View Full Version : wicked tuna season 2
01-13-2013, 10:29 AM
Starts tonite right ? Cant wait
01-13-2013, 10:39 AM
Yes sir. 9pm nat geo.
01-13-2013, 10:49 AM
I loved last season , but i hope this one wow's me , i wanna fish for tuna bad as hell went out for makos first time on my boat the year before last went to monsters but the water was green than headed out to the glory hole , it was blue as hell , had a mako 150 class jump do three back flips but never took the bait ..but it was a sight !! First time out that far and wanna do some more !! Just gets exspencive with a 2 stroke 225 merc sucking down the fuel ...and oil
01-13-2013, 11:18 AM
It would be nice if there was more on angling technique. This is a tuna fishing soap opera not a fishing show. I still watch just to hear the reels sing.
01-13-2013, 11:37 AM
It is in the contracts on the show that they do not show bait rigging etc.....
01-13-2013, 11:37 AM
It would be nice if there was more on angling technique. This is a tuna fishing soap opera not a fishing show. I still watch just to hear the reels sing.
Exactly! So heavily edited. Why not tell us how long it really takes to land each fish? They make it seem like landing a fluke is more of a struggle. Hope they get off that "Dave is evil" theme already, it's getting very old. Deadliest Catch does it much better blending the personalities in with the actual fishing and also giving you good technical info along with it.
01-13-2013, 12:15 PM
How about:
- how do they choose where to fish
- what does the rig look like
- what are they using for bait and how does it change over the course of the season
- what depth are they setting baits at
- what is going on with water depth?
Capt. Lou
01-13-2013, 12:53 PM
How about:
- how do they choose where to fish
- what does the rig look like
- what are they using for bait and how does it change over the course of the season
- what depth are they setting baits at
- what is going on with water depth?
Expieaance past & current info
Some use all mono , I used yo use Dacron , top shot mono
Aussie barrel , crimped to top shot other Dacron double core spliced looped to reel side of TS. TS can be all 250 to 300 # floro crimp hook
All crimps get chafing tube , I blackened all mine.
Fresh mack, herring , hake & any live bait you can add to the pot!
Changes w/ availability & season
Depends on location & bait readings
Don't know what you mean here! Water depth is where you go offshoe inshore etc,
Deepest I've hooked up 90' buy you can well below and above those depths!
Gerry Zagorski
01-13-2013, 01:13 PM
Looking forward to the show and will be routing for the crew of
01-13-2013, 01:30 PM
Im watching this show now, I find most of these guys annoying, im jealous of the work they do, I dont like how every time they hook up they insert a fake drag singing noise in to make it more dramatic. That said, most shows on TV are awful, and this one's not so bad.
01-13-2013, 04:34 PM
These guys earn a living doin this they dont need every weekend warrior out bothering them , while they are out there and they sure as hell dont need people stealing their fishing spots !! Any commercial boat is not giving up the secrets
01-13-2013, 05:43 PM all the way!! Hope they show Pin Wheel what the deal is!
01-14-2013, 09:46 AM
How about:
- how do they choose where to fish
- what does the rig look like
- what are they using for bait and how does it change over the course of the season
- what depth are they setting baits at
- what is going on with water depth?
As much as all of us want as much information and details as the next guy, you can't fault the cast for being cautious with what information airs on the program. One day Wicked Tuna will no longer be but all the boats involved will still be chasing tuna for a living. Not sure what the Captain and crews cut is from the show but I would think they make more money from their chosen profession than what the show contributes to their 1040. None of us in the same situation would risk the tricks of the trade for a lesser pay day on something which will probably be gone in a few years.
There's probably no more secretive fishery in existence than blue fin tuna fishing and while like everyone else I'd like to know more details about how and where they fish, I'm not holding my breathe.
Hope season two is a good one but in the absence of details which won't be volunteered, I would guess the story line will be similar to last year. Still not bad to get your fix during the winter months when we're all going through cabin fever and some form of withdrawal!
Ol Pedro
01-14-2013, 10:55 AM all the way!! Hope they show Pin Wheel what the deal is!
I watched and I wish that they wouldn't put in all the drama . Bring in some Young Guns to stir the pot to get better ratings . Leave the drama at the dock and just go fishing ! Also even though the clicker sounds are anoying it tells the helmsman that the fish is taking line without anyone saying a word .
Captain Ahab
01-14-2013, 11:39 AM
Noticed that some of the boats were using newer reels but could determine the make - look like maybe oversized Avets or Canyons???? Anyone know what the reels were
Last seasons they all had Penn Internationals - this seasons something new
Ol Pedro
01-14-2013, 12:00 PM
Noticed that some of the boats were using newer reels but could determine the make - look like maybe oversized Avets or Canyons???? Anyone know what the reels were
Last seasons they all had Penn Internationals - this seasons something new
I think that they have Reel Venders sending them free stuff to playtest for exposure . I saw a smaller Avet on one of the bait rods . I think that there are more 2 speed Internationals this year . We do it all the time to get our product out there in Movies/Tv Shows .
Joey Dah Fish
01-14-2013, 02:02 PM
I saw a couple Shimano Tiagra. From a viewer anf fishermans perpective i would like to tell Tyler to shut up and fish!!!!! Talk is cheap!!!! Go and all the other boats except the Pin Wheel :)
01-14-2013, 02:34 PM
I saw a couple Shimano Tiagra. From a viewer anf fishermans perpective i would like to tell Tyler to shut up and fish!!!!! Talk is cheap!!!! Go and all the other boats except the Pin Wheel :)
Ah, don't get caught up in that. I'm sure the producers script it and prod the guys to get into it. At least they are giving fight times now.
01-14-2013, 03:55 PM
I hope some one beats the $#!T out of the New Hampshire Idiots.
by the look of the previews someone slaps him up a bit.
Normally I root against the people from Boston. but these idiots are red sox fans anyway.
Hope Dave and Marciano are the top 2 boats again.
01-14-2013, 04:07 PM
Penn Internationals, Shimano Tiagra and Marciano had a bunch of new Accurate reels, they are great reels but expensive, I'm sure most of this stuff is donated for exposure.
01-14-2013, 06:05 PM
As mentioned previously, total fish fighting times are being shown now for some of the catches...nice to see. Some new twists with the new crew added this year...these guys are way too cocky in my opinion but sure it was meant to add to the ratings and viewership. Funny, but I've predicted each fish price/lb for the tuna caught by each crew. Waiting to see what other surprises are in store this year.
01-14-2013, 06:29 PM
Just watch cocky will come back and bite them.
