View Full Version : Puosu 5
12-09-2012, 10:57 PM
glad to hear you guys made the best with the tough bite. got my $ on my big brother Stelly next week. wish i coulda been there boys
12-09-2012, 11:17 PM
Fun trip as usual LAB. Thanks to all that brought food, crabs and anything else that was on board.
Good luck next week fellas.
12-09-2012, 11:26 PM
Drew (ismellfishy)- ATTABOY!
you KNEW I could catch stripers, but you didnt know I could also catch some blackfish did ya Bill....
Big thanks to Mike for putting this whole shabang together. Lookin forward to taking the hat home along with high hook honors as well, again...
damn stelly I hadnt seen a mugging like that since I visited the confines of Temple University haha, but u put on a clinic on how to do it right!
lot of great peeps on board as it was nice to put some faces to names. best of luck to all competitors next week!!
hope the food and drink comes close to what it was today!
12-10-2012, 08:16 AM
PA beer rules!!~!:cool:
shrimpman steve
12-10-2012, 08:49 AM
Fun Time for sure! fishing was a little tough but the company was great!
Good food, good boat and crew, and I even had a beer!
It is ALWAYS a pleasure fishing with Lefty, GerryZ and brother Joe, and all of the other charicters on this board (too numorous to mention)! It was even nice fishing with LAB:)!
Started the day with a controversial keeper, but it was 15 inches! I figured to avoid any problems I would go ahead and catch another right away @ 16 inches. First keeper settled:p :D! Unfortuatly that was the best flurry I had all day:o. I did manage one more fish late that tied me up with Mr. Wells for a shot at the title. I think he made the right call including both of us for the final next week:D!
Looks like another double for me, as I am on the mimi saturday as well! Better start looking for a room now. See you guys next week!
Thanks to everyone for making it a very enjoyable day!
LAB, thanks for putting it all together.
12-10-2012, 09:23 AM
Had a great time on the Ocean Explorer as always, LAB did a nice job organizing the event. The fishing may not have been the best but the entertainment between drops was second to none and I met a bunch of really good guys that I look forward to fishing with again. Hope to be able to make the Mimi trip next Sunday.
shrimpman steve
12-10-2012, 09:30 AM
PA beer rules!!~!:cool:
9.5%, gotta love it, and I don't drink! I had two and it was enough for me!
Gerry Zagorski
12-10-2012, 11:17 AM
A great time for sure. LAB certainly is the Charter Master. Everything was well organized and went off with out a hitch. Got to love seeing him step up on the coolers barking orders and hurling insults. I think he must have been a drill Sargent in a former life, no megaphone needed. Great job Mike. Not sure anyone could pull these things off the way you do.
The food and grog were only surpassed by the company. Great to see some familiar faces and meet some new ones too. The OE team was awesome as usuall... Had us on the sticky stuff all day and Captain Bobby even gave me some personal rig tying pointers after seeing the ghetto rig I had tied on.
We probaly hit 5 different places ranging from 110 feet to 50 feet but the fish were very picky. Seems like the best action came on the next to the last drop when the port bow monkies had a flurry of action and put on a mugging clinic...
All in all a great trip with a great group of guys.
Congrats to all those who qualified for the final.
12-10-2012, 11:31 AM
Golden Monkey nuff said... few pics of the boys in action.
The "Master Baiter" doing his thing looking for the perfect Hermit Crack Sac
Lab handing over the $40 Dolla Yo proceeds to shrimpy, $30 of which he still owes me...ahem
Stelli-o straight up Gangnam Style
and the BBTT crew... A long day for Thing 1 and Thing 2....zzzzzzzzzzz
12-10-2012, 05:14 PM
Congrats to everyone making the cut for next week. I was not fortunate in the quest for the hat. I got the doughnut, nada... zip, zilch, the ole skunkaroo, but not for lack of trying. Had a fun time anyway.
