View Full Version : NJFishing.com Holiday Party Sandy Fund Raiser Wrap Up

Gerry Zagorski
12-21-2012, 02:07 PM
Thanks once again to everyone for coming out and supporting this great cause. A special thanks to our sponsors who donated a ton of awesome prizes and our special guests Dave, Paul and Sandro from Wicked Tuna. The charter they donated went for $3100!! Also wanted to thank our elves Ruth, Ron, Jackie and Adam who helped us pull everything off.

Door Prizes Donated By Sponsors.... Please Support These Local Businesses
- Kevin Bogan to be built custom Fluke or Blackfish Rod http://www.kevinbogans.com/ red group
- Jersey Hooker Charters a full day Fluke Charter http://www.jerseyhookercharters.com/ green group
- Jersey Hooker Outfitters $1000 worth of tackle http://www.jerseyhookeroutfitters.com/ green group
- Sandy Hook Fishing Adventures a full day Fluke Charter for up to 4 http://www.sandyhookfishing.com/ green group
- Down Deep 10 person Blackfish charter for $300, normally $1250 and you have the whole boat http://www.downdeepsportfishing.com/ddsf/ green group
- Pride Tackle - 2 gift boxes, rod/reel combo, crabbing items, fishing pole and 5/$20 geft certificates TBD http://pridefishingtackle.com/ red group
- Large Avet softside expandable tackle bags, fishing shirt and mugs www.gandbfishingsystems.com (http://www.gandbfishingsystems.com) red group
- Fish Stix Sportfishing charter of choice http://www.fishstixnj.com/ green group
- Sam the Sinker Man 4 gift certificates for 25 pounds of sinkers of your choice red group
- Eyes on First Ave Gift Certificate good for any pair of Costas up to $279 value, gift bag of wine, wine glasses and eyesonfirstave awesome eyeglass cleaner http://eyesonfirstave.com/ red group
- Ziggy B Fishing and Outfitters a custom build rod themed with our state colors http://ziggybfishing-customrods.com/ red group
- Gambler gift certificate and gift bucket http://www.gamblerfishing.net red group
- Four Reel Seat $25 gift cerficates and custom tied rigs http://www.reelseat.com/ red group
- 34' Fountain Extreme Fishing Charter for 4 aboard "and Stephanie Too", Cap't Maui-Jim & Crew green group
- Hats and shirts from our own Jon Devin's great charity organization Hero's on the Water New Jersey Chapterhttps://www.facebook.com/HeroesOnThe...wJerseyChapter red group
- 6 hr spring bass trip or 7hr BYOB deepwater fluke trip just tip the mate www.longshotchartersnj.com (http://www.longshotchartersnj.com) green group
- Aly Canvas gift bag of boat care and fishing items http://www.alycanvas.com/ red group
- Jersey Nutz Sportfishing inshore charter http://jerseynutzsportfishing.com/ green group
- Fish Monger fishing charter http://fishmongercharters.com green group
- 125 foot Big Jamaica 2 passes for 3/4 day or night trip http://www.bigjamaica.com red group
- 100 foot Paramount 2 passes for a day trip http://www.wreckmasters.com/ red group
- Reel Class an open boat pass for 1 and a $200 gift certificate towards a charter www.reelclassfishing.com (http://www.reelclassfishing.com) red group
- 43 inch Samsung Flat Screen TV from Crossroads Audio Video in Edison www.crossroadsaudiovideo.com (http://www.crossroadsaudiovideo.com) and Interstate Electronics Inc in Hazlet www.interstateelectronics.com/ (http://www.interstateelectronics.com/) green group

We had quite a night for sure.. A real "Pissah" and we managed to raise $8340 to support 3 families that lost it all to Sandy. INCREDABLE!!

Rest assured, Ruth and I will take great pride in representing all of you when we personally deliver the money to these families along with Jamie and Matt, Ron and Amy and Joe and Judy. More on that to follow soon since we plan on doing this before Christmas.

Here are some photos. I'm sure many of you have some too, so please feel free to add them to this thread.

Great to see you all and all the best to you and your families this Christmas season.

12-21-2012, 02:30 PM
Great Job Gerry !
Great party for a great cause ! The Crew from Tuna.com
were awesome, I need to fish on that Boat ....Merry Christmas.....:D


12-21-2012, 02:41 PM
Way to go Gerry and his helpers. TUNA.COM you guys rule. Merry Christmas to all of you.

12-21-2012, 03:06 PM
Great job, Gerry! Had a blast! Tuna.com crew are awesome! It was nice seeing everyone get together for a great cause! Thanks for putting it together!



12-21-2012, 04:07 PM
Great party Gerry! Impressed with everything from the brew pub, the raffled items, and meeting some members from NJFishing...great bunch of people! Have a Merry Christmas, hope to see you on the water real soon.

Gerry Zagorski
12-21-2012, 05:35 PM
A few more pics

12-21-2012, 06:22 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHA, that first pic is me. Wow, Im one weird looking angler.

12-21-2012, 06:32 PM
Gerry, Thank you for putting this awesome party together. It was for a great cause. Just wanted to say we had a wonderful time, meeting my friends and meeting some new friends too. Everything was wonderful!!

shrimpman steve
12-21-2012, 06:44 PM

as usual, great party! already lookin forward to next year!

Happy holidays to all!