01-14-2013, 09:59 PM
I understand rooting against Boston, but that lends to the reason to root for as dave is a middletown nj guy who moved up there because it was the right area to fish for giant bft.
So you would be rooting for nj and not the soxxxxxxxxx lol
Pennsy Guy
01-14-2013, 10:33 PM
Afraid this year's goin' to be more talk, less fishing...yea, I know--it's a reality show, boost the ratings, BUT.....
Let's do a little better job editing--3' seas, then flat and back to 3'ers on the same fish--one loooong, yellow, black and clear line on the reel on one fish....saw different reels this year...last year's reels were all numbered....hope the Accurate works for Marciano...liked his ethics from last year's episodes.....
01-15-2013, 09:22 AM
That is true !!
Go , Marciano and the YANKS ! LOL
I understand rooting against Boston, but the lends to the reason to root for as dave is a middletown nj guy who moved up there because it was the right area to fish for giant bft.
So you would be rooting for nj and not the soxxxxxxxxx lol
Captain Ahab
01-16-2013, 01:13 PM
Penn Internationals, Shimano Tiagra and Marciano had a bunch of new Accurate reels,
Ahhh - that is what I was wondering about - thanks
Gerry Zagorski
01-16-2013, 01:17 PM
Me thinks later on in the season you might be seeing Mariano using Avets ;)
01-16-2013, 02:21 PM
Of course after making an appearance at the holiday party along with the donations, is who I am routing for, hope to see more of Paul too.
Although it is a lot of drama and what I like to call dock politics, it is enjoyable to watch. I can sit on my couch, here a reel scream, and wait to see if and what is caught, tough to beat that in the winter!
01-17-2013, 11:05 AM
Thats why I call you the "Tuna Slayer" Chucky you dont miss a trick.
Pennsy Guy
01-17-2013, 10:07 PM
replaying second season opener right now....
01-18-2013, 07:51 AM
There was 1 thing missing from the first episode...........
It just wasn't the same without him....
01-18-2013, 09:27 AM
Ive noticed a lot of mistakes in this show. Anyone ever realize the depth finder says 6-10 ft sometimes while they are supposidly fishing
Pennsy Guy
01-18-2013, 08:08 PM
After watching the first episode again I'm thinking I must have been delusional during the first viewing, didn't see any line color changes....and no, haven't had anything to drink since the last tuna trip---hmmm..maybe THAT'S the problem.....
01-19-2013, 01:29 PM
I missed it. Any one know where to watch a rerun of the show??
Pennsy Guy
01-20-2013, 12:36 AM
series is on National Geographic (Nat Geo) channel..first episode ran twice tonight-it's on even as I type(12:30AM)Sat/Sun night)...they might run it again Sunday sometime--second episode is Sunday night @9:00...I think Pin Wheel capt gets decked on a dock...
01-20-2013, 12:08 PM
2nd show tonight and ...heeeeeee's baaacckk!
01-21-2013, 12:43 AM
After watching the first episode again I'm thinking I must have been delusional during the first viewing, didn't see any line color changes....and no, haven't had anything to drink since the last tuna trip---hmmm..maybe THAT'S the problem.....
Yeah but tonight's episode had the Hard Merchandise hook up on an Accurate reel (green line) and in the middle of the fight it changed to a Penn reel only to come back to being the original Accurate with green line.
01-21-2013, 06:31 AM
Even a five year old will notice the switching back and forth between a gold reel and a silver reel on the same fish. Come on! Are there no standards for editing? If they are being so dishonest about that what else are they lying about?
And what's with that pushing match on the dock they teased all show last week? Made us believe it was coming up on this show.
01-21-2013, 09:22 AM
I really like those harpoon guys. Glad they threw that boat in the mix.
Funny though - they were so happy to have a few thousand bucks for those two fish (wow- $24 per pound was the highest I've seen on that show) but I'm curious how that gets divided. 3 guys on the boat and one guy in an airplane! Lots of fuel expense I wold imagine. Saves on bait, rods, reels, hooks, other terminal tackle though. I suppose I answered my own question - It probably evens out to be about the same as the rod and reel guys.
I was curious as to why those 2 fish warranted the higher payout. Obviously it is due to the higher fat content which brings a greater price on the Jap auction markets. Got me thinking - maybe the fish that are caught on bait are less fatty because they are REALLY hungry. Hungry enough to eat a dead piece of bait on a hook. These may be the skinnier fish. Just a thought. $25 per pound vs $14 per pound is a big difference.
Ol Pedro
01-21-2013, 09:40 AM
I really like those harpoon guys. Glad they threw that boat in the mix.
Funny though - they were so happy to have a few thousand bucks for those two fish (wow- $24 per pound was the highest I've seen on that show) but I'm curious how that gets divided. 3 guys on the boat and one guy in an airplane! Lots of fuel expense I wold imagine. Saves on bait, rods, reels, hooks, other terminal tackle though. I suppose I answered my own question - It probably evens out to be about the same as the rod and reel guys.
I was curious as to why those 2 fish warranted the higher payout. Obviously it is due to the higher fat content which brings a greater price on the Jap auction markets. Got me thinking - maybe the fish that are caught on bait are less fatty because they are REALLY hungry. Hungry enough to eat a dead piece of bait on a hook. These may be the skinnier fish. Just a thought. $25 per pound vs $14 per pound is a big difference.
Short and fat is better than long and lean . Two hour old fish vs two day old . The harpoon fish are in better shape due to a much shorter fight . The longer the fight the more lactic acid in the fish . There are also differences in the Brokers . Bluefin are conditioned to eat bycatch from the Draggers/Scallopers . Also they don't show the live bait that the crews are fishing for when they put them out . Bluefin love Whiting/Hake/Ling/Herring/Mackerel .
01-21-2013, 09:57 AM
Thanks for the consice reply Pedro!! You are right on also about the two hour VS two day fish!! Fishing buddy in Fla. commands higher price for his grouper because his fish are handled properly and only hours old when delivered to the wholesaler.
01-21-2013, 02:28 PM
Started a post about marcianos reel. Didn't see that it was on this post. Anyway. I saw that. Lol
Blind Archer
01-21-2013, 04:38 PM
Calling it a "fishing soap opera " really nailed it. Is there some financial network bonus at series end for the most / biggest fish or are these guys just all about how great they are. Can't say I miss Paul either. Though there is still a lot of sensoring going on, It sounded like I was watching a fleet of garbage trucks backing up last season. My advice to any whiner is "Shut up and fish !"
