View Full Version : United Composites Dual Helix blanks

01-26-2013, 11:14 AM
I was asking about Seeker Super Flukerand after a few responses I started looking United Composites Dual Helix blanks after Garrone mentioned them.Can someone recommend a particular blank model to be used as my lightest fluke rod from United Composites


01-29-2013, 08:31 AM
I imagine Mike would be the best guy to ask.

01-29-2013, 11:21 AM
Talk to Mike if he is building on them. I still own a GUSA Dual Helix blank from the late 90's that I always felt was way ahead of its time. Its no longer made, but the overall design and concept of these blanks is pretty amazing. I used to build on GUSA blanks back in the 90's and I never had one come back from a customer.

There are alot of gimmicks and tricks today, when it comes to rods and rod blanks, but the blank your talking about is not one of them. I really believe that todays jigging blanks are around because of GUSA and their designs with the DH materials. The blanks will take one hell of a load and I could not break one, ever.
Talk to Mike, he will be the one with the latest info. You can buy one blind from the catalogs, but with blanks like this, I dont think its accurate. They have more to them, than just the specs in a book.

01-29-2013, 11:55 AM
thanks guys, I went with United Saltwater Series - DUAL HELIX DESIGN tio the best of my knowledge this model is comparable to the old GUSA 70M

Model: US70M
Length: 7'0"
Action: MOD-FAST
Rating: 12-25
Lure Wt.: 1-3
Tip: 6.0
Butt: .540
Weight 3.13 Ounces

01-29-2013, 12:05 PM
thanks guys, I went with United Saltwater Series - DUAL HELIX DESIGN tio the best of my knowledge this model is comparable to the old GUSA 70M

Model: US70M
Length: 7'0"
Action: MOD-FAST
Rating: 12-25
Lure Wt.: 1-3
Tip: 6.0
Butt: .540
Weight 3.13 Ounces

I use the old 70H and have whipped fish over 100# on it. I think you made the right call there!!!

Speaking of old GUSA Blanks, I have one of their "travel blanks" as they called them back then at the shop for sale. Its a 7' or 7'6" blank that slides down in the butt section, to 5'6" I believe..... Been saving it for years, but with our new JJ Rods, I will never use it. Its not a 2pc. it is similar to telescopic blank, the top slides down about 18" into the butt section. Think its a MH or H action. If interested, shoot me a PM.

Think I found something similar, I will double check.
7'6" Mod-Fast Ex-Heavy 20-40 lb. 2-5 oz. 7.5 .610 3.75 oz. 154.95 Telescopes down to 5'8" or 6' I believe.

East Coast Angler
01-29-2013, 11:15 PM
I bought my first plane jane custom United Composites rod about two years ago By far the best rod in my fifty plus years of fishing I ever fished

I now have three

The AR701 , US70MH & a AR700L on order

I fished seeker calstar & st croix even the new seeker inshore that were all the craze two years ago By far the united composites are the best

Buy it build it you will be very happy

01-30-2013, 01:50 PM
I bought my first plane jane custom United Composites rod about two years ago By far the best rod in my fifty plus years of fishing I ever fished

I now have three

The AR701 , US70MH & a AR700L on order

I fished seeker calstar & st croix even the new seeker inshore that were all the craze two years ago By far the united composites are the best

Buy it build it you will be very happy

Thannk for your input. US70M on the way.