View Full Version : Reef Hearing Results

Angler Paul
01-18-2013, 07:05 PM
JCAA Supports SMZ Status for Delaware’s Artificial Reefs
By Paul Haertel

On 1/17/13 the Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Management Council with the assistance of the New Jersey Bureau of Marine Fisheries sponsored a hearing in Toms River concerning Delaware’s artificial reef program. Several proposals are being considered that range from status quo to designating all five of Delaware’s reefs as special management zones.
While some might believe that this issue has little to do with New Jersey, the decision rendered will most likely have a significant impact for those who fish our reefs. There is a strong likelihood that the MAFMC will make similar decisions when New Jersey’s reefs are eventually discussed. Additionally, we felt compelled to speak on behalf of our fellow anglers in Delaware and the recreational fishermen from the southern part of our state who utilize Delaware’s reefs.
Attendance at the meeting was not as large as it would have been if the meeting was about New Jersey’s reefs. In fact only three commercial fishermen were present and they spoke against SMZ status. However, recreational fishermen were well represented by various prominent fishing and diving groups. In addition to the JCAA, Reef Rescue, New Jersey Outdoor Alliance, New Jersey State Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, New Jersey Council of Diving Clubs, Recreational Fishing Alliance, and a number of representatives from various other recreational fishing groups all spoke in favor of the following options:

2a. Designate reef sites 9, 10, 11, 13 and 14 as SMZ (i.e., all five reef sites)
3b. Restrict fishing activities in designated SMZ sites to hook & line and spear fishing gear only.
(A request to also allow hand fishing as well for lobsters is going to be looked into)
4b. Designate SMZs year round
5c. 500 meter buffer (equivalent to 0.25 nautical miles

Written comments on Delaware’s request for SMZ status for their reefs must be submitted by 1/29/13. They may be mailed to Chris Moore, PH. D., Executive Director, Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, 800 North State St., Suite 201, Dover, DE. 19901. (Write “SMZ Comments” on the envelope)
Comments may also be submitted via email, cmoore@mafmc.org or faxed to (302) 674-5399. Be sure to write “SMZ Comments” on the subject line.