Joey Dah Fish
12-21-2012, 06:55 PM
I would like to thank my ******* brother for not only being a great host but more importantly a great brother! Great party,great people,great cause, great everything!! I felt so humbled by the people's out pouring of generosity towards others in need. To all of you and your families I wish you the happiest of holidays and a healthy and prosperous new year. I look forward to fishing with all of you at some point in life. Awesome days ahead!!! And the world didn't end today either :p also thanks to All the guys from Tuna.com can't wait to fish with you friggin guys you're pissahs

12-21-2012, 07:29 PM
Wow, what an exceptionally run party, great people, great prizes, and most of all great cause. Nothing in the cards (tickets) for me. Although the prizes were very tempting, knowing the ticket money would help our neighbors in troubled times made each and every ticket a golden one.

Hope to see each of you out on the water real soon!

12-21-2012, 08:09 PM
Some pics from last nite. Once again, thank you all.

Lard Almighty
12-21-2012, 08:41 PM
Thanks to Gerry and the NJF.com crew for another banner celebration! Great to catch up with old friends and make a few new ones. Glad we were able to raise so much for families affected by Sandy; even though I won nothing, I feel like all those green tickets I bought was money well spent. We made the holidays a lot brighter for some, and that's great.

Happy Holidays everyone!

12-21-2012, 08:51 PM
Some pics from last nite. Once again, thank you all.

I think Chris, didn't have enough to drink! ;) :p :D

12-21-2012, 09:47 PM
That's what Yaegerbombs do to ya!

Fish Stix
12-21-2012, 11:50 PM
We had a great time with everyone last night! Nice job Gerry!

12-22-2012, 10:02 AM
That was a fantastic party Gerry! The guys from Wicked Tuna were incredible and I cant thank them for coming down to support our Sandy Families. It was great to meet some new faces and old alike. I'd like to give a huge shoutout to all the tackle shops and captains for incredible prizes and your brother for the tv! I'd like to wish everyone a very happy and safe holiday and God bless.

Gerry Zagorski
12-22-2012, 11:28 AM
Thanks for all the thanks, but the real reward in all this was seeing the outpooring of support and generosity from all of you. Given all the other stuff going on in this world, it gives you pause and helps restore your faith in people. The real kicker is going to be representing all of you, along with our Committee Members, giving the funds out to the 3 families. That is going to be a very emotional experience.

Truth be told, I was really nervous about pulling this whole thing off and leading up to the party, I felt like an expectant father. I used to do this sort of stuff for a living, but for some reason this event had me spinning. A few hours before the party and with help of a few JJ IPAs and all the people that were helping, I finally managed to get my nerves in check.

Sounds like everyone had a good time and I think it's only fair that JimmyLiveBait invites us all over to watch the Super Bowl on his new flat screen :)

Gerry Zagorski
12-22-2012, 12:34 PM
Dave, Paul and Sandro stayed with us and Ruth cooked us up a Jersey stlye breakfast of Pork Roll and eggs in the morning.... Paul and Sandro never had Pork Roll before but ate it up like it was their last meal :D

When Dave saw the Pork Roll he recalled a story of working on the docks in Atlantic Highlands as a mate on the Sea Fox. In the morning, when no one was watching, he'd sneak off and go over to one of the competing boats that had a galley and get a Pork Roll sandwich on the QT... Funny how all the people I talk to that used to live in Jersey, when I ask them what they miss most, Pork Roll always makes the list :)

Gerry Zagorski
12-22-2012, 02:41 PM
For those of you that missed it or could not hear it, here is the Christmas Poem that Paul Hebert read at the party... What a Pissah! Thanks Paul !!

Gloucester Night before Christmas
Twas the night before Christmas out off Gloucester Mass
Not as fish was a stirrin, not even a bass.

Me Dave and Sandros were out on the grounds
And pickles was sleepin that lazy old hound

Dave and Sandros were out on deck working the back
So I went down in the cabin to take a quick crap

I pulled down my Grudens and then heard such a clatter
I rushed back on deck to see what’s the matter.

And what to my wondering eyes should appear
But a sled with Santa and 8 tiny reindeer

I rubbed at my eyes because it was hard to believe
What were seeing out on water on this Christmas eve

Santa cracked his whip and they landed on the deck
I looked at Dave and Sandros and said what the Heck?

His belly was round and his breath smelled like Chowder
His voice soft at first but it quickly got louder

He said pull up the anchor and bring in the lines
There’s people who need you and we don’t have much time!!

I said to him you know buddy You’re really a pisser
I got a girl waiting at the bar and I ain’t going to miss her

He went on a to tell us of this terrible storm
There was wind there was rain and houses were torn

You all need to go there and do it right quick
I’m too busy screwing around here it’s Christmas and I’m Saint Nick

And as quick as he came he disappeared in a flash
We knew in an instant we had to haul ass

Dave started the boat pinned the throttles to the wall
And we steamed down to Jersey to help out you all

This party is fun and all full of good cheer
But remember there’s people still living in fear

How the hell do they replace all the things that were lost
Will insurance or FEMA cover their costs?

This storm was a doosey I don’t know how they'll cope
But if we all pitch in together we can at least give them hope

Its’ not government and FEMA they ain’t gonna do it
They need charity, people and our help to get through it

The water will subside from this terrible storm
And we know you’ll come back because you're Jersey strong

Me Dave and Sandros are glad to be here
So let’s raise a glass and toast with a beer

We might curse and swear and get drunk like sailors

But we fisherman stick together and we help out our neighbors

Dig in your pockets and get out your cash

And let’s all have fun at this fund raising bash.

12-22-2012, 05:14 PM

12-22-2012, 06:11 PM
Gerry, Great Times and Good Friends Happy Festivus & Merry New Year