M Rod
12-10-2012, 06:54 PM
Paypal again for the second trip? Whats the odds this time around ? Quite a few pullers in the bunch. Gonna be interesting.
Life's A Beach
12-10-2012, 08:40 PM
Hey Gerry Z........Did you tell him to ask this ???????????
Gerry Z says ..... Mike, I'm insulted and hurt that you would think I put him up to this :rolleyes:
Here's a paragraph from the FIRST post in THIS thread...
The anglers that catch the fifteen (15) heaviest fish are then invited to fish the following Sunday 12/16 on The Mimi. Cost is $100; includes fare, tip and white-leggers. POOL WILL BE EXTRA AND WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE TIME WE SAIL ON THIS TRIP. The angler who catches the heaviest fish on THIS TRIP will win THIS TRIP'S pool and will be crowned PUOSU 5 Champion.
CASH @ the boat. ONE $100 BILL! Bring a $20 for the pool!
Listen to the new guy calling The House, looking for odds. Ha ha ha. YOURS just went up!
That PUOSU 5 Hat is Giant's colors and you look like a Beagle's fan to me!
12-10-2012, 09:01 PM
Great trip you put together LAB, had a great time good people good boat. :D :D . maybe next year i'll at least get a keeper. :)
12-10-2012, 09:05 PM
Like always I had a great time fishing with all you guys...Good luck to everyone this weekend...Heres some pics!
M Rod
12-10-2012, 11:07 PM
I usually dont like to talk smack just out fish like i did. New guy lol ive actually caught upwards of 20 double digits last winter alone all on ur crabs!! Thanks sport!! Ive seen one of ur crabs catch a 20 plus pound pig. I personally seen 4 twenty plus pound tog caught. Not by accident im on those trips for a reason. The pullers know me. Not bad for a first trip. Im just gettin warmed up.
M Rod
12-10-2012, 11:14 PM
Ill be there and wear some giants colors for ya. Im insulted u thought i was an eagles fan. Thats messed up. Almost as bad as be called a jets fan.
Many thanks to Lab for organizing and for Capt Bobby and crew for their A effort as usual. No one does a better job then Capt Bobby in describing the layout of the piece he is fishing. Definetly helps angler visualize the layout of the structure below which helps put together game plan and finding the bite. Met some great new friends that i look forward to fishing with in the future. Pool fish went 7.9 lbs on certified scale back at home. Found 2 hook slider rig in its belly with half a white with one bent 4/0 hook. He was not so lucky this time around. Looking forward to fishing next week with great group of fisherman.
12-11-2012, 01:19 PM
Pool fish went 7.9 lbs on certified scale back at home. Found 2 hook slider rig in its belly with half a white with one bent 4/0 hook. He was not so lucky this time around. Looking forward to fishing next week with great group of fisherman.[/QUOTE]
Congrats on winning the $$! That's amazing what you found in its belly! Dennis
Blackfish Bobby
12-12-2012, 10:31 AM
Many thanks to Lab for organizing and for Capt Bobby and crew for their A effort as usual. No one does a better job then Capt Bobby in describing the layout of the piece he is fishing. Definetly helps angler visualize the layout of the structure below which helps put together game plan and finding the bite. Met some great new friends that i look forward to fishing with in the future. Pool fish went 7.9 lbs on certified scale back at home. Found 2 hook slider rig in its belly with half a white with one bent 4/0 hook. He was not so lucky this time around. Looking forward to fishing next week with great group of fisherman.
I would love to see the snell and leader on that rig. We fished that spot several times this season and broke some nice fish off there including Sunday. Congrats again on nice fish and taking the first round.
Hey bobby it was not one of your rigs as i fish the same rig you guys fish and not the traditional belmar rig with snelled hook. The loop o the snell is what failed.
