View Full Version : NJF Meet and Greet Feb.16 Pequest Trout Hatchery:

01-31-2013, 08:58 PM
Got your message about F&G meeting in feb! Great Idea, It would be an excellent idea for as many of the NJF guys showed up as possible. We should be heard! Meet & Great and voice OUR OPINIONS!!!! As a whole from what i see on the site there are some good ideas out there and should be heard. Hope everybody shows up!!!!! WAY TO GO ANDY!!!!!!!!!Everybody wants to fish and has an opinion so spend a couple hrs on a cold feb day and meet up with the crew and make our opinions heard.

01-31-2013, 09:14 PM
The last meeting in Hackettstown were the same old bunch of people, a few RVTA guys and a few TU guys. The meeting was great and the information was priceless. How do you think the whole trout survey thing came about, I'm sure it had something to do with TU.
I see alot of great ideas roll through here all year, well here is the time to talk face to face with F&G.
At the last meeting it was free kawfee and donuts too !!!!
( and you got to drool all over the fish in the raceways)

So why not a meet and greet at an open house, I see someone thinks it's a good idea.


"This important meeting provides an excellent opportunity for anglers to ask questions, voice their opinions, and give suggestions regarding New Jersey’s trout stocking program."

01-31-2013, 09:20 PM
Got your message about F&G meeting in feb! Great Idea, It would be an excellent idea for as many of the NJF guys showed up as possible. We should be heard! Meet & Great and voice OUR OPINIONS!!!! As a whole from what i see on the site there are some good ideas out there and should be heard. Hope everybody shows up!!!!! WAY TO GO ANDY!!!!!!!!!Everybody wants to fish and has an opinion so spend a couple hrs on a cold feb day and meet up with the crew and make our opinions heard.

Ditto...Andy please post details etc. as per my pm

01-31-2013, 09:53 PM
Saturday February 16th, 10 AM @ the PEQUEST TROUT HATCHERY! You want to be heard, this is your shot at GLORY! C'MON out fellas. We as tax payers have a right to be heard and voice our opinions. Don't be bashful. Let's GIT-R-DONE!!!!!

02-01-2013, 07:40 AM
Unfortunately or fortunately I will be in Hawaii at that time.
Give'em hell boys.

bunker dunker
02-01-2013, 08:45 AM
Andy + Good Idea,that Scares Me Alittle{lol}.will Try To Be There

02-01-2013, 09:30 AM
+1 on the great idea Andy - I'll be there - F&G needs to know we care.

Anyone care to start floating their suggestions for the meeting?

02-01-2013, 05:18 PM
What a great place to have an NJF Meet and Greet than at a State fish hatchery.

I think the people down at F&G are willing to listen to the people who fish more than ever. This one is primarily about trout. Trout in ponds, streams, lakes and rivers. I think if you have EVER fished for trout in the State of New Jersey you really should attend at least one meeting. It’s all there, they lay it all out, no holding back, then a Q and A open to everyone. I’ve been to a few now and I really think they are great.
I may post on here a few of my questions I plan to bring up at the meeting. If you have nothing to do February 16th C’MON DOWN.


02-04-2013, 07:58 PM
"Division of Fish and Wildlife biologists take public comment seriously and do report meeting outcomes to the Fish and Game Council, so don't miss this chance to have your voice heard and be a part of fisheries management in New Jersey!"

02-04-2013, 08:16 PM
Out of all the posts on this board, this one is the most important. This is the time to be heard. Most of you on this site are BIG TIME TROUT ANGLERS. Your opinions and thoughts are very important to the N.J. F&G people. Please come out so we can get help on solving any problems, and also to get questions answered. No need to be bashful, we are all human, saying how you feel is a right of passage. Should be good time, lets get at em BOYZ!!!

02-04-2013, 08:37 PM
OR..... if you see something you DO like come and let them know. You have no idea how hard these people work to satisfy you until you go to one of these meetings.

1.) Why are they still gill netting lake trout in Round Valley, I thought it was a done deal ?

2.) If the State of NJ put the lake trout in Merrill Creek Res why do they use an independent company to do the gill net survey?

3.) Why do the Newark Watersheds get stocked with trout ?

4.) Any changes in the Land locked stocking and how is the program doing ?

5.) Why won't you stock trout below the Rt. 206 bridge on the Raritan river ?

6.) If surplus trout don't HAVE to be stocked into Trout Maintenance water, then why do 15,000 go into the Manasquan annually ?

7.) If very careful consideration goes into how many trout can be stocked in a certain amount of water, then how can an independent fly shop and others dump 100's of trout in a 2 mile stretch of river ?

Just a few for now, I'm sure I'll have more later.

02-04-2013, 11:48 PM
That last one strikes a nerve!! # 7- They may totally ruin native poulations:mad:

My guess is they can do it because of the rite amount of money going in the rite pockets,,,any thoughts
on how they are allowed to stock these MONSTERS??

