View Full Version : Mates fishing during charters. OPINION

01-03-2013, 05:34 PM
Whats your opinion on mates fishing during charters? Allowed? Not allowed? Aslong as they don't slack from the job and still take 100% care of the customer when they need something.

What do you think?

01-03-2013, 05:40 PM
if its a small group and he still does his job NP.
If people need him he needs to be there

nancy corigan
01-03-2013, 06:23 PM
In all honesty on a 6 pack he needs to only tend to clientele unless they are all avid fisherman and handle everything but cleaning fish and netting for themselves.

I have not tipped on charters when the mate fished. He was fishing and I needed a net for a big tog (11 lbs.) he said hold on I am getting a bite...

Well he caught his fish the Captain netted my fish and he didn't get one penny for a tip from me or anyone else for that crap.

You pay a premium for space and service...

01-03-2013, 06:24 PM
Hey Jim, Happy New Year Bud! I've been on with you on three trips. You work your tail off, I have no problem with it.

Joey Dah Fish
01-03-2013, 06:27 PM
When the fishing is slow I believe it is helpful. Sometimes they can tell the captain that there is no bite rather then the captain thinking its just not a boat full of poor anglers. I have been on some trips when mates fish and still do their job very well. Then I have been on some that mates could care less. From my times fishing the large majority of mates do an awesome job fishing or not. Also a small minority just are plain lazy.

Fin Reaper
01-03-2013, 06:28 PM
I enjoy it and every trip I have ever been on where the mates / Capt fishes with us there has been no loss of service

01-03-2013, 06:30 PM
It is fun to fish with the customers.. I try to wet a line if I can.. Make sure the customers and taken care of and enjoy the day with them.. If they hook up i reel in and tend to them.. No harm.. Or if i catch a fish i always try to hand the rod off so they can reel in..

01-03-2013, 06:32 PM
If the mate is taking care of everyone's needs I have no problem with them wetting a line. I have been on a fair number of six pack charters where the mate fishes and it has not diminished the quality of my experience. On many boats the mate and captain become part of the social experience to the betterment of all. When they join in the ball busting the day gets better.

The mate still takes care of the nasty work: anchor, cutting bait, cleaning fish, cleaning the boat, unplugging the toilet. If he can do all of that I still catch a few fish thats great.

Capt. Dan
01-03-2013, 06:47 PM
I am with you ytuna. If the jobs getting done, dont really see a problem.

01-03-2013, 06:49 PM
Would you rather watch the mate eat food, play on his phone, and read the news paper! Or grab a rod and try to catch because he knows his capt always puts the boat over the meat and he wants at it also! I think a mate fishing shows he loves what he does therefore a good source of knowledge! I have no problem with a mate fishing. Lift em or loose em boys!!!

01-03-2013, 06:59 PM
Problem with letting a mate fish is that most of them are good fisherman, and many guys who charter get jealous when the mate or captain catch more or bigger fish than they do . as they feel they were entitled to a chance at those fish. and since they are the ones paying for the trip I understand that.

There are other charters that like seeing fish caught ,and keeps them fishing at the rail harder on tough days. so its def a two edge sword

01-03-2013, 06:59 PM
I've seen in some instances where the boat had 2 or more mates, one of the mates would wet a line and when he caught some fish, he gave them to the customers who were getting the skunk while the other mates were tending to the customers when needed. Seemed to be a good way to send people home with fish when they just couldn't catch em' themselves. This is of course on the bigger party boats, not a six pack charter.

Blind Archer
01-03-2013, 07:04 PM
I second the previous plus. It helps the Capt. determine if the fishin is dead or the fisherman are. I've seen the charter get wasted or just waste their rail time and nothin is coming up even though the fish are there. Also more bait in the water can get a chew started sooner. I have seen mates abuse the charter by droppin on top of them and pullin the fish off their piece, laugh at them and move on to the next guy struggling. I go back home if they're the only boat running that day. As tough as it is to make a living at this, few Captains would tolerate anything but productive responsible mates. Their good name is important and repeat customers keep them in the water.

