View Full Version : RAMMIE is still out here!!

02-01-2013, 03:05 PM
Hi, I am going thru my fishing rods/reels that are just "hanging" in the basement. I will be selling them in the classified section on the site next week.Too much gear that is not being used and maybe some one can make good use of them. They have served me well over the years and time to part with them. Most are older PENN reels that are in perfect shape & excellent working condition. They are matched to rods and will be sold as a set. I will try to post photos of them to. I also have many rods w/o reels that will also be listed.Never realized soooooooo much has been accumulated over the years. Approximately 10 rods and 8 combos.

Have not done much fishing for quite some time but hope to get back to the surf in March. I am fully retired and have loads of free time, finally.
See 'ya all later, Robbie