View Full Version : Pride Fishing Tackle Stocking Stuffers

Max@Pride Fishing Tackle
11-27-2012, 02:33 PM
Fluke Package, 1 Spro 6oz Glow, 1 OMT Glow 4oz, 1 Blue Frog Green/White Bucktail, 6" Swimming Mullet Chart, 6" Pink Shine Grub $29.95 added $5.95 for shipping

Tog Package, Ande 50 yard spool of 40lb,50lb and 60lb, 2 packs Gamakatsu 3/0 Octopus Hooks, Titanium Old Harbor Scissors, $32.95 add $5.95 for shipping

Tuna Package, Ilander 400 BLK/Purp, 3 Sabiki rigs, Seaguar 80lb Fluro 25yds, 2 tubes copper Rigging Wire and Momoi Hi-Catch 100lb, 100yd Mono. $59.95 add $5.95 for shipping