01-03-2013, 07:13 PM
I think the last three posts are RIGHT ON!. I have seen plenty of great mates make sure that no one goes home without fillets, (and that has included me!) I just came home from a charter in SW Fla. where the captain fished almost all day, and all the fish he caught went to the sixpack who chartered the boat. The result was a crap load of fish on the boat, and a big tip for the crew!!

01-03-2013, 07:16 PM
No problem with mates fishing as long as they dont forget about the client and are willing to put the rod down to net a fish. NOBODY wants to hear "wait a second, I have a fish on" when they have one at the surface trying to get off the hook.

01-03-2013, 07:25 PM
Had a mate tell me on a tuna trip not to fish because he did not want me the customer to tangle him up! While he was fishing with a 30 lb outfit! I told him to kma and told him he must not want me to tip him! Service gets tips that crap do not fly with me!

Capt Derek Fisher Price 3
01-03-2013, 08:17 PM
As long as the charter doesnt mind and the customers are taken care of, there is no problem with the mate fishing. Sometimes it helps when the mate fishes to add fish to the box.

@bigbassjim.. by the way dont tough my rod in the cabin

01-03-2013, 09:12 PM
All for it as long as the customers that aren't as fishing savvy are taken care of. I've always had a blast fishing with mates and captains.

01-03-2013, 09:20 PM
Two winters ago I was on a tog boat. It was a scratchy day but fish were there. I pulled in a keeper or two and had some life building in front of me. One of the mates came over and starting inching backwards step by by step until he was literally half way in front of me. The boat wasn't crowded with maybe only 15 fares but for the principle of it I didn't move at all. Sure enough he swings and pulls up a nice 7 or 8 pound fish from where my line would have been had I had some elbow room. Biggest fish of the day for the boat. The kicker is the capt was cheering him on standing near the wheelhouse directly over my head. I don't mind a mugging but not from the paid help. That was the one and only time I have ever stiffed a mate and haven't been back on that boat since. I also tell anyone who will listen.
But other than that situation , I really enjoying fishing with the mates and capt. I watched the capt of a boat I frequent last time I was out when he came down to fish for a few. I picked up new tips and he encouraged the educational value of that. I did what he did, selected a different size crab, rigged it a little different from what I was doing, and therefore limited out plus some and landed the two biggest of the day.

01-03-2013, 09:27 PM
I agree with Derek and others, as long as the customers are taken care of its totally fine. I can't tell you how many times I have hooked a fish and passed it off to a kid or lady to reel in. I've also fished to show skeptical people that the fish are, in fact, there and willing.

01-04-2013, 07:04 AM
If the mate is taking care of everyone's needs I have no problem with them wetting a line. I have been on a fair number of six pack charters where the mate fishes and it has not diminished the quality of my experience. On many boats the mate and captain become part of the social experience to the betterment of all. When they join in the ball busting the day gets better.

The mate still takes care of the nasty work: anchor, cutting bait, cleaning fish, cleaning the boat, unplugging the toilet. If he can do all of that I still catch a few fish thats great.

X2... Id much rather have a mate and capt fishing with us then not.. Def makes the trip and the busting much more enjoyable

01-04-2013, 07:13 AM
why not ... :cool:

01-04-2013, 07:27 AM
I've learned a lot by watching some mates fish which I then used to get into fish. I really don't mind it over all. Maybe they know a technique that you haven't seen before, who knows...

However, I don't like AustinS's mugging story or if they're not helping people that paid for the boat.

01-04-2013, 07:28 AM
I've left six pack charters with fish sometimes mainly because the mates or captain dropped in a line. No problem.

Been out tuna fishing on party boats (once a charter) though where the mates are hooked up with fish and I can't drop in a line so I don't mess up their chance to pull in the fish. WTF! I'm paying to be out there.