01-21-2013, 05:24 PM
I think Pin Wheel is going to put up some nice numbers this season! He is driven and has the heart for it.. He is a die hard fishermen.. But we all know that is the Champ!!
And to the Boat Christina and the other harpoon boats.. your all chumps! Need a plane to find the fish then u just drive up on em and spike them in the back... Thats Weak in my book! Rod and Reel should be the only way..
Gerry Zagorski
01-21-2013, 09:44 PM
Good to see Paul, Dave and Sandros fishing together again in 2nd show. These guys have some chemistry.
I have a new found respect for Pin Wheel now too... Kid's got game risking it going out the the Banks... No risk, no reward but you have to balance it.... At the end of the day it's not how much you make, it's how much you keep...
Heading up to fish with Dave and the crew in June and hoping he doesn't take us out to the Banks. Getting too old (and smart) for those long trips :)
Pennsy Guy
01-22-2013, 04:25 PM
Short and fat is better than long and lean . Two hour old fish vs two day old . The harpoon fish are in better shape due to a much shorter fight . The longer the fight the more lactic acid in the fish . There are also differences in the Brokers . Bluefin are conditioned to eat bycatch from the Draggers/Scallopers . Also they don't show the live bait that the crews are fishing for when they put them out . Bluefin love Whiting/Hake/Ling/Herring/Mackerel .
Right on Pete..last year they mentioned it once...every once in a while they show a mate using a light rig but never say anything about it anymore...we know but the general population doesn't...oh, well........
01-22-2013, 04:32 PM
Fishing live bait is the way to go.. You will see every time they are jigging or bait fishing for ling,hake,cod,herring,macks... Put them out there and a giant sees it.. Cant resist! or so you hope soo. haha
Ol Pedro
01-22-2013, 04:41 PM
Right on Pete..last year they mentioned it once...every once in a while they show a mate using a light rig but never say anything about it anymore...we know but the general population doesn't...oh, well........
Chuckie ,People Forget that Not so long ago we used to set up inshore a little and catch Bluefin when the Yellowfin didn't want to play . We still use livies when we can get them for Yellowfin . I keep looking at the pic of my little 85 lber that I caught some 12-14 years ago . You and John put a hurting on the Yellowfin that trip . Even Todd Burger got um ! We finally get it wired and start to catch them up to 200lbs then we get shut down/limited to 1 over/1under by our Goverment .
01-22-2013, 06:57 PM
Pete, Wait till you see what YOUR PRESIDENT has instore for you. It's all about zones.
01-22-2013, 08:00 PM
A lot of scene switching on this show between reels and sounders, definitely not telling everything about how they catch, which is fine.
Pennsy Guy
01-22-2013, 08:20 PM
Pete, Wait till you see what YOUR PRESIDENT has instore for you. It's all about zones.
Afraid you're right, Greg...Obama=zones=Pew=PHEW=makes me want to puck---if you catch my drift.....
Pete, I agree 100%...and don't forget shadowing the scallopers, guess it's been 15+/- years since doing that...BFT is my favorite eating tuna...almost got pulled overboard by one:eek: but that one tasted extra good;)
Ol Pedro
01-23-2013, 10:04 AM
Afraid you're right, Greg...Obama=zones=Pew=PHEW=makes me want to puck---if you catch my drift.....
Pete, I agree 100%...and don't forget shadowing the scallopers, guess it's been 15+/- years since doing that...BFT is my favorite eating tuna...almost got pulled overboard by one:eek: but that one tasted extra good;)
The West Coast Party Boats are taking a beating because of the zones . Two of my friends won't fish California Saltwater anymore . I pray that this isn't the last Generation of Watermen . God Bless our Fishermen be they Comm. or Sporties . May their Traditions carry on .
01-23-2013, 05:11 PM
It looks like cod and haddock fishing will be a thing of the past in the not too distant future here in Mass. Thanks to Jane Lubchenco who destroyed a fishery that was completely rebuilt with her catch shares program. Mission accomplished, now they can have 2 - 3 conglomerates running the entire fishery in time.
Most likely the 50 - 60 ground fish charters that I do alone each season, along with the other many other charter and headboats have done in the past will no longer be.
01-23-2013, 05:26 PM
Capt. Dave what are the regs for keeping this year?
Looking forward to seeing the rest of the show.
01-23-2013, 05:31 PM
Sorry to say I don't know yet. They will probably have a ruling just before the season opens. Just in time for all of us to send our deposits back and tell everyone we can't take them fishing.
01-23-2013, 05:35 PM
Sorry to say I don't know yet. They will probably have a ruling just before the season opens. Just in time for all of us to send our deposits back and tell everyone we can't take them fishing.
Capt. Dave I really hope they do not do any more damage to our lively hoods, or love of fishing.
01-23-2013, 05:38 PM
Capt. Dave I really hope they do not do any more damage to our lively hoods, or love of fishing.
Sad to say they really could care less. I can move on and do my other job full time, however many of my neighbors up here it's all they have and know.
Joey Dah Fish
01-23-2013, 06:28 PM
Our government sucks!!!
01-23-2013, 09:29 PM
Such crap!
01-24-2013, 12:12 AM
I thought the capt on the hard merchandise was fishing an Okuma Makaira 80. I could have sworn I used the same reel in PEI this past September. They should do a show up there...I have screen shots with 10-15 giants on the finder at the same time. ridiculous.
sorry to hear about the regs Dave. Hope all is well.
01-24-2013, 07:57 PM
Interesting... She is Obama endorsed..... Need to say nothing more
Another reason for me to "strongly dislike" this guy.
It looks like cod and haddock fishing will be a thing of the past in the not too distant future here in Mass. Thanks to Jane Lubchenco who destroyed a fishery that was completely rebuilt with her catch shares program. Mission accomplished, now they can have 2 - 3 conglomerates running the entire fishery in time.
Most likely the 50 - 60 ground fish charters that I do alone each season, along with the other many other charter and headboats have done in the past will no longer be.
01-24-2013, 08:01 PM
Interesting... She is Obama endorsed..... Need to say nothing more
Another reason for me to "strongly dislike" this guy.
I can not imagine what Pt. Pleasant, Pt. Judith, and Gloucester will look like if all this gets pushed through the pipe.
Gerry Zagorski
01-27-2013, 10:13 AM
Wow... Us little people who pay all the taxes take it in the shorts again from the very people who were elected and sworn to protect our interests. SCREW THEM!!
This government of ours is getting way too big and involved in legislating in areas where they have no expertise and in many where they don't belong. They are becoming way too powerful yet seem to have no accountability to their consstituants.
Time to take back our country.
