View Full Version : Circle hooks for C-Bass

01-31-2013, 05:06 PM
I have used them with success on the offshore trips...Others don't like them and find it difficult to hook 'em.

I find they work well on the 2 and three hook rigs. Let them grab the bait, lift up and back down for another one or two..

What do you think?


01-31-2013, 05:20 PM
Whatever works for you Leif. Sounds good to me. I personally like the Chrome Octopus hooks.

01-31-2013, 05:35 PM
Leif I use them on some of my rigs, seems like most people, still want to swing for the fence and that is the problem. The hook is designed to hook the fish in the corner of the mouth, hard swings pulls the hook right out of the mouth.
Good Luck on the trip guys

02-09-2013, 09:35 AM
Sorry Leif but I'm not a fan of the circles for Seabass. I personally prefer a good bait holder hook which prevents the clams from sliding Down the hook and also able to hook the picky ones. When they go to smell my bait.....bam there's no waiting for invitation or a solid bite I got em hooked. Not good for doubles and triples all the time but my daiwa high speed reel is up and down for another before the guy next to me waits for the second bite.

02-09-2013, 11:20 AM
If your looking for doubles it a good way to go, just don't do the hook set jerk. a few turns of the reel and it will hook in. Jerk it and it's a miss :mad:

02-09-2013, 11:41 AM
Everbody has their preference. Some ways work just as good and some are a little more hook up efficient. More importantly, it depends on the angler's experience with each type of hook. If one is used to a type, then stick with it. A rig with three 3/0 circles or 3/0 octopus w/glow beads seems like a sure winner to me. BUT, you might loose a couple more fish with the octopus if you hook a fish and keep it down there for a double or triple header.


02-09-2013, 12:16 PM
This year, with the mad dog bites out there, I found that the simple one hook rig with a whole squid worked best for big fish. I had circles and J's, since I am not a "swinger" anyway, both worked fine. If you are accustomed to swinging the fish from the bottom right into the boat with a 100'looping swing, stick with the J's. With braided line and sharp hooks I just reel in when I get a bite anyway.