View Full Version : OffShore SeaBass Question

01-23-2013, 03:07 PM
On the offshore Seabass trips that are ongoing now, how deep are they typically fishing and what kind of rod/reel setups? Line poundage? Using double header rigs by any chance? Thinking of going out tomorrow but don't have time to buy new gear.

01-23-2013, 03:24 PM
If you have any Cod gear it would do. Hi-Lo rigs some heavy sinkers

01-23-2013, 03:45 PM
Inshore fishing for me, I always try to go as light as possible. My recent offshore seabass trip we were in about 220' of water. Overall range = 180-240'.

After a few of these trips, I have come to realize that going heavier is almost always better. 7.5' rod rated 20-40 with 65lb test braid. Nice long leader of 40lb mono. Big sinkers, usually 14-16 oz.

I am a big believer in one weight, one big dropper loop, one big hook with one big bait. 6" dropper loop about 2' above the sinker. 6/0 mustad hook with at least 1/2 clam on it. The reason - when a 4lb seabass grabs it, not a good time to wait around for another, and why would you? You can most certainly do a second hook if you want.

Dress warm tight lines.

01-23-2013, 04:14 PM
You want a second hook in case your bait gets eaten before you hook a fish. Its a long way to go to do a bait check.

01-23-2013, 04:38 PM
170 to 220 ft. deep 24 oz. sinkers, go lighter if tide and current permit.

I use 50lb. MONO. ( try picking those little knots out of the braid in minus 20* F.)

High low, no bells, no whistles, no beads. I use a 7/0 baitholder, each hook 2 to at least 3 feet apart. Big water, big hooks, big baits, big sinkers, big rods, big reels, leave the fluke stuff at home. Go big or go home.

I use Mason hard nylon to tie my own rigs, 50lb. test.

Pack 3 boxes of frozen squid (whole frozen 8" long) Whole squid on each hook..........THUMPA.....THUMPA.......THUMPA !!! Have fun !!!

01-23-2013, 05:03 PM
170 to 220 ft. deep 24 oz. sinkers, go lighter if tide and current permit.

I use 50lb. MONO. ( try picking those little knots out of the braid in minus 20* F.)

High low, no bells, no whistles, no beads. I use a 7/0 baitholder, each hook 2 to at least 3 feet apart. Big water, big hooks, big baits, big sinkers, big rods, big reels, leave the fluke stuff at home. Go big or go home.

I use Mason hard nylon to tie my own rigs, 50lb. test.

Pack 3 boxes of frozen squid (whole frozen 8" long) Whole squid on each hook..........THUMPA.....THUMPA.......THUMPA !!! Have fun !!!

I like your style Andy. You don't want to fool around with the lighter tackle. With the 15 fish limit you want the bigger baits and hooks. You will have no problem with a Pollock either with that rig. Those sea bass have big mouths and even a smaller one could inhale a squid.

Good advice.


01-23-2013, 08:02 PM
Thanks guys for the info. Sounds like my 200'-250' ling gear (Avet w/450yd braid and 6.5" medium action stick) should do the trick. Just maybe if I had a dual speed reel I would make out better. But I will go for it anyway if weather permits.

Richie: Thanks to you as well. Hope to see ya around soon buddy.

01-23-2013, 08:33 PM
Thanks guys for the info. Sounds like my 200'-250' ling gear (Avet w/450yd braid and 6.5" medium action stick) should do the trick. Just maybe if I had a dual speed reel I would make out better. But I will go for it anyway if weather permits.

Richie: Thanks to you as well. Hope to see ya around soon buddy.

LaMar Hope you are able to get out and catchem up.Bingo should be back in action come April.

01-23-2013, 08:54 PM
Thanks guys for the info. Sounds like my 200'-250' ling gear (Avet w/450yd braid and 6.5" medium action stick) should do the trick. Just maybe if I had a dual speed reel I would make out better. But I will go for it anyway if weather permits.

Richie: Thanks to you as well. Hope to see ya around soon buddy.
IMO I don't think a 2 speed reel is necessary. Just got back Monday and did okay with my Avet MXL

01-23-2013, 09:56 PM
I like your style Andy. You don't want to fool around with the lighter tackle. With the 15 fish limit you want the bigger baits and hooks. You will have no problem with a Pollock either with that rig. Those sea bass have big mouths and even a smaller one could inhale a squid.