01-27-2013, 10:20 AM
What happened to the Wicked Tuna topic? Fisheries management screws everything up.
01-27-2013, 10:42 AM
It looks like cod and haddock fishing will be a thing of the past in the not too distant future here in Mass. Thanks to Jane Lubchenco who destroyed a fishery that was completely rebuilt with her catch shares program. Mission accomplished, now they can have 2 - 3 conglomerates running the entire fishery in time.
Most likely the 50 - 60 ground fish charters that I do alone each season, along with the other many other charter and headboats have done in the past will no longer be.
Wow that Jane lady collapsed fully rebuilt stocks in less than 4 years? Sorry to hear that. How much did they increase the landings over 8 years ago to be able to collapse a "rebuilt and healthy stock" in less than 4 years? Wow and I thought the last few years had lower landings , bag limits, seasons, limited entry and total TAL. I know the recs and commercial guys have been screaming the last 4 years over restriction but now I read that Jane is responsible for collapsing a healthy rebuilt fishery and she was able to do it in less than 4 years wow.
01-27-2013, 05:01 PM
I agree with Dave. Lets get back on the Wicked Tuna topic. What are the odds Tyler gets his ass kicked fishing by and his ass also kicked at the dock? i am hoping both story lines happen. That kid is good for the show but man I hate him.
01-27-2013, 06:42 PM
What happened to the Wicked Tuna topic? Fisheries management screws everything up.
Your rite Dave.. lets get back to the topic!!
Dave how dare the Bounty Hunter take your Spot!! They marked your spot then just jumped in!! Not Cool!!!
01-27-2013, 09:15 PM
So the Bounty Hunter mate says he's worried about the charter guys who are inexperienced and losing a big fish and costing him money... I get it... but why then are you taking a group of guys who are paying for your charter? Not something you should be saying publicly on TV. Now Capt Bill s saying the same thing.........AND then they lose a nice tuna by themselves w/o a charter????
01-27-2013, 10:48 PM
i just dont want to see poor editing anymore,.. Marciano fightin 1 fsh with 4 reels..
01-27-2013, 11:12 PM
Another Epic night of wicked tuna! Love this show!! Im glad there was no harpoon boats on tonight! Be a man and fish with a rod and reel!
The Bill TM
01-27-2013, 11:35 PM
So the Bounty Hunter mate says he's worried about the charter guys who are inexperienced and losing a big fish and costing him money... I get it... but why then are you taking a group of guys who are paying for your charter? Not something you should be saying publicly on TV. Now Capt Bill s saying the same thing.........AND then they lose a nice tuna by themselves w/o a charter????
I was just fishing in Mexico on a charter and something similar to this happened to me. I was pulling up a big grouper and the captain thought I was just an inexperienced fisherman struggling with a small fish on. It wasn't until the slob started to surface and he knew it was nice money in his pocket that he stopped laughing at me and took it seriously. We landed it, then when the line dropped back down to the bottom, we hooked up again and the mate tried to set the hook without setting the drag properly and the leader snapped. Now I know the market for grouper and bluefin tuna are drastically different the principle here is the same. Fishing is fishing and not catching, no matter the experience level lost fish is part of fishing and can happen to anyone.
With that said, I feel that when you book a charter the captain and crew have an obligation to the experience of the customer and any fish caught that can be sold is an added bonus. You can't have your fish cake and eat it too.
Sorry for the rant guys, love the show and happy the isn't portrayed as the villains of the Massachusetts seas anymore, those Pin Wheel guys need to shut up and learn from the veterans instead of playing childish antics that make the fishing community as a whole look poorly.
Ol Pedro
01-28-2013, 01:33 PM
No one is immuned to #'s poaching . It happens all the time offshore on Bottom trips . Some boats leave early to steal your spot from the prior days fishing . It's frustrating when you travel 60+ miles only to find someone on your spot . You just hope that there are othe pieces close . It's just part of fishing . Never leave port without a plan B and C .
I was just fishing in Mexico on a charter and something similar to this happened to me. I was pulling up a big grouper and the captain thought I was just an inexperienced fisherman struggling with a small fish on. It wasn't until the slob started to surface and he knew it was nice money in his pocket that he stopped laughing at me and took it seriously. We landed it, then when the line dropped back down to the bottom, we hooked up again and the mate tried to set the hook without setting the drag properly and the leader snapped. Now I know the market for grouper and bluefin tuna are drastically different the principle here is the same. Fishing is fishing and not catching, no matter the experience level lost fish is part of fishing and can happen to anyone.
With that said, I feel that when you book a charter the captain and crew have an obligation to the experience of the customer and any fish caught that can be sold is an added bonus. You can't have your fish cake and eat it too.
Sorry for the rant guys, love the show and happy the isn't portrayed as the villains of the Massachusetts seas anymore, those Pin Wheel guys need to shut up and learn from the veterans instead of playing childish antics that make the fishing community as a whole look poorly.
I hear where your coming from. It's a TV show, they have to make it interesting. There trying to play actors, I wouldn't take it to heart. Makes it interesting.
01-28-2013, 04:23 PM
The bounty hunter has to make a dollar where he can.. and yes it can get frustrating when you have first timers out fishing and they keep loosing fish.. But have to remember they are paying the bills by coming out fishing with you..
Ol Pedro
01-28-2013, 04:54 PM
Whats up with Pinwheel saying that Greensticks are something new . They have been used by Comm. trollers out West for quite some time . I guess that some people in California think that Spreader bars are new too .
01-28-2013, 05:03 PM
Whats up with Pinwheel saying that Greensticks are something new . They have been used by Comm. trollers out West for quite some time . I guess that some people in California think that Spreader bars are new too .
lol.. i was thinking the same thing.. they have been around forever
Joey Dah Fish
01-28-2013, 05:06 PM
I have yet to go out on a canyon trip and not see a green stick working. Let's give him a nick name. Pin Head is Fishin on Pin Wheel :)
01-28-2013, 05:27 PM
I have yet to go out on a canyon trip and not see a green stick working. Let's give him a nick name. Pin Head is Fishin on Pin Wheel :)
01-28-2013, 06:30 PM
No one is immuned to #'s poaching . It happens all the time offshore on Bottom trips . Some boats leave early to steal your spot from the prior days fishing . It's frustrating when you travel 60+ miles only to find someone on your spot . You just hope that there are othe pieces close . It's just part of fishing . Never leave port without a plan B and C .