Looked like snelled leader was on 50 lb test clear mono snelled to 4/0 gami with 4/0 gami slider. The slider was bent. After my CSI review of the evidence this is my conclusion. Fish ate white legger and took angler into the structure or ledge. Slider hook became stuck as angler tried to get fish out slider hook opened up and snelled hook broke at the perfection loop.
Life's A Beach
12-12-2012, 05:06 PM
I'll be bringing BBQ Pulled Pork and Potato Buns, Dr Pepper (the real one) and ice.
MVP..........PLEASE don't jinx us and bring us to put in cooler for fillet bags again this week. BTW.....the mates LOVED you dumping the cooler in the middle of the deck as everyone was exiting the boat. LMFAO........Bobby got a shovel and pushed it thru the scuppers.
That was a total waste and a bad move dumping on deck as I should have thought that through. Cooler will not leave my truck this time.
Pool fish went 7.9 lbs on certified scale back at home. Found 2 hook slider rig in its belly with half a white with one bent 4/0 hook. He was not so lucky this time around. Looking forward to fishing next week with great group of fisherman.
Congrats on winning the $$! That's amazing what you found in its belly! Dennis[/QUOTE]
Dennis you should have made a appearence for this years PUOSU. You would have a great time and have very good odds as you have caught your share of big fish. Enclosed is picture of final resting place of that fish. Tried a new way of cooking whole fish thanks to simple recipe i got from Andrew Donaldson. Kosher salt encrusted blackfish. Cover the entire fish both top and bottom in Kosher salt egg white mixture. Put it in 400 degree oven for an hour on 5 lb fish. Add 10 minutes for every pound over. It forms a hard crust that locks in all the juices. Took it to my parents house tuesday night and it was a big hit. Nothing goes to waste. When I get some time i am going to do a Utube video with 2 assistants wearing bikinis with a step by step tutorial on how fish is prepared and cooked. :D
Hope to see you down south this winter.
12-13-2012, 10:59 AM
Congrats on winning the $$! That's amazing what you found in its belly! Dennis
Dennis you should have made a appearence for this years PUOSU. You would have a great time and have very good odds as you have caught your share of big fish. Enclosed is picture of final resting place of that fish. Tried a new way of cooking whole fish thanks to simple recipe i got from Andrew Donaldson. Kosher salt encrusted blackfish. Cover the entire fish both top and bottom in Kosher salt egg white mixture. Put it in 400 degree oven for an hour on 5 lb fish. Add 10 minutes for every pound over. It forms a hard crust that locks in all the juices. Took it to my parents house tuesday night and it was a big hit. Nothing goes to waste. When I get some time i am going to do a Utube video with 2 assistants wearing bikinis with a step by step tutorial on how fish is prepared and cooked. :D
Hope to see you down south this winter.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the invite, maybe next year. Will Stelly be in your Video too? lol Alex got a 14 and a 10 on the Porgy yesterday. It seems the Cape May reef is finally coming alive since Sandy. Dennis
12-13-2012, 05:39 PM
Enclosed is picture of final resting place of that fish. Tried a new way of cooking whole fish thanks to simple recipe i got from Andrew Donaldson. Kosher salt encrusted blackfish. Cover the entire fish both top and bottom in Kosher salt egg white mixture. Put it in 400 degree oven for an hour on 5 lb fish. Add 10 minutes for every pound over. It forms a hard crust that locks in all the juices. Took it to my parents house tuesday night and it was a big hit. Nothing goes to waste. When I get some time i am going to do a Utube video with 2 assistants wearing bikinis with a step by step tutorial on how fish is prepared and cooked. :D
Looking forward to the video.
Good luck Sunday.
12-13-2012, 06:46 PM
You guys better watch out on Sunday.. Got to fish today and I am on my game!:D ;) ( Uploaded with (
12-13-2012, 07:07 PM
Great fish Saltlife! Good luck on Sunday
12-13-2012, 07:24 PM
Hey bobby it was not one of your rigs as i fish the same rig you guys fish and not the traditional belmar rig with snelled hook. The loop o the snell is what failed.