Good advice.

Leif doesn't just like Andy's style, he digs his avatar like the rest of us. lol;)

01-23-2013, 10:19 PM
Dont need a 2 speed but its nice to have.. Did fine with my Avet Sx and MXL

01-23-2013, 10:39 PM
how about snags? do you lose many rigs? i have never gone either but am considering it. thanks for your info

01-23-2013, 10:47 PM
how about snags? do you lose many rigs? i have never gone either but am considering it. thanks for your info

Sometimes dont loose a single sinker.. other times you loose a few.. Its bottom fishing you know.. so snags come with the territory..

you should go.. You will have a great time! Its been drop and reel fishing!!

01-23-2013, 11:39 PM
I'm heading off tomorrow night on the Voyager for my first time wreck trip and I can't wait! Was blown out on the Gambler last week and the anticipation has been building.

I'm bringing 2 setups- one a 7' Seeker that I used for trolling bunker spoons on wire line topped with an Avet Pro EXW dual speed. Second setup is a 6'6" Seeker Blue Lightening 20-30 lb topped with a Penn Senator 113H. Both reels loaded with 65lb Power Pro followed by 50 lb mono top shot.

I've tied up 15 high low rigs out of 40 lb Andes clear line and dressed them with 6/0 Gami Baitholders. Also poured a dosen each of 12 and 18 oz banks and bringing along a couple of gold and silver diamond jigs to give that a whirl as well. Counting the minutes :) !!!!!!!

01-24-2013, 08:39 AM
keep it simple.. basic codfish setup is good. probably want braid on the spool. rigging wise the more bells and whistles on the terminal end the easier it is to get hung up in the wreck or attract dogfish. looks like the fishing is stupid good ! have fun!

01-24-2013, 01:08 PM
I'm heading off tomorrow night on the Voyager for my first time wreck trip and I can't wait! Was blown out on the Gambler last week and the anticipation has been building.

I'm bringing 2 setups- one a 7' Seeker that I used for trolling bunker spoons on wire line topped with an Avet Pro EXW dual speed. Second setup is a 6'6" Seeker Blue Lightening 20-30 lb topped with a Penn Senator 113H. Both reels loaded with 65lb Power Pro followed by 50 lb mono top shot.

I've tied up 15 high low rigs out of 40 lb Andes clear line and dressed them with 6/0 Gami Baitholders. Also poured a dosen each of 12 and 18 oz banks and bringing along a couple of gold and silver diamond jigs to give that a whirl as well. Counting the minutes :) !!!!!!!
I'll be on that trip as well. Hope we get to go!!!

01-24-2013, 04:21 PM

NW winds 20 to 30 kt. Seas building to 6 to 9 ft...highest se.

Sat Night

NW winds increasing to 25 to 35 kt. Seas 7 to 10 ft. .sun...NW winds 20 to 30 kt diminishing to 10 to 15 kt late. Seas subsiding to 2 to 4 ft.

01-24-2013, 05:58 PM
yo Andy
thanks everyone tells me i have to use prower pro or i'll tangle everyone else up . i'm onm blood thinners bleed enough as it is figured the braid may make it worst. i'm going to go your way . years ago there was no braid and i did just fine , today you got to fit in ha. never have never will . thanks again we need the truth now and then.Travis Boy

01-24-2013, 06:11 PM
Voyager is sailing tonite, an hour late, but we are going!!!!! All ready!! See ya there, I will try to take some pictures when I get the chance.

01-24-2013, 08:02 PM
We caught mountains of tuna before flourocarbon leaders also, but everyone will insist you need that also.

01-24-2013, 08:13 PM
Woo hoo, 3 hours baby!!!!!!!!

01-24-2013, 08:41 PM
I have an inexpensive penn power stick rod: 7'6", line 40-80# , 12-20oz.

Is this rod good enough for the 18 hours offshore trips?

01-24-2013, 08:47 PM
I have an inexpensive penn power stick rod: 7'6", line 40-80# , 12-20oz.

Is this rod good enough for the 18 hours offshore trips?