Several times when I chartered out of Key Largo we had "weekend warriors" follow the boat out of the marina looking to follow us to the snapper/grouper fishing spots. The Capt. would take us into an area with really sticky bottom, drop his anchor (a thin, re-bar style, with a breakaway for easy release) and we would wait until the following boat would set his dansforth anchor in the bottom. We would then pull anchor and slowly drive away as the other guy was freaking out, realizing his anchor was stuck!! Once in a while, the capt would return to the spot at the end of the day and with his skill and anchor ball, retrieve the abandoned anchor!! Served them right!!! Good episode of Wicked Tuna, seems everyone can end up fishing someone elses spot!!
Ol Pedro
01-29-2013, 10:46 AM
I have yet to go out on a canyon trip and not see a green stick working. Let's give him a nick name. Pin Head is Fishin on Pin Wheel :)
I was thinking the same nickname ! Now we have Tricky Dave and Pinhead .
01-29-2013, 11:17 AM
Want to know if they lose a fish or not? Pay attention to the music in the background. If it's ascending notes building to a crescendo then you'll soon see a close up of the rod tip and the fish popping off.
Speaking of bad editing, why do we hear the sound of line ripping out while the reel is being furiously cranked in?
Dave, was bringing Paul back soley your decision or did TV money have any bearing? I think they were pretty happy to have him back.
The Bill TM
01-29-2013, 11:26 AM
Dave, was bringing Paul back soley your decision or did TV money have any bearing? I think they were pretty happy to have him back.
Great question! Inquiring minds want to know.
01-29-2013, 12:06 PM
Want to know if they lose a fish or not? Pay attention to the music in the background. If it's ascending notes building to a crescendo then you'll soon see a close up of the rod tip and the fish popping off.
Speaking of bad editing, why do we hear the sound of line ripping out while the reel is being furiously cranked in?
Dave, was bringing Paul back soley your decision or did TV money have any bearing? I think they were pretty happy to have him back.
My choice, they have no say in any of our decisions.
Ol Pedro
01-29-2013, 01:13 PM
My choice, they have no say in any of our decisions.
Paul's a good deckhand . Why wouldn't Dave take him back ? You always want your A Team on deck .
01-29-2013, 01:25 PM
Speaking of bad editing, why do we hear the sound of line ripping out while the reel is being furiously cranked in?
I noticed that this past Sunday, I got a kick out of that.
01-29-2013, 03:31 PM
Paul's a good deckhand . Why wouldn't Dave take him back ? You always want your A Team on deck .
Perhaps, but Paul did leave after ten years under what looked like pretty bad blood to us AND went to a competitor's boat on top of it. I thought maybe the producers recognized his ratings appeal as a colorful character (him taking a dump in a bucket while a tuna hit was can't miss TV) and came up with some extra cash so Dave could get him back.
Dave says no so I'll take him at his word.
01-29-2013, 03:33 PM
What they really need is to find some Amazon type hottie who knows her stuff to mate on one of these boats. That'll get some ratings. :)
01-29-2013, 04:55 PM
good call Tombanjo. that would put the ratings through the roof.
01-29-2013, 05:05 PM
I think Bill on the Bounty Hunter should serve some cheese with all the wine he serves. More concerned about all the outher boats than his. Saw him miss three fish this year allready.
Joey Dah Fish
01-29-2013, 06:00 PM
Yeah it's kinda funny that the Bounty Hunter had to go to Dave's number to catch a fish. How ever I can't say that I blame him. He needed a fish pretty badly to stay in the game. Dave did give a wild goose chase last year. Hey Dave a friendly word of advice just tell them your not giving them your numbers next time they ask rather then tell them the wrong thing. I'm a big fan. But I rooting for all of them to catch except Pinhead :p lol
Ol Pedro
01-30-2013, 08:38 AM
I think Bill on the Bounty Hunter should serve some cheese with all the wine he serves. More concerned about all the outher boats than his. Saw him miss three fish this year allready.
It's always easier to blame something else for lost fish . With those fish you rarely get a second chance to make a mistake .
02-05-2013, 03:07 PM
5 more days till Tyler gets his ass kicked. anyone else excited about this like i am
Joey Dah Fish
02-05-2013, 04:57 PM
Oh me me me I am :)
02-05-2013, 05:32 PM
Looks like Tyler gets a wake up call.. Maybe he should not be a dick to all the other boats..
Joey Dah Fish
02-05-2013, 06:20 PM
I'm sure every one knows we are talking about his character on the show. I would like to know what kind of a guy he is off camera. Can anyone from tell us?
02-05-2013, 06:22 PM
i just found this preview. maybe you guys have seen it but it tells a little more of the story. check it out
02-10-2013, 05:41 PM
tuna tuna , someone's gonna go loona loona , tonite... ass kicking time. i hope they dont make wait till the end of the show, so we have to wait till next week. all these shows do! wait till last minute just so we come back for more next week ... even though i would anyway !:)
02-10-2013, 09:59 PM
If i was tyler i would have put a beating on him for pushing me like that
02-10-2013, 10:33 PM
If i was tyler i would have put a beating on him for pushing me like that
Quite frankly, I think Tyler got what he deserved. Ralph started out saying if he wanted to talk like a gentlemen he could stay other then that to please just walk away. Tyler like the little kid he is started talking shit and kept provoking Ralph. Ralph was being nice by only pushing the loudmouth. The dock and dock master should be ashamed of themselves for kicking Ralph out. Fisherman will always bicker but most of the time they can work out their own problems. They don't need some ahole dock master to play referee. I would bet dollars to doughnuts that Tyler went to him like the little kitty he is and complained about the whole thing. That's another thing real fisherman don't do they don't run to the Police or CG or dockmasters and tattle on one another!!
Gerry Zagorski
02-10-2013, 11:13 PM
Ralph was just waiting to take his frustrations out on someone because he has not been catching. Tyler just gave him the opportunity he needed and wound up being the punching bag.
I think Ralph needs an attitude adjustment.. Seems like he's mad all the time and is tough on his mates. Pirate was certainly not the sharpest tool in the shed but his new mate seems to know what he's doing. If he doesnt start treating him with some respect, he's going to end up fishing another season by himself. I kind of get the impression he'd probably prefer it that way.
02-11-2013, 12:15 AM
Ralph comes off as a huge dickhead.. He is never happy and treats his crew like shit.. would never work for someone like that.. i would have walked off the boat a long time ago. which is why he fished solo last year at the end bc he cant keep a crew..
02-11-2013, 01:27 AM
We should have thrown Pickles into the that would have been go TV!
It's tv man. I'm pretty sure some of the takes are acting have to make the show interesting.
