set up..

Daiwa has a series of Rods / Penn(Like Leif mentioned) - that are affordable and can meet his needs.

He can also purchase a Penn 4 /5 or 6 Series modestly priced...

Good luck / Tight lines

Agree with this. We would need to know a little more about his intentions before we can offer more advice. Bait will require heavier rods, while most plugs will need a lighter rod, ( some can be heavy, but most are not). Is he looking for a mix of both??

Mr Maj
02-20-2013, 12:21 PM
Good point.

This would mostly be someone casting bait (could to a little jigging/popping but mostly bait).


02-20-2013, 06:06 PM
Tica rods give you a pretty good bang for your buck.

02-20-2013, 09:25 PM
I have a saltiga daiwa surf. The surf model is super light - the alloy is light like plastic.

I've been abusing one for 4 years and its really held up nice.

I have it on a st croix 11 ft - the cheap one

and love it