02-13-2013, 10:20 AM
Ok boys - 3 more days - let's have a show of hands who's going...

Mike M
02-13-2013, 11:44 AM
Ok boys - 3 more days - let's have a show of hands who's going...
I will be there. Looking forward to meeting everyone.:)

02-13-2013, 12:54 PM
Gotta drop mom off at the Newark airport then shooting up so might be running a little late. Somebody save me a seat if possible!!!!!! Hopefully can get the wifey to drop her off then i'll be there a little early, everybody's meeting where? Parking lot or somewhere else? What's the plan BOYS???

02-13-2013, 01:56 PM
I guess we meet in the parking lot. Ill be there.

02-13-2013, 04:53 PM
I was able to pick up a few NJF T shirts and bumper stickers to hand out.

I gotta be in Newark (opposite of GetAnet) by 3pm or so (work :mad: )

Lard Almighty
02-13-2013, 05:55 PM
I plan on being there.

02-13-2013, 06:04 PM
Would love a bumper sticker or two, I'm a FAT BOY so the tee's probably not gonna fit. No Hats???? I LOVE HATS!!!! LOL!!!!!

02-13-2013, 06:58 PM
Looking forward to it - this is the first meeting I've been able to make. I'll be the guy wearing the black & gold NRA hat.

Mark B.
02-14-2013, 11:29 AM
I'll be there, working (hopefully answering some of your questions).

NJF&W shirt,......& my long lost name tag, recently discovered in an office clean-up,........so you can't miss me.

Lard Almighty
02-14-2013, 05:54 PM
Weather forecast is calling for some snow on Saturday. Just a couple of inches, but be careful on the drive.

02-15-2013, 01:59 PM
I'll be there Andy. Save a hat or shirt for me.

02-15-2013, 07:23 PM
Looking forward to seeing everyone and an active discussion on our fishery.

Team SuperCool (my daughter and I, our alias on the SW forum) are going to be there!

02-15-2013, 07:52 PM
Anybody looking to do a little TROUT fishing tomorrow after the F&G meeting? Driving all the way up to represent and figured i'd wet a line maybe afterwards for a while..........

02-15-2013, 07:54 PM
I spoke to Outofline, he said he may wet a line.

02-17-2013, 12:19 AM
Nice to put a few more faces with the names. A huge turn out for the T.U. er, eh, I mean F&G meeting at Pequest. Numbers don't lie and the squeeky wheel gets the oil. T.U. has a death grip on these meetings and it's all about the Big Flatbook and fly fishing, no kill, bla, bla, bla.
Mark B. greeted us with a big smile as usual, always a great host.

See what happens in the days ahead, I guess for most it is just status quo.

02-17-2013, 09:09 AM
Nice meeting. Informative and to the point. Nj is not a big fly fishing state. The fly guys don't have enough water here. They should start having there meetings in Colorado or maybe Wyoming. Plenty of trout in the rivers, that's for sure. Picked up 3 rainbows up at the white house hole on the way home. Biggest was 17. Anyway nice to see a couple members getting involved. Tight lines!!!

Lard Almighty
02-17-2013, 01:43 PM
I really got the impression that F&G is doing the best they can with the hatchery and the stocking program. Considering that one hatchery serves the whole state, and almost every county gets trout, I'm pretty satisfied with the program as-is.

And if the fly guys want the Flat Brook, let them have it.

02-17-2013, 02:54 PM
You guys have obviously never fished the Flatbrook. It is without a doubt the prettiest and most prestine river in Nj.

02-17-2013, 06:04 PM
You guys have obviously never fished the Flatbrook. It is without a doubt the prettiest and most prestine river in Nj.

It is also the most accessible with 99% of it falling within public lands hence its popularity. Anglers flock to two sections: the FFO only stretch and the last mile or two before entering the D. There is plenty of good water throughout if one wants to fish more than 50 feet from your car. Other species as well with redbreast sunfish, some smallies and various other panfish to keep things interesting.

02-17-2013, 06:29 PM
Yep all that is true. I know the river, I walked the whole thing probably 25 times.

Mike M
02-17-2013, 08:10 PM
Nice to put a few more faces with the names. A huge turn out for the T.U. er, eh, I mean F&G meeting at Pequest. Numbers don't lie and the squeeky wheel gets the oil. T.U. has a death grip on these meetings and it's all about the Big Flatbook and fly fishing, no kill, bla, bla, bla.
Mark B. greeted us with a big smile as usual, always a great host.

See what happens in the days ahead, I guess for most it is just status quo.
Very informative meeting. Nice to put some faces with names. Enjoyed chatting with AndyS and Lard Almighty. We have get together and fish sometime.

Mike M
02-17-2013, 08:16 PM
You guys have obviously never fished the Flatbrook. It is without a doubt the prettiest and most prestine river in Nj.
I have never had a chance to fish it but I have seen it and agree it is the best trout stream I have seen in NJ. Have you ever fished the upper stretch above Rt 206 toward Saw Mill Lake? lots of beaver ponds