View Full Version : MPA's

Captain Rich
01-31-2013, 08:50 PM
Australian anglers are being threatened with MPA's being shoved down their throats, if you click on this site you can help their efforts to block this. Think it can't happen here ? Just check with any California anglers. Just think if one day you couldn't fish the Shrewsberry Rocks --Thanks--Rich


01-31-2013, 09:13 PM
"You want to lock us out of vast areas of Australian ocean and seas yet you will leave these same areas open to thousands of divers, tourism operators, cargo ships, naval vessels and bulk carriers.

If these areas are so special and so environmentally sensitive, then why are these activities allowed while recreational fishers are locked out? How can you ban one user group and impose no restrictions on others, all without any valid scientific reasons?"

"1.3 million square kilometres of our seas and oceans."

That is just crazy.. Wtf are they thinking....

Pennsy Guy
02-01-2013, 10:23 PM
I got their E-mail last week and responded...rx'd one 2-3 months ago and responded also...incredible, even worse than our own beloved NMFS....