View Full Version : Harrisburg Sport Show Cancelled!

01-24-2013, 06:39 PM
After a huge public out cry andmost of the sponsors and over 240 vendors pulling out after the show promoters took an anti gun stance,

The Show Has Been Cancelled!

Great job guys/gals we Won!!!!!

01-24-2013, 06:57 PM

01-24-2013, 07:30 PM
That just sad. this will hurt the area who get a big boost of dollars from the show.
Why would Reed take an anti gun stance after the had the same firearms at there show in Las Vegas.

Fishin Dude
01-24-2013, 09:14 PM
Great. There is power in numbers, we all need to stick together as well as speak up against the anti gun movement.

01-24-2013, 10:05 PM
Bet the lame stream media won't report this.

01-24-2013, 11:42 PM
What a shame this had to happen on several levels, the economic loss for one plus the full press attack on hunters and law abiding legal gun owners!

bunker dunker
01-25-2013, 09:29 AM
i don't think firearms are a bad thing i think "people do bad things with firearms".arlington cemetary is full of brave people who gave their all to protect my rights and freedoms.who is anyone to challenge my rights and my way of life.my family has hunted since the came to this great country
and have always held great respect for firearms.you yell and scream when they take away your limits of fish and thats ok but when legal law abidding
citizens say they believes in his second amendment and their right to own firearms they are labeled as"mad crazed killers".this is the USA,home of the free and brave.if ya don't like it leave.

tuna john
01-25-2013, 10:37 AM
i guess when a bunch of young children get shot up, these things come to people with a different perspective, regardless of the reasons behind it

01-25-2013, 01:53 PM
That just sad. this will hurt the area who get a big boost of dollars from the show.
Why would Reed take an anti gun stance after the had the same firearms at there show in Las Vegas.
The reason is that the SHOT show is a Trade Show and NOT open to the public. SHOT= Shooting, Hunting, Outdoors, & Tacktical

01-25-2013, 03:59 PM
Just saw the show is canceled, Very disappointing, my father, my son and I were very much so looking forward to attending. Its ridiculous!!!

Mike K
01-25-2013, 04:12 PM
It's a free country. They didn't want assault rifles sold at their show and that's their right - and the exhibitors have a right to not exhibit. So now no one's happy.

01-25-2013, 04:25 PM
It's a free country. They didn't want assault rifles sold at their show and that's their right - and the exhibitors have a right to not exhibit. So now no one's happy.

Agreed, just ridiculous. Now estimated 80 million in lost revenue. Hotels, restaurants and vendors will lose out and over 250,000 people expected to attend are losing out.

Matt L
01-25-2013, 05:56 PM
Man this sucks. I take my girls every year. I am not a hunter but there is tons to look out and check out. Some fishing stuff too and boats. Very disappointed. I still don't really understand it.

01-25-2013, 06:23 PM
I feel sorry for the little people who loose out!!! All those cooks, cleaners ,waiters and waitresses who loose shift hours etc That really is a hit to the local people and economy!!

01-25-2013, 07:13 PM
Yes, the unfortunate victims are the businesses and residents of the Harrisburg area.

I to have enjoyed going to the show for over 25 years, bringing my kids and making a 3 day mini vacation.

But the Promotors of the Largest Sports show on the EAst Coast made a decission to restrict certain firearms and items at a "Sports Show". In turn the public who was aware spoke up, the Sponsors who have lost money by not going pulled out, Speakers cancelled and forfeited their speaking fee's, Out Fitters and Fishing Charters pulled out and lost business, They (we0 all did this to stand up for our rights and way of life even though it cost many business in these hard times.

The Mayor of Harrisburg "Linda Thompson" is so concerned she continues to tout Obama's Proposed gun controls, rather than try to save a show that effects her town.

We have plenty of restrictions and gun laws, and who obeys them, THE HONEST LAW ABIDING MAN AND WOMAN. Perhaps we should be concintraiting on enforcing the laws and locking up the BAD GUYS. Perhaps the MENTAL HEALTH industry should be supplying certain information to LAW ENFORCEMENT of potential threats.

Don't punish the HONEST,GOD FEARING MAn and WOMAN, lets take the criminals to task and lock them up with the laws we have!

01-25-2013, 08:12 PM
Agreed, just ridiculous. Now estimated 80 million in lost revenue. Hotels, restaurants and vendors will lose out and over 250,000 people expected to attend are losing out.

Its not a win for anyone.. Should have just had the show and made some money instead of loosing all that.. The whole thing is sad..