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02-04-2013, 12:33 PM
What is the preferred type for blackfishing,flat or bank sinkers ?

02-04-2013, 12:38 PM
I've seen both used, but I prefer the flats. The flats don't roll around and help keep your bait still on the bottom but like I said, it's just my preference.

02-04-2013, 12:39 PM
I've seen both used, but I prefer the flats. The flats don't roll around and help keep your bait still on the bottom but like I said, it's just my preference.

02-04-2013, 12:42 PM
I've seen both used, but I prefer the flats. The flats don't roll around and help keep your bait still on the bottom but like I said, it's just my preference.

I second that....

02-04-2013, 12:54 PM
I've seen both used, but I prefer the flats. The flats don't roll around and help keep your bait still on the bottom but like I said, it's just my preference.

I also prefer the flats as well for togging.

02-04-2013, 01:11 PM
What is the preferred type for blackfishing,flat or bank sinkers ?

Like HD said Flats
And see Sam you can't go wrong.:)

02-04-2013, 02:02 PM

...a point of interest...in Rhode Island many on the party boats paint their sinkers red. When asked I received two responses; it attracts the tog the other the tog don't see red under water it is a camouflage.

Funny story guy borrowed his wife's nail polish painted sinkers on boat and did not let them dry and messed up the boat...mates were mad....

Capt. Debbie
02-04-2013, 02:15 PM
Flats win. I have hammered down bank sinkers to make them less rollie pollie.

02-04-2013, 02:17 PM
Looks like flats win by a landslide. I have ordered from Sam, he is very fast getting them out, and VERY reasonable.

02-04-2013, 02:45 PM
Flats win. I have hammered down bank sinkers to make them less rollie pollie.
Now that's a good idea. If you make sinkers you won't need a flat bank mold.

02-04-2013, 03:30 PM
Im a flat fan as well.. Seem to stay and hold better.. not moving around like the regular ones..

02-04-2013, 04:14 PM

...a point of interest...in Rhode Island many on the party boats paint their sinkers red. When asked I received two responses; it attracts the tog the other the tog don't see red under water it is a camouflage.

Funny story guy borrowed his wife's nail polish painted sinkers on boat and did not let them dry and messed up the boat...mates were mad....

Thats funny cause yesterday I saw my first red sinker....had no clue why it was like that! Thanks for the info.

02-04-2013, 06:41 PM
I don't know about red attracting tog, but I've heard that the color red disappears at depths of over 15 feet.

02-04-2013, 06:46 PM
They paint them red so its easy to see who has the boats sinker.. I do the same on the boat i work on.. People walk off with them all the time.. so now all i have to do is look for the colored sinkers..

02-04-2013, 07:03 PM
They paint them red so its easy to see who has the boats sinker.. I do the same on the boat i work on.. People walk off with them all the time.. so now all i have to do is look for the colored sinkers..

Good practice I have been I charters that painted their sinkers with a rubberized coating to prevent damage to the boat.

My encounters in RI it was weird to see guys in that cabin getting rigs ready with red egg sinker carried in egg cartons. The camouflage explanation was hard to accept since the sinker would appear grey to fish which sinkers are naturally....:rolleyes:

The Sinker Man
02-04-2013, 07:09 PM
It looks like this year that the flats were the preferred type to use for blackfishing..I don't know for sure but I do hear that blackfish are spooked by movement..Like HDMarc said in his first post,, flats don't roll where reg. banks will roll with the current, thus causing movement and perhaps rolling into a hole or snag that you can't get out. I think Jeff got it right about the painting...Painting will not stop movement...And yes you can flatten a reg. bank a little if you have a big enough hammer and a good solid platform, so don't think you have to run out and buy a whole new supply of flats if you have reg. ones, you are only trying to stop a little rolling...My question would be is a new shiny sinker better or worse then one that has already oxidized?

02-04-2013, 07:16 PM
Good practice I have been I charters that painted their sinkers with a rubberized coating to prevent damage to the boat.

