Gerry Zagorski
12-13-2012, 12:58 AM
Fishing Flea Market
Toms River Elks Lodge #1875
600 Washington Street
Toms River, NJ 08753
Saturday January 26, 2013
8:00am to 1:00pm
Adults $3:00 Children 12 and under are free
This show promises not to disappoint
Show offers a wide variety of fishing tackle and
New, used, antique & custom fishing & boating items
at reasonable prices. The latest in Rods, reels, lures, boating and nautical
Custom fish catching plugs.
50 Vendors and 127 tables.
Food & beverages available.
For further information
Parkway exit 82 east
Route 37 east for 2 miles
Turn right on Clifton Ave.
Continue 4 blocks to Elks on left
Corner of Washington Street and Clifton Ave
Toms River Elks Lodge #1875
600 Washington Street
Toms River, NJ 08753
Saturday January 26, 2013
8:00am to 1:00pm
Adults $3:00 Children 12 and under are free
This show promises not to disappoint
Show offers a wide variety of fishing tackle and
New, used, antique & custom fishing & boating items
at reasonable prices. The latest in Rods, reels, lures, boating and nautical
Custom fish catching plugs.
50 Vendors and 127 tables.
Food & beverages available.
For further information
Parkway exit 82 east
Route 37 east for 2 miles
Turn right on Clifton Ave.
Continue 4 blocks to Elks on left
Corner of Washington Street and Clifton Ave