View Full Version : Power handle

01-18-2013, 12:03 AM
So my power handle started working loose on my sea bass trip the other day. I put it together as described with the Loctite #242 I believe, but the phillips screw through the handle was becoming loose. Now I need to redo it, wondering if I should use some other flavor of thread locker?

01-18-2013, 07:30 AM
So my power handle started working loose on my sea bass trip the other day. I put it together as described with the Loctite #242 I believe, but the phillips screw through the handle was becoming loose. Now I need to redo it, wondering if I should use some other flavor of thread locker?
What kind of reel/handle?


01-18-2013, 08:20 AM
What kind of reel/handle?

Leif, It's a Shimano Torium 30 with a T-bar type handle like this:http://www.ebay.com/itm/T-BAR-POWER-KNOB-FOR-PENN-DAIWA-SHIMANO-ACCURATE-AVET-REEL-HANDLE-SILVER-/121049783545?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c2f211cf9

01-18-2013, 01:14 PM
Leif, It's a Shimano Torium 30 with a T-bar type handle like this:http://www.ebay.com/itm/T-BAR-POWER-KNOB-FOR-PENN-DAIWA-SHIMANO-ACCURATE-AVET-REEL-HANDLE-SILVER-/121049783545?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c2f211cf9

#26231 - Liquid Threadlocker 262 High Strength,

I hate when that happens. Some of those trips will vibrate the screws right out of the reel. Seem to happen on those sea bass trips.

Try the stronger stuff. Those are nice looking handles.

NJ Dave
01-19-2013, 11:30 PM
Those t handels are real nice and function well also. The only draw back is in the winter they get real cold real fast.