Gerry Zagorski
02-11-2013, 08:58 AM
We should have thrown Pickles into the that would have been go TV!
Yeah - go to the dock, put a few poles out, get the reel clickers screaming, get Pickels all worked up and turn him loose :D
02-11-2013, 01:24 PM
Love how Dave was the only one of the group to put a fish on the deck!! Show em how to do it again!!
02-11-2013, 02:16 PM
funny thing is they were not in the tournament or the fight and they once again come out a winner lol. way to go dave paul and sandro
Gerry Zagorski
02-11-2013, 02:30 PM
After all the BS and window dressing, the cream rises to the top. Some people call it luck, but I've always noticed, the harder people work, the luckier they get.
02-11-2013, 04:09 PM
Other thing i thought was funny was how the Christina didnt catch a fish since they had to use a rod and reel instead of sticking a harpoon down there throats..
Joey Dah Fish
02-11-2013, 06:03 PM
I'm glad is on top. But happier that Pin Head on Pin Wheel got skunked and put in his place. I still think he has a solid old fashion ass whooping coming his way!!!
Pennsy Guy
02-11-2013, 10:30 PM
We'll have to wait 'til the 24th for the next installment of this fast turning into "soap".....more 'n more blah, blah, blah and less 'n less "we're in" and screamin' reels:( :(
Just waitin' for "tuna time"...yea, I know--got a long wait:mad:
Ol Pedro
02-12-2013, 08:33 AM
We'll have to wait 'til the 24th for the next installment of this fast turning into "soap".....more 'n more blah, blah, blah and less 'n less "we're in" and screamin' reels:( :(
Just waitin' for "tuna time"...yea, I know--got a long wait:mad:
Me too Chuck ! After the carrot was dangeled in front of our faces and Sandy pulled it away I haven't recovered . Watching other people catch fish will have to do at least until Stripers start back up .
02-12-2013, 10:24 AM
Pin wheel didnt even use there NEW to the game green stick set up.. lol
02-24-2013, 08:12 PM
Looks like some white sharks come to play tonight!
02-24-2013, 10:00 PM
Have to give the kid some credit jumping in this shark invested water, he certainly has a set of onions.
Crazy son of a gun, appearently he knows how to catch fish as well.
02-24-2013, 10:04 PM
I dont care what anyone says.. but Tyler on the Pin Wheel can fish.. Ill bet its a blast on that boat.. looks like they have a lot of fun and put the meat on deck...
Someone had to get wet and he stepped up.. Scary but has to be done or else they are not getting home..
02-25-2013, 11:42 AM
Let's do a little better job editing
I agree!! Sometimes it bothers me and I thought I was the only one. Like when they had the Mako on and they kept showing under water film of a blue shark. Or, when they are fighting a fish and the gear they are using keeps changing. I don't know why but it drives me nuts, maybe I'm just nuts. :D Man I love this show!!!
The Bill TM
03-04-2013, 12:57 AM
When Tyler is at the dock about to leave he is wearing an Odysea shirt. Wonder if that is out of respect.
03-04-2013, 09:13 AM
When Tyler is at the dock about to leave he is wearing an Odysea shirt. Wonder if that is out of respect.
OR maybe he lost a bet, or he "stole" it out of his truck!!!!
I think it is funny how they call Rec guys Googans, but they are willing to take on a charter when it's a slow season. ;)
Joey Dah Fish
03-04-2013, 05:28 PM
I still call him pin head on the pin wheel. But after last night he does deserve respect fishing and catch alone one the boat. Cudos Pin Head you sure can catch fish. But I'm still routing for bounty hunter still whining :) to them I say shut up and fish!!!
03-04-2013, 05:37 PM
Googans Everywhere!!
03-04-2013, 07:40 PM
I was trying to watch two shows at once, googans everywhere on one channel, walking dead everywhere on the other tv channel!! Not sure what is worse!!!
03-04-2013, 07:45 PM
I was trying to watch two shows at once, googans everywhere on one channel, walking dead everywhere on the other tv channel!! Not sure what is worse!!!
I was doing the same thing.. Walking dead and Wicked Tuna
03-04-2013, 10:25 PM
I wonder how those guys would react to getting a fish or anchor line cut off by another boat without the cameras there. Something tells me it might be a bit different.
Like him or not, nice job by that kid landing the fish solo. Deserves props. Did his crew quit on him?
The pranking should be a side bar, like on Deadliest Catch, not the main theme of the night. Guess you can blame the lack of fish for that. Would have rather they focused more time on Tyler's solo fish, way more interesting.
03-04-2013, 11:17 PM
The cut bait in the pole holders is a classic.. Within a day the smell is out of control.. lol.. Another good one is to put bait on the deck so all the birds land and eat and crap everywhere.. lol
They did not say where tylers crew was.. I know in the last one he said if they did not get in the water to cut the line out of the prop that he was going to leave them at the dock.. so maybe it was bc of that.. Fishing solo for them is a little Scary.. a lot can go wrong fast... I know it can be done but much easier with a crew
03-05-2013, 09:05 AM
The cut bait in the pole holders is a classic.. Within a day the smell is out of control.. lol.. Another good one is to put bait on the deck so all the birds land and eat and crap everywhere.. lol
They did not say where tylers crew was.. I know in the last one he said if they did not get in the water to cut the line out of the prop that he was going to leave them at the dock.. so maybe it was bc of that.. Fishing solo for them is a little Scary.. a lot can go wrong fast... I know it can be done but much easier with a crew
If you listen to him in the cockpit on deck that day, he said they worked so hard lately he gave them a week off but he was not going to stop fishing.
and i would have to assume we are not seeing many shots of because it seems he is getting on the boat early and leaving late so i am thinking he might have charters to full fill while filming?
03-05-2013, 10:46 AM
If you listen to him in the cockpit on deck that day, he said they worked so hard lately he gave them a week off but he was not going to stop fishing.
and i would have to assume we are not seeing many shots of because it seems he is getting on the boat early and leaving late so i am thinking he might have charters to full fill while filming?
oh.. so maybe tyler gave em some time off.. I hope he didnt ditch his crew.. seemed like good guys who worked hard.. and the one even had his back when Ralph pushed him to the ground.. They have shown the boats out on a charter so idk why they would not show it again.. who knows..
Pennsy Guy
03-05-2013, 10:04 PM
I think it is funny how they call Rec guys Googans, but they are willing to take on a charter when it's a slow season. ;)
Yea, but it's a + in the ledger, not a -...bait 'n fuel for another tuna search...don't forget Marciano did it last year & they got a fish..the charter guys each got a turn,a shirt and a major memory...they seemed most appreciative for crankin' the handle...