01-04-2013, 07:35 AM
One time Dick Dowowicz was on a charter. Trolling bass at the Rocks. Rod goes off and mate starts to reel in the fish. Old D got so pissed he cut the line before the kid could get er in. Screaming and hollering everything in the book. The dope was taking its toll on him back then. Shame.

01-04-2013, 08:27 AM
That must have been back in the 80s when he was running his own boat. My dad fished DD's boat. Caught fish but heard he used a lot of unsound methods.

01-04-2013, 08:38 AM
Like others said.. as long as it is not a problem with the charter, everything is taking care of with the charter. There is no problem with my mate or myself wetting a line on our vessel. We work as a team if hes fishing im cutting the bait, rigging, an whatever else and the other way around.. If fishing is slow an the charter is eating or hanging out i always like to still have some lines in the water.. the other plus is it adds meat to the box an get the opportunity to learn something new..

01-04-2013, 08:44 AM
No problem with mates fishing as long as they dont forget about the client and are willing to put the rod down to net a fish. NOBODY wants to hear "wait a second, I have a fish on" when they have one at the surface trying to get off the hook.

Gerry Zagorski
01-04-2013, 08:51 AM
I think it's good when Captains and mates fish.. As mentioned above it adds to the experience and you can usually pick up some extra fish and some tips. But like others said, it should not be at the expense of the customers needs being left unattended.

IMO meeting, fishing and mixing it up with the Captain and mates and getting to know them better is all part of the charter and party boat experience.

01-04-2013, 09:16 AM
Forgot to mention: that's why I love fishing this time of year, as you can be sure it's usually the saltier guys and gals that are out there that can hold there own and only need a hand when they (ugh) hook up with a dog or 5.

One of the reasons why I totally dig fishing with Ray and Billy (Mad Gaffer) especially when Cap'n heads out the wheelhouse with a Penn broomstick and picks up the biggest fish of the day while everyone else struggles with their custom Honey's and Avets...lol.

01-04-2013, 10:39 AM
I my mind I think if you pay for a fishing trip, you expect professionalism from the mates as well. Simply put, they should take care of everything they can, I like to see a mate taking the time to instruct a new angler, share ideas, and assist then maybe wetting a line. If they are looking for the bite, they should explain that, if they are fishing to add meat to the cooler, explain that as well.
If they are trying out new baits or rigs, tell and share that too.

Don't just assume everyone understands the logic behind them fishing. A couple words can go a long way.

Btw, I typically don't mind at all and rarely find them to be rude or unassisting.

01-04-2013, 12:24 PM
It is rather that a mate is too busy to have time to fish at all on a 6 pack. There isn't that much to do especially if 2 or 3 of the guys are avid fishermen. Unless the charter has a problem with it, it's usually a good thing. The mates often help find what the fish are eating best, they add to the box, etc. However customers need to come first, and the good mates know how to balance this well.

Life's A Beach
01-04-2013, 02:29 PM
6 pack charter = don't fish. the small boat is set on a certain piece of bottom; let the paying fares catch the fish. IF they're not catching, tell them what YOU would do IF you were fishing. Give a man a fish and he'll eat today; teach him HOW to fish and he'll eat forever! Only thing worse than mate/captain catching the big fish of a piece is when THEY roll said fish lmao

Bigger charter or party boat = fish IF everyone is self sustainable. If a newbie is on board, take time to give help/hints. If everyone is ok, fish. I personally like when the captain takes the time to explain EXACTLY what you're set up on and the best way to fish it........'toss out XYZ feet and bring your bait back to the ledge'. Example - Last season Kenny/Mimi told us we HAD to toss out and be over the ledge. We tossed out and still weren't catching. HE came down, tossed out 20' further than we were tossing and pulled back to the ledge...BAM BAM BAM.

MY opinions!

