View Full Version : Who's boat was totaled by Sandy

Aquaman 29
01-27-2013, 06:02 PM
I would like to know how many people lost their boats to the Super Storm Sandy and how many of you plan on getting another boat. My 1987 Aquasport 29 Tournament Master was totaled. The name of the boat was Wish Us Luck. The boat was on the hard at Wagner,s Boat yard in Leonardo. I"m looking to buy another boat. Who else lost their boat?

Joey Dah Fish
01-27-2013, 07:50 PM
We did

01-27-2013, 10:01 PM
Didn't lose a boat nor did The new owner of my last one.
The family lagoon house took a beating but I had sold the boat before the storm.
I was ready to buy when it hit and Sandy changed my search area to out of state, found one and brought it up last week. Storm did make me suspect to local sales, another downside to the storm.

01-27-2013, 11:15 PM
Papas Angels III floated over the road and end up on the other side of the bridge with lots of scrapes and two small holes above the water line.. Outer rub strip took a beating..
But she will be ready for the 2013 season...

01-28-2013, 05:31 AM
Papas Angels III might have floated over the road and end up on the other side of the bridge but she was far from totaled!! She is ready to fish for our 2013 season!!!!

I'm thinking ur missing the point of the thread. Advertising the business you work for while owners talk about their casualties maybe a tad bit insensitive???

Reel Interest
01-28-2013, 08:18 AM
Just heard from the insurance company last Friday that they were totaling my 2002 31' Stamas named Reel Interest II. I was already winterized and dry docked at Morgan Marina. Ended up with engine room completely submerged and four feet of water in cabin. Took insurance company two months to agree. Haven't decided whether I'll charter for 2013 or buy another. Going to look around to see what's out there.

01-28-2013, 08:38 AM
Mine was totaled in Nichols marina. I'm looking for another but want to take my time marina is not going to be ready until June or July and I want to see what new rates are going to be and also see how much insurance is going to raise rates.

01-28-2013, 12:36 PM
My boat was totaled as well, I was out of the water in Tuckerton and sometime during the night it must have sunk and then finally deposited back on land...had a scum line in the cabin about 5' up and a couple of submerged outboards, I have to say Allstate was a pleasure to deal with and sent me a check within about 2 weeks after they had a surveyor go look at it

On the positve side I just had a new to me boat surveyed on Saturday which came back great and I should be back in the water this April :D I also stayed away from any NJ boats

01-28-2013, 01:05 PM
My 26' Wellcraft became an artificial reef for the better part of November. I tried to convince Boat US to leave it in the water to help attract fish to the lagoon but they insisted on pulling her out:D Boat US insurance sent me a check for the full amount I bought the boat for.