View Full Version : Sea Bass Teasers

01-16-2013, 08:45 PM
Sea Bass Teaser

Here's a sea bass teaser that is easy to make and catches fish. You can make them in larger sizes for pollock and cod. I had great success with the 6/0 size in blue and pink for cod and pollock on a recent trip.

Materials needed...

Krinkle Hair
Mylar tinsel
4/0 Gamakatsu Siwash
100 lb swivel
A thread or monochord

Attach swivel to hook and close eye. (You can do this before or after you tie the fly.)

1. Put hook in vise and wrap first 1/3 with thread
2. Tie in a clump of tinsel and or flashabou on top of hook.
3. Tie in a bunch of krinkle hair on top.
4. Tie in a smaller bunch of darker color on top of that.
5. Rotate vise and tie in a clump of hair equall to what you did on top
6. Wip finish and cement the head.

You can make these in any color. I use green, purple, pink and blue.
Tie them so the hair extends past the bend but not too far as it will foul the hook. I tie them about 2 or 3 inches in length.

A good tip is to cement the head as you go so the fly is durable. I use a deep penetrating head cement during each step and then epoxy the head for a nice finish.

Use these with a teaser rig. I use 60lb test leader material. Tie a 150lb swivel to the 60lb test then tie in a 5 inch kiwi loop a few inches below that.

Cut the leader 24-30 inches below that and tie on a 150 lb snap swivel or perfection loop for the jig or sinker.

Good Luck!


bunker dunker
01-17-2013, 12:48 PM
awsome stuff!!!!!! might catch a few cod on them also.;)

01-20-2013, 02:18 PM
Awesome teasers! Jig 'em up!


02-03-2013, 09:12 AM
I used these teasers yesterday along with a hammered diamond jig and banged the large sea bass.

Nice job tying these Leifer. Thank you!!

02-03-2013, 09:56 AM
That came out awesome

02-06-2013, 10:04 PM
Those look good Leif. Where do you get your threads from? The ones I get aren't stiff enough and my teasers tend to flop around a lot more than I like em too.

02-06-2013, 11:21 PM
Those look good Leif. Where do you get your threads from? The ones I get aren't stiff enough and my teasers tend to flop around a lot more than I like em too.
Petey, sent you a PM. Thanks. Don't tie them too long.


02-07-2013, 10:39 PM
Petey, sent you a PM. Thanks. Don't tie them too long.


Thanks Lief I use them a lot for cod jigging when Im not using curly tails or squid teasers.