View Full Version : Any Tips for a Cozumel Fishing Charter?

The Bill TM
01-03-2013, 04:56 PM
I am making a last minute trip down to Cozumel with the wife on the 16th-21st. I have never been there and want to charter a boat for a full day trip. I wouldn't be opposed to an open boat trip either. Anyone ever go fishing down there and have some suggestions or tips or even just what to expect?

01-03-2013, 05:27 PM
There are some scary rip-offs down there. Stick to watching the babes on the beach and fish when you get home.

01-03-2013, 05:48 PM
A lot of gimmicks down there. Chartered a boat out of a marina near Playa Del Carmen back in Aug 2011. Was a really long and hot boat ride. Do your research and know exactly what is running that time of year.

01-03-2013, 07:27 PM
I'll add to the cautionary tales. This is from several years ago, but there's a charter shop right off the main drag. Looks good from the outside, nice paintings of big game fish. I set up a guided trip. I was fly fishing - targeting mainly bonefish and permit on the flats. The guide was just awful - spooked every fish we saw and then HE started fishing with a spinning outfit and hooks into a small 'cuda to prove to me there were fish in the water. Let's just say that we had a few words in spanish and english about what I was paying him to do.

So then he takes me to a 'secret cove' that he says we need to walk to. He beaches the boat and we proceed to embark on a 45 minutes hike to a fishless puddle. Worst experience fishing of my life.

If I were you I'd consider just taking a 8 to 9 foot light spinning outfit and throw metal, topwaters and small swimmers from shore.

01-03-2013, 07:29 PM
Gotta be careful down there lots of shady boats

"Reef Donkey"
01-03-2013, 08:06 PM
Was there 10 years ago pd $250 right off the cruise ship caught bunch of mahi, couple cuda and a sailfish...wasn't the most professional boat i've been on lol

01-04-2013, 03:37 AM
Hey let me know if you find anything decent down there. Going on my honeymoon in April. Was thinking the same thing you were.

Capt. Meat
01-04-2013, 06:35 AM
I was in playa del carmen 2 years ago charterd a 31 bertrem. Out of port adventure in playa del carmen about 30 min from were the ferry comes from cozamel. They have a number of boats to chose from. And the guy who runs it is american. I had been watching the other charters troll back and forth past my beach. And didn't see any of them stop to fight a fish. So I told the capt. I wanted to bottom fish good choice we caught grouper snapper and a number of other bottom fish. I was alone with the capt. and two mates. Everytime they hooked a fish they would hand me the pole. I had to tell them to stop as my arms were ready to fall off. We caught alot of fish nothing huge but good numbers.Got back to the dock had a couple of beers with the crew. And heard some good stories nice guys. $800.00 plus tip good luck down there catch em up!!!

Captain Rich
01-04-2013, 06:58 AM
Captain Luis Erosa 987-87-2-45-73 cell # 987-87-190 , email is fishingbandidacozumel@prodigy.net.mx

I've been fishing with Luis for 35 years, always caught fish,( bottom fish, sails, white/blue marlin, wahoo), he always earns his pay, speaks english, tell him I said Hi.

The Bill TM
01-04-2013, 03:51 PM
Thanks Everyone, I have a few emails out there to some captains and waiting on replies. Will post up a report once I come back.

The Bill TM
01-24-2013, 02:01 PM
OK Got back a few days ago and had a blast on the trip. Thanks for the recommendation Rich, Luis is great! We trolled a few hours and got nothing so we went bottom fishing, caught about 20 grunts, a few yellowtails, a trigger fish, ohh yeah and a 55 pound grouper :) as soon as we dropped down again we had another grouper on the line but the mate grabbed the rod too soon and snapped the line. Then we ended up seeing a wahoo swimming by so we trolled some more but nothing was biting.

I highly recommend Luis and the fishing banditos to anyone going down in the Cozumel or Playa del Carmen area.


Captain Rich
01-24-2013, 02:56 PM
Glad it all worked out, thats a beauty of a Black Grouper. I knew Luis when he was skinny! (that was 3 or 4 wives ago! His not mine. LOL). I've got to get back there soon.

01-24-2013, 06:22 PM
That's awesome! Wish I knew about this website before I went so many years ago.... :o

Captain Rich
01-25-2013, 06:23 PM
CatchEm- all you have to do is ask, if there's boats and saltwater someone has wasted time there ! :D