View Full Version : question about fishing GULP! in salt water..
01-25-2013, 06:22 PM
I have used it here in NY state on small jigs for SMB ,Walleye etc... It works pretty well on SM Bass, Walleyes , and has caught me a nice Channel Cat.. One day while SMB fishing on the Susquehanna River, big fat Rock Bass were hitting on the GULP, but when I switched to plastics they would not hit.. The bass did albiet not quite as quickly as they hit the GULP .. So it seems there is some serious merit for it, although while using jigs, it wasn't that much better than plain plastics.. I would say it was noticeable..
I have NOT as yet used it in salt, although I did see some guys on a head boat using it for ling... The big chartreuse twister tails.. They were catching ling, but also had killies, squid, and clams gobbed in with the GULP...
The package claims to "fish it as you would live bait".. I dunno about that.. A big live killie WILL catch fluke, just sitting there, as long as the fluke sees it.. Not so sure it would grab GULP in a similar setting..
Here's my question.. Is GULP effective on a plain old fluke rig, just drifting along? Occasional lifts of course..My son and friend are lazy fisherman, and would rather not work a lure the way I do... They just like to drift and lift.. Will GULP produce the way say a Spearing/Fluke strip, or fish belly strip will when dragging bottom?... I am hoping to do some serious fluking this year, and Gulp is actually cheaper than frozen bait there days,, I can't always get anything but frozen bait being 250 miles away from the shore, and have to use whatever the stores in the fishing area carry... any thoughts on fishing GULP on a bottom rig?.. Personally , I would dress a jig with it, but my son won't.. He'll just complain .... bob
01-25-2013, 07:06 PM
6inch. Curly grub on a 5/0 baitholder about 12inches above a spro... You will never drag bait again....
Lazy or not if they want to catch fish this is idiot proof..
Some days draggin bait outshines but come summer there is no question that rig knocks it out of the park..
New penny, pink shine, nuclear chicken, glow..they all work depending on water clarity.
01-25-2013, 07:55 PM
Dragging Gulp does work.. Even when we have people on the boat that do not Jig i always put like a 4in swimming mullet Gulp on for them.. Then the bait.. And it out fishes the guys with just bait on their hook..
Colors.. Id say buy a few different ones.. We all have our favorite ones but sometimes one color out fishes another..
I like the swimming mullets and grubs ones with the big twisty tails..
No Pockets
01-25-2013, 08:35 PM
They are proven! No doubt about it. Curly tails, shrimp, Pogys, swimming mullet, ripple tails - they all work for fluke!
Out front, in the back - water clarity drives the color, bait in the area should drive the body type. The curly tail is hard to beat if you are only going to buy one.
No Pockets
01-25-2013, 08:42 PM
You should really use the gulp swimming mullets. For most of my fluke fishing, the freshwater smelts are better with a squid strip. I caught my biggest fluke which is 8 1/2 pounds (not a very big fluke but decent) on that bait 2-4 miles south of Block Island. Very good fluke fishing from Montuk Point, NY to Block Island. Really looking forward for breaking my record. I will work for a 10+ pound fluke.
01-25-2013, 10:02 PM
Ok, so the big swimming " wiggle tail GULP will work with a strip bait/dragging bottom.. I figured it would, but I also realize most guys use it with a jig which is what I do here in NY sweet water, and I would as well for fluke... The guys I will be fishing with don't like to jig is all..
btw, In the spring when I am out jigging lakers, i plan on trying 4' GULP minnows on a regular fluke style bait rig in 100 FOW on the Finger Lakes,, We catch a LOT of lakers here with any kind of jig that hits bottom including AVA style jigs, but I bet they would grab GULP on bottom as well.. Up here its always windy as hell, and the boat is racing along on the drift, so enough drift is never a problem.... The locals would laugh their asses off if they saw what I was doing, but I bet it works... bob
01-25-2013, 10:17 PM
Ok, so the big swimming " wiggle tail GULP will work with a strip bait/dragging bottom.. I figured it would, but I also realize most guys use it with a jig which is what I do here in NY sweet water, and I would as well for fluke... The guys I will be fishing with don't like to jig is all..
btw, In the spring when I am out jigging lakers, i plan on trying 4' GULP minnows on a regular fluke style bait rig in 100 FOW on the Finger Lakes,, We catch a LOT of lakers here with any kind of jig that hits bottom including AVA style jigs, but I bet they would grab GULP on bottom as well.. Up here its always windy as hell, and the boat is racing along on the drift, so enough drift is never a problem.... The locals would laugh their asses off if they saw what I was doing, but I bet it works... bob
Do you do more saltwater fishing? I'm a saltwater fisherman.
01-25-2013, 10:32 PM
Do you do more saltwater fishing? I'm a saltwater fisherman.
