View Full Version : Jamaica II - Mudhole Weds

Capt Joe
01-30-2013, 10:26 PM
Good fishing today despite nasty conditions especially in the afternoon, still everyone went home with a good bag of filets.
Bob Amey Allentown, Pa won the pool with a nice Cod, also had 20 Ling
David Walker and son Hunter teamed up for 43 Ling some nice Taug and a Codfish
Gene Zubrycki Milltown NJ had 24 Ling
Ray Bryant So Orange, NJ had 23 Ling a Cod and some Taugies

No fishing tomorrow next trip probably 3 am Saturday for Cod/Ling and
Sunday 5 am for Ling/Blackfish/Cod

Capt Steve

Capt Joe
02-01-2013, 11:38 PM
Weekend looks good weatherwise
Sailing 3 am Saturday and 5 am Sunday

Capt Ryan:)