Bill puts too much onus on the charter to "keep it tight" & "they don't know"!!!Didn't look like it to me..seemed like the charter was doing a pretty good job...
Question for Dave(Tuna.Com)...I know it'd take longer to get the fish to the harpoon and it would probably fetch less at the buyer, but wouldn't easing off on the drag help improve the catch/pulled hook ratio? Don't really know what it is, but from the show, it seems pretty bad... Drags set at 50-60#? Bluefin's mouth isn't iron plus the fish's inherent weight generates a lot of preloaded drag, or not?
inquiring minds would like to know;)
03-06-2013, 08:22 AM
1. Tyler gave his crew the week off
2. Putting the truck up on blocks was pretty good
3. The Bounty Hunter is great at catching shorts - but sucks at everything else
4. The googans will always be there - so deal with it...stop complaining
5. Tyler is the face of a new era of fisherman. Hard core, young and brash!
6. is still my favorite. Sandro knows his way around that boat and that other mate (forgot his name - think it's Paul) is a hoot!
Good show but too much drama and not enough fishing!
I want to see techniques, rigs, rods, etc.
- Someone should pitch a a show about the Spring Striper run and charter boat captains. More catching, more aciton and less drama.
Ol Pedro
03-06-2013, 08:46 AM
Googans Everywhere!!
It's always easier to blame someone else for your ineptness . Googans fit the bill . It's one thing when one runs over your anchor line . It's another when there isn't a boat in the direction the fish is pulling . Stop um or pop um mantality takes it's toll . Break the fishes will or break your tackle . I'de rather lose them early than have them fall off at color. We didn't start landing the 100+lb BFT until we put the WOOD to them . Too bad we don't target them anymore . I miss the Bacardi and Texas Tower . Thank you Goverment .
03-06-2013, 08:53 AM
Yea, but it's a + in the ledger, not a -...bait 'n fuel for another tuna search...don't forget Marciano did it last year & they got a fish..the charter guys each got a turn,a shirt and a major memory...they seemed most appreciative for crankin' the handle...
Bill puts too much onus on the charter to "keep it tight" & "they don't know"!!!Didn't look like it to me..seemed like the charter was doing a pretty good job...
Question for Dave(Tuna.Com)...I know it'd take longer to get the fish to the harpoon and it would probably fetch less at the buyer, but wouldn't easing off on the drag help improve the catch/pulled hook ratio? Don't really know what it is, but from the show, it seems pretty bad... Drags set at 50-60#? Bluefin's mouth isn't iron plus the fish's inherent weight generates a lot of preloaded drag, or not?
inquiring minds would like to know;)
As for catching tuna quick as opposed to not so quick and getting more dollars, I don't buy it. I've had triple headers and caught all 3, fish 1 took 20 minutes, fish 2 took 50 minutes and fish 3 took 12 hours. Fish 1 and 2 made it on the ice while we where fighting number 3. Fish 3 never even made it on the ice and we just left him on the deck for the 15 hour ride home. And guess 1 and 2 were junk and 3 yielded us one of our highest prices for the season. This is just one example and the opposite of the above has also happenend. You just get what you get and there's not much you can do about it. Most of the burned fish I have had happens at the side of the boat when they are tied off and "kick" for a long time and then just expire.
As for drag, if you fish a light drag it takes forever and you subject yourself to chaffing them off or just never getting them to the boat because the line just keeps coming off the foot in and one foot thanks. We use a lot of drag and pull a hook here and just was not in your deck of cards for the day. Too bad, suck it up and start fishing again.
As for the show and some of the drama and editing, we are all fishermen on this board and can see the finest detail. Keep in mind the editors are not fishermen and we are, I know but some of the scenes have nothing to do with being a fishermen....I don't know what to say about that. This show was made for your average Joe in Kansas, the masses, and not for fishermen. If it was for fishermen it would be on ESPN. The ratings tell the story and not the message boards. The last episode grew by a factor of 2, almost twice as many watched this past weekend compared to the episode before and the ratings have been good since day one. Also there has been stiff competition this season on sunday night and the ratings have still done very well.
As for Googans, I was once one too at one point in time and we all were and some may still be. Everyone is entitiled to fish in the ocean, however if you were on my boat and had boats anchor on you every day, all day, all season, you would get a little upset too. Nothing goes further than good judgement and common sense. No one needs to be 5 boat lenghts away from someone. Sure I do it to Kevin and Kevin does it to me. It's all in good fun, however and I'd rather have Kevin next to me instead of someone I don't know. Kevin will get out of the way in a heartbeat and have his anchor hauled up too.
Look at "Wicked Tuna" as an episode of "Desperate Housewives", except they give all the cast a pretty shinny rod and reel and tell them to go and catch tuna. Look at it and laugh or grind your teeth and call that guy an A%$ or don't look at it at all.
Thanks for watching and plenty of big fish to come.
Gotta go and make some turns in the snow with the Pinhead for a couple days.
03-06-2013, 10:53 AM
I love the show and love what you guys do. I actually don't mind the scenes outside of the fishing...the pranks, the fight on the dock, the stories, marciano getting payback from the thresher etc. good stuff and good insight into the lives of guys who catch fish the old fashion way. i guess i am partial because I am a fisherman...I want to see more fish.
I hope the ratings do well and you guys succeed.
as for googans - you are right - Have you ever been to Sandy Hook Bay on a Saturday during Fluke season! I call it the Fiber Glass Forest! You think one guy anchoring too close to you is a problem...try 40 guys chasing party boats and drifting within feet of each other!
Good luck with this storm and looking forward to a new episode!
Tight Lines
03-06-2013, 04:41 PM
Well said pulltag. And as far as drag is concerned, It's one thing fishing for sport and another for for the $ . You would be a amased of what kind of lines and snoods we used set lining Cod back in the day. Let alone the winch.;)
Pennsy Guy
03-06-2013, 10:30 PM
Dave, thanks for the info...guess the catch ratio is a lot better than what the show would have one believe...that's a relief. I get scared when I've got color--that's when I really want the fish..if it breaks off sight unseen, it's not quite as bad...Looking forward to the rest of the series and your success...
03-09-2013, 06:56 PM
Why not boats out of green harbor on the show good tuna fisherman old school:confused:
03-09-2013, 07:40 PM
I was watching a repeat.. How come the Christina folded the tape to make the fish 73inches.. Hmmmmmm.. You can see him fold it over the tail and then show the size
03-10-2013, 04:45 AM
Why is it says they are hooked up to
A mako and they show a blueshark on
The line and they say mako then they show a
Mako jumoing then back to a blueshark on
The line. Very poor editing in this show.
