View Full Version : Glitter jigs

01-21-2013, 07:45 AM
Been messing around with glitter. Regular white with fine holographic glitter. Picture does not do justice. The glitter was put on right after the powder so it was embedded into the still soft powder. Was not sure it would survive the oven, but it did.


Kevin Bogan
01-21-2013, 10:55 AM
Mako, great looking stuff. You're right, get that out in daylight and it will stand out! :)

01-21-2013, 03:18 PM
I had a few plugs made by a guy that looked similar to that popper in your pic. I see some type of cupped shape. These plugs had a much larger "cup" on the tail, and looked a little weird, but man did they throw water!!! Is there a way for you to do something like that? It looked like a mushroom at the ass of the plug and would throw water like no other lure I have used, to this day.

Just a thought, since your picture made me think of it. Otherwise, they both look great. I can see the effects the sun would have on them, especially in the water. Nice job. :)

01-21-2013, 04:14 PM
Thanks guys. Jersey, the top jig is copper pipe full of lead for cod and pollack.

01-21-2013, 06:07 PM
Mako, very creative and great effects. Look good. Have to imagine these will stir up some nice action.

01-21-2013, 07:26 PM
Thanks guys. Jersey, the top jig is copper pipe full of lead for cod and pollack.

I was gonna ask if that was a cap or something. lol. That's a great idea there!!! I love when fishermen get creative!! That's awesome! ;)

I bet it works just as good, if not better, than most of the "High End Imports" too!!! I have read that reflective surfaces ( glitter in your case) will reflect UV rays that we can not see with our eyes, but several species of fish can see. I know one of my local NJ manufacturers, has a kick ass UV formula that has proven itself in every test. So I bet that glitter will bring attention down deep, no matter how dark the water is.

( for the hell of it, I would try 2 exact jigs, one with glitter, one without and test the results. ) Sometimes it is the little things make a difference. Either way.... they look great.