View Full Version : Passaic 12/18

12-17-2012, 06:32 PM
Anyone interested in throwin' a line tomorrow? Shoot me a PM I'm going to be giving it a shot to see how the pike bite is. With the warmer air temp (even though it will be raining) should bring these guys out to play.

Skunk City
12-17-2012, 08:13 PM
Stupid daylight savings time all but eliminated my weekday after work fishing. Good luck and keep us posted. Water temps have gone up a few degrees in the past few days.

12-18-2012, 07:56 AM
I thought the same since I work within spitting distance of it but the river is already up a foot and rising along with being off-color. Speed/flow has doubled as well. Water temp at 7:46 was 44F.

I've made two trips since sandy and one thing for sure is that there is plenty of new cover in the river. Lots of trees down that hopefully will stay there and not be removed by the PVSC or The Morris Cty Mos. Comm. They raped one side of the river last year removing all the good cover and turning the river into a sterile. obstacle free body of water. As the season wore on, pike were harder to find. One side of the river is still intact as its on private land/swampy so hopefully they'll leave it alone.

Some pics of their 'improvement"



12-18-2012, 11:53 PM
Well it was a learning experience today for sure. I hit the passaic around 3 until dusk and managed to wrestle in one pike. Nothing of great size about 26 inches or so I forgot my phone, pliars, and knife in the car so I'm glad I didn't really need it. Anyway It was raining as soon as I pulled in but I started working the banks specifically in areas that had deep pockets off the strong current. I'm pretty sure the pocket I found had several fish holding in it as I got struck a few time and saw big swirls a few others. Fire tiger was the go to pattern today. I was getting the strikes just as I stopped the retrieve and it started to float back to the surface. Might try again tomorrow so if I have any luck I post it on the board again. Get out there and let's see some more december posts! Tight lines

12-19-2012, 09:14 AM
I was out there a couple times in the past couple weeks and firetiger husky jerk was also the bait of choice for me. Got all strikes on the pause. Water had a greenish stain to it each time I was out without any rain in the previous days. No giants but did hook into a bunch of pickerel which was weird to me because I've never hooked or seen a pickerel on that river. Ill def be out there this weekend sometime, hopefully ill have something to share

12-19-2012, 09:38 AM
How slow are you guys working those husky jerks? I was out a few wks ago with a friend throwing firetiger huskies and we both got the skunk...

Skunk City
12-19-2012, 10:16 AM
How slow are you guys working those husky jerks? I was out a few wks ago with a friend throwing firetiger huskies and we both got the skunk...

I reel it just fast enough to where it just barely wobbles, that's it. In other words, SLOW lol.

12-19-2012, 06:20 PM
Just like skunk said I moved it just enough to get the action from the lure and that's it. The pike were pretty aggressive though all you have to do is throw something they can see in the cloudy water and fish it slow.

12-19-2012, 10:35 PM
Ya same here either a real slow wobble or one hard jerk with long pauses inbetween was working well for me

12-20-2012, 09:02 AM
I was doing both tactics... Slow roll & jerk-and-stop... No love... might take another crack at it over the wknd as I've got 5 days off and all my shopping done lol... A lil' "ME TIME" is in order!

12-20-2012, 10:14 AM
Spinnerbaits still working this time of year or just cranks?

I havent fished the passaic in over a year but i wouldnt mind maybe hitting it up in the yack on saturday for some pike.

12-20-2012, 04:46 PM
Spinnerbaits still working this time of year or just cranks?

I havent fished the passaic in over a year but i wouldnt mind maybe hitting it up in the yack on saturday for some pike.

I was throwing a chartreuse with silver colorado blade last time for the half hour I fished before my line guides froze. no love and never made it to the cranks, lots of new structure compliments of sandy though.

12-20-2012, 06:07 PM
I didn't even attempt a spinner to be honest. I knew I had to throw something really bright that I could fish slow so the fire tiger husky jerk was the first thing that came to mind. Water clarity was somewhere in the range of 4-6 inches. Ill give it a shot next time I get some time off from work probably around Christmas time.

Skunk City
12-20-2012, 08:43 PM
Spinnerbaits still working this time of year or just cranks?

I havent fished the passaic in over a year but i wouldnt mind maybe hitting it up in the yack on saturday for some pike.

Ive been hoping to do the same but its supposed to be windy as a mofo this weekend.

12-20-2012, 10:09 PM
I had a pole with a spinnerbait on it with me almost the whole time the last 2 trips and not even a sniff. Everything on jerk baits. Had a lot of misses and swipes at my 8" perch grandma lure. By some small pike too lol

Skunk City
12-21-2012, 08:53 AM
I drive across and past Dundee Lake everyday for work and saw the water came up a good amount...even saw some WHITECAPS above the dam.

12-21-2012, 08:57 AM
Water is up high down by me and looks like chocolate milk. Not a happy river at the moment.