Poppa Devil
01-04-2013, 03:18 PM
Went on a Strpier 6 pack years back trolling was slow day, rod goes down went to grab it mate yelled don't touch. He grabs the pole reels in half way then said you can take over. I said you hooked him you bring it in and stick it where the sun don't shine.Haven't been on a trolling charter since that time.

01-04-2013, 04:22 PM
Example - Last season Kenny/Mimi told us we HAD to toss out and be over the ledge. We tossed out and still weren't catching. HE came down, tossed out 20' further than we were tossing and pulled back to the ledge...BAM BAM BAM.

MY opinions!

I learned a ton about catching tog while fishing alongside Kenny and Chris. When I was completely new to blackfishing on their boat for my first time years ago, I learned what to do by watching them.

01-04-2013, 06:23 PM
As long as their catch ends up in someone else's bag and customers are tended to, the more lines in the water the better chances there will be more meat to take home. The Captain can always grab a net if needed...Mates work for tips (and a small pay); I certainly appreciate when they add to the meat as mates are usually better fishermen than the guy next to you...

01-05-2013, 06:51 AM
Like with anything else in business, you first should ask the customers what they want. On a 6-pack charter a client is essentially paying for two things. Service and Exclusive Fishing space. I pay a premium so that I have enough space to fish and not get mugged when I go on charters.

As mates, they should always talk to the customers and ensure that everyone is okay with him dropping down a line to fish along with them. Personally I don't like this, as the mate fishing takes up additional space and gives less space for the other 6 paying customers. I get everyon'es point about the mate being able to catch some meat and send customers home with fillets, but to be honest a lot of people I know go out to FISH, not catch. So the experience of letting your line down and hooking up with something and bringing it in is the reason I fish, not to go home with a bag full of fillets, although that's a nice little bonus.

And there is nothing more annoying to me than a mate fishing next to my little honey hole and dragging in fish that I could've had a chance to hook up into.

But as you can see on this board, it all depends on the individual charters, so I would just ask each charter what they want at the start of the trip. It's always better not to assume anything, and ask the customers what they want. Some of my friends like it when mates fish next to them, as it helps them learn the techniques as well as talk to the mate and get some pointers that way. To each his own.

In this day and age your main goal is to make sure the customer is going to come back, and ensuring that you don't annoy them starts with making sure you undersatnd their expectations and goals.

01-05-2013, 08:26 AM
While every boat is different and mate. I personally fish môst of my customers I've taught to be self sufficient over the last 26 years. This has been on going controversy for years. There are many times I give people fish or let people reel in fish over the years that would not of been so without my fishing. I also believe that you have the choice to what boat you charter or go and how much you tip. There are circumstances in the summer where I can not fish but my first priority is the customer. Remember when your on a boat where the capt. And crew fish it also shows the passion they have for the sport,if a mate either was helping or just standing around waiting for the day too end it doesn't show that fishing is in his blood like
Mine. Happy fishing everyone!!

Capt Sal
01-05-2013, 10:06 AM
Sometimes on a slow day little tricks work.This is a good way to keep a charter honest.Once a good bite develops the captain and mate are too busy to fish.Some of our charters are very good fisherman also and do not need much help.A few years ago we were in a mad dog bite along with the other charter boats,Derek ,Bounty Hunter and the rest of the boys.My charter asked me to get in on the action.I landed my top two bass on a plug both over 40lbs.I had a blast and so did the charter!We captains and mates love to fish but our man objective is to take care of the charter first.

01-05-2013, 12:28 PM
There are certain types of fisheries where it helps if the capt/mate can get a feel for what's going on by wetting a line. For example, in fall when bottom-fishing, I've been on charters where we were using porgy rigs on a wreck and it was slow so the capt dropped a tog rig to see if perhaps we'd do better with tog on that spot.

Or with how finicky the tog bite can be from day-to-day, he can show the charter if it's the 3 taps and set bite or the wait until you get slammed bite or whatever that day.

