View Full Version : Ultra Minnow Mold
Tom Ciuba
02-15-2013, 01:53 PM
I need some help with this. I just got the mold to make 5 / 6 & 8 Ounce jigs.
The hook that is recomended appears to be too large. Has anyone had any experience with this useing smaller hooks, I plan to use them fluke fishing.
Any size and manufacture name & model number would be very much appreciated. I have been told that without making modifications to the mold other than the recommended hook, others won't work, so I am asking the experts for help !!!!!
Tom Ciuba
02-15-2013, 04:02 PM
Your issue is doubtless the most common problem people have when using the UM molds - people want to use 5/0s and they are forced to use 8/0s and 9/0s.
The answer is that you can utilize smaller jig hooks, though you will need to slightly modify the hook-eye area of your mold with a Dremel, which really is no big deal.
What I've also done is to get an extra set of molds and modify them to use a swing hook design. This is done by modifying the tail end of the molds to accept large brass eyes, to which hooks are affixed via snap rings. This design is great because it enables you to use your favorite hook size of choice on jigs of every size.
Macs B&T on Rt 35 North in Belmar stocks the jighooks in all different sizes, as well as all other components needed to make your bucktails. Prices are great as well. Good Luck!
Tom Ciuba
02-15-2013, 04:59 PM
Dear Mr. Daly, Thanks so much for the insight. Now I have to be a pain. Would you have any photos or details on how to do this. I have a dremel but I also have 2 left hands & dont want to ruin the mold. Any additional info would be greatly appreciated. Do you think Mac's bait can help me with this issue as I am a customer there, its not far from my home.
Tom Ciuba
The Sinker Man
02-15-2013, 05:57 PM
You have to carefully trim down the center pin of the mold where the eye fits till it is the size of the eye of the hook you are going to use.
02-16-2013, 09:03 AM
If you are using 5-8 oz jigs for fluke it doesn't matter what size the hook is. All it does is snag skates and an occassional fluke that's going after the high hook. 99% of mouth hooked fluke will be on the trailer hook. All last year I caught one fluke on the jig hook and that was a 4 oz.
02-16-2013, 05:34 PM
If you are using 5-8 oz jigs for fluke it doesn't matter what size the hook is. All it does is snag skates and an occassional fluke that's going after the high hook. 99% of mouth hooked fluke will be on the trailer hook. All last year I caught one fluke on the jig hook and that was a 4 oz.
If all you're doing is snagging skates you're doing it wrong, and YES hooks matter.
Dear Mr. Daly, Thanks so much for the insight. Now I have to be a pain. Would you have any photos or details on how to do this. I have a dremel but I also have 2 left hands & dont want to ruin the mold. Any additional info would be greatly appreciated. Do you think Mac's bait can help me with this issue as I am a customer there, its not far from my home.
Tom Ciuba
You might want to reach out to Sam the Sinker Man. Trying to dremel out mold if you do not do it right can be a costly mistake. For a little more than cost of doing yourself you can order heads with the hooks you want at a great price without scewing up molds.
02-18-2013, 09:05 AM
you can drill out he eye section and that would require you to trim /clean more lead off after the pour--and many don't also realize that the brass sinker eyes Size 2 will fit and you can adjust hook size using plain O'Shaunessey hook your choice of size.
The Sinker Man
02-18-2013, 09:23 AM
Yes you can drill out the eye section to fit the #2 brass eye but there will be alot more trimming of lead off of the eye, but there is a way to eliminate that. I'll let the experts explain that.......Also remember that no matter how you alter the mold there really is no way to go back to the original way it was...But then again I'm wrong about that also.
02-18-2013, 10:00 AM
Yes you can drill out the eye section to fit the #2 brass eye but there will be alot more trimming of lead off of the eye, but there is a way to eliminate that. I'll let the experts explain that.......Also remember that no matter how you alter the mold there really is no way to go back to the original way it was...But then again I'm wrong about that also.
I tried the brass eye. The problem with brass is solder(lead) sticks to it like copper and it's a pain to clean off. Need a steel alternative.
The Sinker Man
02-18-2013, 10:27 AM
Not really....Think about it Bruce, you seem to know about solder and copper and lead.:D
02-18-2013, 10:41 AM
You forced me down to my basement laboratory. 8/0 jig mold. 9/0 jig hook. Cut hook down as shown with an electric grinder (the easiest way). Use fine steel wire to connect it to whatever hook size you want (2/0 in photo). No need to modify mold although the one in photo is modified. I will stand by my original statement. Hooks in a jig this size are best at snagging skates.