I do both.. I live in the Finger Lakes Region of NY state, but lived the first 37 years of my life in Lyndhurst, Union Beach, and Forked River NJ.. I fish fresh water because thats all I have here, but my heart is with Raritan Bay, Sandy Hook, Belmar , Manasquan etc.
I like freshwater but LOVE saltwater... There is NO comparison...
I would sell my log home on 3 acres here for whatever I could get, and move back to the Jersey Shore area this week, but my wife likes it here... I don't..
I miss the salt water, the smell of the salt marshes, the sand, the smell of the big diesels on the head boats... I was sick at what happened to the shore from Sandy.. My old house in Union Beach might not even be there anymore.. It was the first home I owned, and I loved it.. Used to walk to the bay and catch Blues, Stripers, flounder.. I REALLY miss it... bob
01-25-2013, 10:34 PM
I do both.. I live in the Finger Lakes Region of NY state, but lived the first 37 years of my life in Lyndhurst, Union Beach, and Forked River NJ.. I fish fresh water because thats all I have here, but my heart is with Raritan Bay, Sandy Hook, Belmar , Manasquan etc.
I like freshwater but LOVE saltwater... There is NO comparison...
I would sell my log home on 3 acres here for whatever I could get, and move back to the Jersey Shore area this week, but my wife likes it here... I don't..
I miss the salt water, the smell of the salt marshes, the sand, the smell of the big diesels on the head boats... I was sick at what happened to the shore from Sandy.. My old house in Union Beach might not even be there anymore.. It was the first home I owned, and I loved it.. Used to walk to the bay and catch Blues, Stripers, flounder.. I REALLY miss it... bob
01-26-2013, 12:03 AM
Jig fishing with the Gulp produces big time.. I dont even fish bait any more.. Just jig for em and have put more and bigger fish in the cooler bc of it
01-26-2013, 07:27 AM
Jig fishing with the Gulp produces big time.. I dont even fish bait any more.. Just jig for em and have put more and bigger fish in the cooler bc of it
My son won't jig. He would rather not fish.. He likes to drag bait, even if it means less fish.. he's lazy. He won't even go lake trout fishing with me any more because you have to actually MOVE the jig.. The horror!
Thats why I plan on trying drifting GULP on a bottom rig here in the Finger Lakes.. maybe I can get him fishing with me now and then if they hit it..
I jig for fluke now, and always used to jig for fluke since the early 70's when no one else did. Well almost no one else.. All we had back then were Upperman bucktails . and they caught a LOT of fluke for those that used them. Today plastics dominate, back then it was almost unheard of.. The fish didn't care one bit.
Working a jig does take a bit of effort that some "fair weather fisherman" won't put forth.
I guess we will get a few types of GULP and see how it goes..bob
01-26-2013, 07:46 AM
In answer to your question, Yes, saltwater Gulp baits will catch fluke when dragging baits is the preferred method of fishing. Though, in my opinion, if you are just going to drag a bait along the bottom, without imparting any action to it, I would suggest sticking with a Kelly and a squid strip.
01-26-2013, 12:59 PM
I would not think of leaving the house without it!!!:D
01-26-2013, 01:57 PM
In shallow water with not too fast of a drift you can use the same technique as freshwater bassin, hopping a light jig along the bottom. When conditions are right I fish very light tackle with jig heads as light as 1/4 ounce with gulp baits.
I fish this way exclusively when on my tin boat in the rivers. Even shorts are fun on 8lb spinning tackle!
01-26-2013, 05:01 PM
All Gulp all the time!!!!!!! = FLUKE
01-27-2013, 09:27 AM
To address your question." Does gulp work just draggin along on the bottom" .I'd say "yes" as long as there is good boat movement. The best way I've found to use it is on a dropper at least 6-12" above the sinker or jig. If you do it this way and produce some nice fish your son will follow along. Live bait always will have it's place and fresh is best. If you come down for a vacation or extended stay get a cast net . Last year the spots and mullet and peanut bunker were amazing at the shore for producing large fluke especially at the inlets and on the surf. Catching bait is fun for kids and adults alike ! Fishing with your kids is a very special time , enjoy it and make it fun ! the memories will last a lifetime :D
01-27-2013, 09:43 AM
To address your question." Does gulp work just draggin along on the bottom" .I'd say "yes" as long as there is good boat movement. The best way I've found to use it is on a dropper at least 6-12" above the sinker or jig. If you do it this way and produce some nice fish your son will follow along. Live bait always will have it's place and fresh is best. If you come down for a vacation or extended stay get a cast net . Last year the spots and mullet and peanut bunker were amazing at the shore for producing large fluke especially at the inlets and on the surf. Catching bait is fun for kids and adults alike ! Fishing with your kids is a very special time , enjoy it and make it fun ! the memories will last a lifetime :D
lol.. My "kid" is 27 and expecting his first child in a few weeks.. We have a lot of experience catching fluke.. Just haven't used Gulp for them..