I also believe that same theory applies for fluke fishing and striper fishing, especially when you are talking chunking for stripers, since some days they mouth it and others they inhale.

I would rather be on a charter or PB that gives maximum effort and produces less fish than a guy who doesn't care and parks over the motherlode. I just love to learn and feel like I learn something every day on the water.

01-06-2013, 02:28 AM
Ive seen it done both ways, professional and not. I think whichever way, the guys doing it know the difference. If it's unprofessional but they still managed to get most of the job done I still tip but just dont charter that boat again.

I've seen some real out of line behavior on party boats like mates fishing all day while customer are working the bait station and helping less experienced people with tangles a few rods down from them. I dont know anything about running a boat but as a business owner I would never allow a customer to have an experience like that.

01-06-2013, 10:36 AM
I think it depends on a lot of factors. First off be aware of staying away from the customers space and tending to there needs first. Your catch must be there meat and only fish if the Captain approves of it. You are not there to show off but to be a helpful part of the fishing experience. You are not being paid to fish but at times your fishing could benefit the Charter. If it is not and open charter then you should also get permission from whoever chartered the boat.

01-06-2013, 10:44 AM
Only time I have ever really put a stop to it is on trips were trophy blackfish are likely. It would sorta suck if the mate got a 16lber and the paying customers all caught fish under 10lbs.

01-06-2013, 02:11 PM
As long as the mate helps out when needed...I never see a problem with it. Captain and mate probably like to fish as much or more than the charter and if the deck is taken care of every time needed...I say go for it.

01-06-2013, 04:20 PM
Here is a little story that happened on a party boat out of Sheepsheadbay, not a charter but still. We were fishing for porgies, and this young mate was fishing non stop next to us. So he decides to go take a break from fishing and starts talking to other mates while his rod in a rod holder with line still in the water. I get a nice bite and start reeling in a nice 8-10 lb fluke on my porgy rig! I start screaming for net, and the same young mate nets my fish. As he nets the fish and brings it in the boat we see that his line is tangled with my line. He unhooks the fish turns around to me and says, that is my fish, it was on my hook! I start to argue, but other mates come to his rescue and tell me to watch my attitude. Well, that's not even the end of the story. At the end of the trip the young mate wins a pool with my fluke, because he was in a pool!

01-06-2013, 08:57 PM
There is only one circumstance where a mate should fish and that is if no one is catching. This might help the group pick up a few hints.

Otherwise, no way.

Let's face it, there are only so many fish under a boat.

01-06-2013, 09:50 PM
When i am working.. i enjoy dropping in a line for a lil.. If i am just standing there chewing down smokes i dont see the harm.. If the customer needs help or hooks up i reel in and help out.. once everyone is back in the water and fishing, i drop back in..

01-06-2013, 10:34 PM
Maybe I am looking at it to simplisticly but the same rules of other (service based) professions should apply to being a mate on a boat. If I work at a movie theater should I be sitting and watching a movie if its a light crowd that day? Take a break to ride some rides if working at Great Adventure? Over the years except for cutting and netting the fish I tend to take care of myself but on most boats there is always someone to tend to. If you want to fish dedicate that day to fishing if one is at work they should be working.

01-07-2013, 06:58 AM
If the mate is taking care of everyone's needs I have no problem with them wetting a line. I have been on a fair number of six pack charters where the mate fishes and it has not diminished the quality of my experience. On many boats the mate and captain become part of the social experience to the betterment of all. When they join in the ball busting the day gets better.

The mate still takes care of the nasty work: anchor, cutting bait, cleaning fish, cleaning the boat, unplugging the toilet. If he can do all of that I still catch a few fish thats great.
Well said

Ol Pedro
01-07-2013, 08:58 AM
When I'm working I generally don't fish . It's all about Service . My problem is when I'm fishing (not enough for me to work/enough room on a trip). I drop what I'm doing and jump into the pile when the bite is on instead of fishing . I have caught plenty and take Great Joy helping others catch fish .