Also why does billy have to run to the cabin
And get on vhf and say hooked up. More worried
About letting people know he is on a fish then trying
To get a fish in the boat. Pinwheel in my opinion is
A captain that is gii g 100 percent effort and is hardcore. is also o e of the best but pinsheel shows he wants
Fish bad. Great show just horrible editing.
03-10-2013, 10:25 PM
Looks like the Pin Wheel is giving a run for their money.. Tyler got a nice fish!
03-10-2013, 10:31 PM
Pinwheel was fishing on George's in the bad weather right, there was quite few lights out there on the horizon that looked alot like land. As they pull up anchor to steam home after thier fish, wow did that water lay down quick.
03-10-2013, 10:35 PM
Pinwheel was fishing on George's in the bad weather right, there was quite few lights out there on the horizon that looked alot like land. As they pull up anchor to steam home after thier fish, wow did that water lay down quick.
Most likely the lights are all the larger ships fishing that area.. Its a spot that a lot of the commercial guys fish.. but who knows with the editing that goes on.. never know whats really going on
03-11-2013, 06:35 AM
As for the show and some of the drama and editing, we are all fishermen on this board and can see the finest detail. Keep in mind the editors are not fishermen and we are, I know but some of the scenes have nothing to do with being a fishermen....I don't know what to say about that. This show was made for your average Joe in Kansas, the masses, and not for fishermen. If it was for fishermen it would be on ESPN. The ratings tell the story and not the message boards. The last episode grew by a factor of 2, almost twice as many watched this past weekend compared to the episode before and the ratings have been good since day one. Also there has been stiff competition this season on sunday night and the ratings have still done very well.
Look at "Wicked Tuna" as an episode of "Desperate Housewives", except they give all the cast a pretty shinny rod and reel and tell them to go and catch tuna. Look at it and laugh or grind your teeth and call that guy an A%$ or don't look at it at all.
Agree about the target audience but we're not talking about the finer points here. The editing is sloppy by any standards and should be better. Even some guy in Nebraska that never held a rod can figure out there were two different color reels cranking in the same fish. Glad ratings are up because I do enjoy the show but when you lose the air of authenticity even the ignorant pick up on it and eventually drift away. Sad part is it's unnecessary as there's plenty of footage to get at least the same color reel right. Lazy. And when people see that they must be wondering what else are they lying about?
03-11-2013, 07:29 AM
Agree about the target audience but we're not talking about the finer points here. The editing is sloppy by any standards and should be better. Even some guy in Nebraska that never held a rod can figure out there were two different color reels cranking in the same fish. Glad ratings are up because I do enjoy the show but when you lose the air of authenticity even the ignorant pick up on it and eventually drift away. Sad part is it's unnecessary as there's plenty of footage to get at least the same color reel right. Lazy. And when people see that they must be wondering what else are they lying about?
Tombanjo, did you notice last night pinwheel was fishing georges, yet when they showed them fighting the fish at night in the rain you could see the lights from land in the background? hahahaha
Ol Pedro
03-11-2013, 08:26 AM
Tombanjo, did you notice last night pinwheel was fishing georges, yet when they showed them fighting the fish at night in the rain you could see the lights from land in the background? hahahaha
Sportie , I was thinking that it looked like the Fleet at the 100 Square on a weekend in September . Picketline fishing . It wasn't that bad out there .
03-11-2013, 09:35 AM
Sportie , I was thinking that it looked like the Fleet at the 100 Square on a weekend in September . Picketline fishing . It wasn't that bad out there .
aww hell no, the 100 square is walkable from boat to boat then hahaha
i looked and looked and rewinded it a lot, that is definitely land i would think, if not it is a hell of a lot of boats, not sure that many head to georges, i would say lights that bright would be a ton of boats in that area, maybe im just nuts for even looking and caring. hahah
Ol Pedro
03-11-2013, 09:51 AM
aww hell no, the 100 square is walkable from boat to boat then hahaha
i looked and looked and rewinded it a lot, that is definitely land i would think, if not it is a hell of a lot of boats, not sure that many head to georges, i would say lights that bright would be a ton of boats in that area, maybe im just nuts for even looking and caring. hahah
What is wrong with me ? I started to count them at one point and my Wife threw an empty waterbottle at me ! I was at like 13 when it beaned me . It's just a show .
03-11-2013, 10:06 AM
What is wrong with me ? I started to count them at one point and my Wife threw an empty waterbottle at me ! I was at like 13 when it beaned me . It's just a show .
hahahaha my wife looked at me, said when is this crap over, mudcats is coming on next.. now i know why i fell in love with her. haha
Ol Pedro
03-11-2013, 10:33 AM
hahahaha my wife looked at me, said when is this crap over, mudcats is coming on next.. now i know why i fell in love with her. haha
Mudcats ! My Wife never misses it . I guess that mine's a Keepah Too !
Pennsy Guy
03-11-2013, 09:45 PM
We all agree that the editing is really poor but, at least something good has come from the first season---boats have new gear-rods n' reels- and did you notice the boats all have fresh paint and cabins/cockpits are shipshape this is now F/V upgrades on ', let's have some fish or is each show going to have a
I'll keep watching...'course I watch bassin'--sometimes...
03-12-2013, 12:13 AM
DAVE!! we all know you have the Skill to kick it up a level and take the lead!!!
03-12-2013, 08:08 AM
Tombanjo, did you notice last night pinwheel was fishing georges, yet when they showed them fighting the fish at night in the rain you could see the lights from land in the background? hahahaha
There can be 100 boats at George's when you combine an okay forecast with the weekend. The only lights you saw were metal halide on the the top of wheelhouses and not Fenway Park.
03-12-2013, 08:16 AM
DAVE!! we all know you have the Skill to kick it up a level and take the lead!!!
If you take away the expenses incurred with some boats having to run to George's to catch fish the numbers are quite different. It's not what you gross each trip it's how much you earn. Not saying I don't go there, but why travel 170 miles when I can do the same at 17 miles and only $100 fuel tab. Just gotta work a little harder to catch that more educated tuna.
03-12-2013, 10:08 AM
Dave it seems like as soon as you guys land 1 now you head back to port, when i thought in years past you guys kept fishing? is that just editing or is it not worth the risk of the fish losing its quality?
03-12-2013, 11:19 AM
Was wondering the same thing. Why go home with one if the bite is on? Isn't that why you load up on ice and tuna bags?
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