I will tie him up a bait dragging rig, and another rod with a jig/ teaser rig of some sort.. If the jig/Gulp combo catches him more fish, maybe he won't be so lazy... Last time out in SEPT we caught a lot of fluke in Shark River, all shorts... Actually its been several years since we have caught a keeper.. Lots of fish 1/2 inch short, but keepers have been scarce. We were pretty limited in where we could go compared to years ago, as I had downsized to a 14 foot aluminum w 20 hp... Had to watch out where we went.. I now have a 15 foot glass boat- kind of a "whaler style" side console with a lot of room, nice and wide and stable w 30 HP, and a nice deep, wide, old Starcraft 18 footer with a good 100 HP, and a 6 HP kicker.. This year we can go out between the channels. and as far down as the Rocks, up closer to the Verrazano etc.. I think our expanded range will help a lot.. Staying around the ammo pier or the pound nets was great and all, but when the bigger fluke are outside, you're boned if you can't get to them... I will give the Gulp a good shot this coming year.... It works on bass and walleye, and they are no easier to catch then fluke are, so we should be ok... bob
01-27-2013, 01:15 PM
The 6" curly tail grub has caught me a serious amount of fluke last season. glow and pink shine were the colors I found to work best. A simple hi- low rig with no bait usually gave me better results than guys fishing bait on either side of me. Never be without it after last season. Good luck;)
01-27-2013, 01:19 PM
If you cut them into small pieces they stand up to and nail the trigger fish as well
01-27-2013, 03:10 PM
Does full work for bottom fishing? I mean the gulp.bloods sands for still fishing for perch , bass tommy cod ?
01-27-2013, 03:11 PM
Excuse the typo plz, I'm asking does it work? For still fishing
Capt Sal
01-27-2013, 04:17 PM
Gulps work but?You still need bait on all trips.If all you needeed were gulp bait the for hire pb and charter boats would save mucho dinero!lol
01-28-2013, 09:28 AM
Actually its been several years since we have caught a keeper.. This is why Gulp has changed fluke fishing for me forever ! Everything catches small fluke ! I should have added "bucktailing over known structure" with gulp is really the key. If you want more keepers fishing wrecks and rocks is really the best way to increase your odds. However ,fishing in a small boat means these opportunities will be limited severely because of weather. When fishing inside rivers and bays there are some big fish but they are very cautious. They can be very selective. I find for me using large live baits like snappers,mullet,peanuts or large killies that I catch myself increase my odds. Location is still very important as is tide and drift conditions in general. I also use the large 6"Gulp when looking for a biggie. I sold all my boats a few years ago and Alot of my fluking is done from a kayak these days. I do fish with friends on their boats and add in some party boat and charter trips. I spend quite a bit of time at the inlets Shark/Manasquan fishing from land too ! The surf has also produced some nice fluke for me up to 24". Living locally and being retired gives me time and opportunity. I believe fluking can be a very simple fishing activity . So keep it simple. Have fun :D
01-28-2013, 01:42 PM
Actually its been several years since we have caught a keeper.. This is why Gulp has changed fluke fishing for me forever ! Everything catches small fluke ! I should have added "bucktailing over known structure" with gulp is really the key. If you want more keepers fishing wrecks and rocks is really the best way to increase your odds. However ,fishing in a small boat means these opportunities will be limited severely because of weather. When fishing inside rivers and bays there are some big fish but they are very cautious. They can be very selective. I find for me using large live baits like snappers,mullet,peanuts or large killies that I catch myself increase my odds. Location is still very important as is tide and drift conditions in general. I also use the large 6"Gulp when looking for a biggie. I sold all my boats a few years ago and Alot of my fluking is done from a kayak these days. I do fish with friends on their boats and add in some party boat and charter trips. I spend quite a bit of time at the inlets Shark/Manasquan fishing from land too ! The surf has also produced some nice fluke for me up to 24". Living locally and being retired gives me time and opportunity. I believe fluking can be a very simple fishing activity . So keep it simple. Have fun :D
When I lived local I caught tons of fish.. Got my own bait often as well.. Being 250 miles away has really hindered me... If I pick the wrong day, i may not get another shot for months... I used to head into deep water for bigger fluke, but the 14 footer put a stop to that... Now I am back to an 18 footer thats ultra fast, so I am hoping to cover more and better water the next few years, and Gulp is just another option when squid, spearing , peanuts etc catch 15 inchers... I will start stocking up soon... bob
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