View Full Version : 1/16 Offshore Report - Big Jamaica

01-17-2013, 07:25 AM
The Beat Goes On!
The Sea Bass Beating That Is
1-16 Offshore Report

Another very good trip today, making it 9 boat limit catches of sea bass in a row. There were also a number of jumbo porgies and small blues caught.
Offshore fishing is still running strong, and looks good for upcoming trips. The water temperature is holding steady from 52 to 54 degrees which is well above the temperature necessary for the continued migration of giant sea bass and jumbo porgies to the offshore wrecks.

The pool winners were:
Dave Martell from Bronx NY with a 6.5LB sea bass, and his limit of sea bass,
Joe DeSilva from S. Amboy NJ with a 5.75LB Sea Bass and his limit of sea bass.

The big Jamaica is scheduled to sail offshore every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday leaving 11PM the night before. We have also added a trip for Monday 1/21 leaving 11PM the night before.

The Jamaica Star will sail at 9PM Friday night to the offshore wrecks. There is still space available on that trip. The Jamaica Star sailed last Saturday and had limit catches of giant sea bass and some jumbo porgies.
More photos at: facebook.com/TheBigJamaica

We now have “Ventafish” venting tools available for purchase for those who catch their limit early and want to release the rest safely.
They can also be purchased at www.boganmarine.com

For our complete schedule go to:
We are now taking reservations. 732-528-5014
Capt. Howard Bogan

01-17-2013, 09:29 AM
Awsome report and nice going with the ventafish.

01-17-2013, 11:30 AM
Great report, hope to get a chance to get on an overnighter before the season ends!

Pink Avet Girl
01-17-2013, 12:49 PM
Awesome jumbo sea bass...gets me really excited to see them that big coming out of the waters around here.

Capt. Lou
01-17-2013, 07:26 PM
This venting tool should be mandatory for offshore sea bass fisherman on any boat , this tool can save thousands of fish over the course of a season . Look good to the powers to be that we contuine to do our part as responsible anglers that deserve longer seasons !