View Full Version : Congressman Jon Runyan

01-19-2013, 10:28 AM
Dear Friend,

On Tuesday, January 15th, after a long and frustrating process, the House of Representatives finally brought to the floor H.R. 152, the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013. This bill, along with the amendment introduced by Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ), appropriated the final part of the disaster aid package for those impacted by Hurricane Sandy. The aid, totaling nearly $60 Billion, is now one step closer to becoming a reality for New Jersey residents that have been waiting nearly 80 days for assistance from the federal government.

The debate on Tuesday lasted several hours and I was honored to play a prominent role in the passage of the legislation. I spent a majority of the day on the House floor strongly speaking in favor of the bill and talking to my colleagues to ensure that it had the votes needed for passage. Listed below are a few links to the speeches I gave in support of H.R. 152.

I also took to the floor to support H.R. 152's Rule, which allowed the debate on the aid package to begin

My speech on the floor in support of the main legislation, H.R. 152, for Hurricane Sandy relief

This is my speech in support of Congressman Frelinghuysen's amendment increasing the amount of aid in the bill for victims of Hurricane Sandy

In addition, I proposed an amendment of my own, which passed with overwhelming bipartisan support. The amendment made a correction to the bill making clear that fisheries disaster funding is restricted to those states that were declared fisheries disasters in 2012 as a direct result of Superstorm Sandy. My amendment echoed the concerns of my colleagues that the individuals, families, and businesses impacted by Hurricane Sandy should be receiving this aid.

My speech in support of the fisheries amendment

Although this bill's passage took longer than it should have, H.R. 152 is now in the hands of the United States Senate and I am hopeful that the Senate and the President will act quickly so that families in New Jersey and New York will not have to continue to wait for the aid they so desperately need.


Jon Runyan
Member of Congress

Look up speech on U Tube

01-19-2013, 02:02 PM
Looking for votes ???
when other places in the world need help the money is there before the 6 o clock news...
for us it takes months....wtf is wrong with this picture..wanna knock on my door an ask for my vote ?????????
chad hacker

Joey Dah Fish
01-19-2013, 04:41 PM
Though the tri state area that was effected most likely pays about 30% of the revenue received in the entire country. How can you possibly believe congress would help!!! They are all takers!!! The ribin hoods of America. Take from those that have and give to those that don't !!! Even if they are lazy unappreciative pieces of human garbage. All Americans want to hope the people that need help. We are just tired of helping those who don't want to help themselves. The money in better spent on the most those that are having a tough time making ends meet. Not the ones who make it a lifestyle. PS if you dont like what I have to say. Then you are part of the problem not part of the solution!!!

01-19-2013, 04:56 PM
Isn't that your job?