My encounters in RI it was weird to see guys in that cabin getting rigs ready with red egg sinker carried in egg cartons. The camouflage explanation was hard to accept since the sinker would appear grey to fish which sinkers are naturally....:rolleyes:

That egg sinker rig is my favorite for Ling Slinging, guess I will have to try it for Black Fish

02-05-2013, 01:25 AM
I have seen a few guys fish that rig.. They catch fish with them.. not for me thow

02-05-2013, 01:32 AM
It looks like this year that the flats were the preferred type to use for blackfishing..I don't know for sure but I do hear that blackfish are spooked by movement..Like HDMarc said in his first post,, flats don't roll where reg. banks will roll with the current, thus causing movement and perhaps rolling into a hole or snag that you can't get out. I think Jeff got it right about the painting...Painting will not stop movement...And yes you can flatten a reg. bank a little if you have a big enough hammer and a good solid platform, so don't think you have to run out and buy a whole new supply of flats if you have reg. ones, you are only trying to stop a little rolling...My question would be is a new shiny sinker better or worse then one that has already oxidized?


I prefer sinkers to have the oxidation. Preffer them not to be shiny as I want togs attention on the bait not the shiny sinker. I have gone to flats for the last 2 years. I find that i get hung up just as much if not even more when using flats vs banks. What i have noticed is that i am able to work a flat sinker out of a snag at a higher percentage rate then bank sinker. Even when wedge in with no play i will sometimes place rod in holder and leave it alone with some slack for a few minutes. Come back and seem to get it out most times if i am patient and do not dig the sinker into snag like most seem to do.

Capt. Debbie
02-05-2013, 11:05 AM
Banks are the easiest to come by in all sizes. And the hammer is the converter.

Lead smashes flat easily.

Also most pre-made flats use a wire ring in addition to the lead. You don't need that with smash-bank sinkers.

Now that's a good idea. If you make sinkers you won't need a flat bank mold.

02-05-2013, 11:34 AM
Red appears as black when seen under reduced light. Best of all, use floro sinkers ;)

02-05-2013, 01:23 PM
Banks are the easiest to come by in all sizes. And the hammer is the converter.

Lead smashes flat easily.

Also most pre-made flats use a wire ring in addition to the lead. You don't need that with smash-bank sinkers.

Have never seen flat sinker made with wire ring.. Maybe Sam can expand on this as I have seen them on other round type sinkers but never on a flat

The Sinker Man
02-05-2013, 05:24 PM
I also have never seen or heard of flats having any type of wire in them...Maybe when they first came out many, many years ago that that is how they were made..
Yes, reg. banks are more common, but I believe that in the past couple of years that most if not all of the SPONSOR shops on this site carry them . I don't know for sure cause they don't deal with me...The local shops know what you guys want and stock that item..Your big box stores just don't give a shit..
Yes most reg. banks will flatten a little, probably enough to serve your purpose, but as the size gets bigger, they get harder to flatten..
Do yourself and the SPONSOR shops on here a favor and stop in and buy a few to try, they need all the help we can give them.
And finally, yes I like flats better..

02-07-2013, 10:46 AM
That egg sinker rig is my favorite for Ling Slinging, guess I will have to try it for Black Fish


How do you rig the egg sinkers for Ling?


Capt. Debbie
02-07-2013, 01:08 PM
LOL. Not with the right sledge hammer. :)

16 oz of lead bank sinker loses everytime to my 5 pound sledge hammer. LMAO

Yes most reg. banks will flatten a little, probably enough to serve your purpose, but as the size gets bigger, they get harder to flatten..

Capt. Debbie
02-07-2013, 01:12 PM
Like this

02-07-2013, 01:21 PM
I prefer banks when drifting say for fluke or bass. When anchored on rocks and wrecks I use flats., when I run out, a sledge and an anvil does the job no matter how much it weighs.:D

The Sinker Man
02-07-2013, 01:47 PM
Capt Frank...Don't go calling a " coin " or " river bank " sinker as a flattened bank sinker..:D Sledge hammers work very well....

02-07-2013, 09:03 PM
Agree with most other posts here.

Flats tend to "roll" less than banks and are preferred IMO

It doesn't matter the size, shape, or wt of a sinker when fishing in real "junk" bottom. Hung up is just plain hung up! Flats tend to come out more, but this is subjective since I fish exclusively flats.

Not every bait store carries the flat sinkers....SAM is the MAN... KING of "if it fits it ships"