The Sinker Man
02-18-2013, 11:35 AM
You are probably right about the skates and you explained this method awhile ago in one of your posts..This way you are wasteing one good hook just to get the eye verus a brass eye. But as you and Palmer stated , the lead will stick to the brass eye and/or there will be alot of trimming..There is a way to elimanate most if not all of that problem...Brass eyes are a lot cheaper then hooks..Sooooo, back to the lab........:)
02-18-2013, 11:45 AM
Sam I have used stainless #2 eyelets and the lead comes off much better it doesn't stick as bad ! But what do I know ;) I sold all my doit molds !!!!
02-18-2013, 12:16 PM
Sam I have used stainless #2 eyelets and the lead comes off much better it doesn't stick as bad ! But what do I know ;) I sold all my doit molds !!!!
Collins Customs?
02-18-2013, 03:17 PM
You're not really wasting the hook because you are using it to hold the other hook in place. You can buy the 8/0 and 9/0 cheap steel hooks in bulk for 15-20 cents each. Eyes are cheaper but one thing that concerns me is they have a very small footing in the soft lead. I can see th eye being pulled out by a big fish.
02-18-2013, 03:18 PM
The lead does seem to stick to the brass on the #2 eyes but I only have that problem with the 2 ounce cavity. I have no issues with the 3 and 4 cavities, go figure. It not a big deal to me to trim up the excess lead but for somebody with time constraints (trying to make money) I can see the drawback. I should note that one half of my mold has they eye pins ground away completely so I can use the 32786BLN's if I want to, maybe that's why? Not sure. In any event happy pouring to those of you that do, and to the others just get the heads from Sam or any other sponsor already poured.
02-18-2013, 03:21 PM
You're not really wasting the hook because you are using it to hold the other hook in place. You can buy the 8/0 and 9/0 cheap steel hooks in bulk for 15-20 cents each. Eyes are cheaper but one thing that concerns me is they have a very small footing in the soft lead. I can see th eye being pulled out by a big fish.
This isn't very likely in my opinion. I have been snagged while fishing 50# braid and 40# leader with jigs poured this way and the only thing that broke was the line in all cases. I was leery at first as well, but after using jigs poured this way for several years I no longer worry. Also if the eyes really scare you they make longer legged ones for more bite in the lead.
02-18-2013, 04:00 PM
Every one of my molds take eyelets bucktails, diamond jigs, tuna jigs never had an eyelet pull out. Its much stronger then it looks!! As long as your mold and lead are hot enough.
02-19-2013, 09:23 AM
As Sam stated there is a way to do this with trimming of the pin on the mold.
You can drill the eye out and as I stated the trimming and cleanup is more. My business is Husband and wife so i pour and convinced her that Cleaning the jig is the most important and best job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so i never really have any trimming issues
You can also buy stainless eyes extra long---they give you more depth in the lead for better holding and less lead sticking.
I have used regular #2 brass eyes in jigs for years without failure on fluke to 12 lbs..never a pullout issue,but again the longer stainless option is available for piece of mind.
Collins customs is a great mold maker and Shawns molds are great i own many..Expensive though for the everyday angler..Plus he cannot and won't duplicate a trademarked and registered mold,believe i asked :D His avaerage mold is around $200.00
He does have a similar guppy mold which i have used in the past but find the balance and head to be too wide.
If we reveal all of our secrets you guys won't need us anymore!!!!!!!!!!:D
I will say JB Weld Or SIlicone is very Popular:eek:
02-19-2013, 05:15 PM
I quess this is what you guys are talking about. Ordered 100 at 6.7 cents each
02-19-2013, 05:21 PM
I quess this is what you guys are talking about. Ordered 100 at 6.7 cents each
Hope you can catch a Fluke with at least 1 of the 100 :D
Just couldn't resist
Has any one tried a drop of oil on the Brass eye?
Tom Ciuba
02-20-2013, 01:12 PM
The $ 64,000.00 QUESTION???
02-20-2013, 03:26 PM
The $ 64,000.00 QUESTION???
ebay. Search "stainless eyes" under outdoor sports.
02-20-2013, 03:49 PM
Tom how many do you want I have 20 pounds of each size #1 #2 and #3 I will be at point pleasant flea market this sun let me know I can bring them if you want .
02-21-2013, 06:55 AM
A question for those that use # 2 eye in the hook eye spot. How do you get the eye to stay in place so you can close the mold?
As far as snagging I can't say I have ever snagged a skate but I have snagged plenty of fluke under the chin. My theory is that they were on the teaser above and I swung to soon.:p
02-21-2013, 08:45 AM
A question for those that use # 2 eye in the hook eye spot. How do you get the eye to stay in place so you can close the mold?
As far as snagging I can't say I have ever snagged a skate but I have snagged plenty of fluke under the chin. My theory is that they were on the teaser above and I swung to soon.:p
If I have a problem with eyes I take a tiny bit of auto gasket sealer and touch the eye to it. It will stick to the mold as long as you hold it fairly flat. You need something like the sealer because once the mold gets hot it still works.
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