Looked like snelled leader was on 50 lb test clear mono snelled to 4/0 gami with 4/0 gami slider. The slider was bent. After my CSI review of the evidence this is my conclusion. Fish ate white legger and took angler into the structure or ledge. Slider hook became stuck as angler tried to get fish out slider hook opened up and snelled hook broke at the perfection loop.
I could be considered a prime suspect on that one! They always break at the loop for me, thought that was a good thing.....
Life's A Beach
12-13-2012, 10:02 PM
ODDS tomorrow
Nice Fish Saltlife............but YOU have shot your load..........LONG ODDS; plus you fished with hacks (Blackfish Doug)
Stellie fished on Fish Monger today and caught fish. He talked all day about how it's OVER and he's a LOCK to win Sunday. He went as far to say that since the PUOSU 5 hat is Giant's colors.........he's gonna win it and take a dump in it.
IF......... and that's a big if you finally manage to compete in a forum other than a 6 pack charter........I'll have a DULL-US Cowgirls colors PUOSU 5 hat made just for you. FAT CHANCE!
someone left a small tackle bag (yellow CAT) on the OE sunday.........see pic
Stelli will not be in the video as he is spoken for so I do not want to corrupt him with some bikini babes.
Thanks for the good wishes. Hope to fish with you again this winter as you are a true gentelman and an excellent angler as you showed on earlier trip we had this year on the Mimi.
Salt life,
Nice fish today on the Explorer. I had one that broke the 8 lb mark today out of Barnegat. 13.4 lb fish was also caught by my friend so there are some big fish to be had this weekend. You keep the hope alive for the Young Guns.
In regards to your mention of breaking off at loop of your snelled hooks all the time. I think i know what might be happening that is causing your breakoffs. A comen mistake when attaching snelled hook to main line is angler running snelled hook through loop and then cinching down on main line rather than attaching snelled loop to main line in a loop to loop manner as to avoid line from cinching on itself which is causing the break.
Life's A Beach
12-14-2012, 05:20 AM
1. WOW did "Team Baccala" throw YOU under the bus Thursday? OMFG:D
2. Young Gun????? You're WAAAAYYYY too old to fit in that group. That would be 35 and DOWN. You ain't seen your 30s in this century!:eek:
3. 25:1 We'll start the odds with YOU. Nice fish on the OX but winning 2 weeks in a row is tuff. (Harder than 2 years in a row KID).
12-14-2012, 07:24 AM
Lol mike, have been quiet on this post, but i had to talk myself up for your trip as i hacked it onthe monger( at least for stelli standards). You know me ill fish hard for at least half the day then eat and take a nap!!! Btw thats my cat tackle bag
Gerry Zagorski
12-14-2012, 08:16 AM
Wow - Some very odd things happening around here lately.
- Worst storm in 100 years
- Earthquakes in NJ
- Some hack long shot wins PUOSU 4
- Me catching a qualifying fish last week on a rig I actually tied myself
And to top things off, Steli actually got on the computer and made a post :confused:
Maybe there is something to this Mayan calendar thing and the world really is coming to an end :eek: :D
12-14-2012, 08:30 AM
Wow, I had no idea there was a cowgirl's fan in the group!!! I think I just puked!!
are u from dallas or did u just fall in love with the star as a kid and forget when u grow up youre supposed to root for the Hometown team????
he prolly goes around telling kids there isnt santa clause and taking their lunch money!
yes im from philly and yes im a stinkin pidgeons fan, along with all the philly squads, but at least I was raised to root root root for the home team. and yea my team blows this year, so I will shut up and take the beating.
I dont even care if I win now, just thatt a dallas cockrroach cant point tthe staate out on a map doesnt win!! at least none of our or any giants players ever killed a guy
and by the way whats all this wah wah practice warmup crap all about, who needs practice anyway but HACKS!!!
good luck to most on sunday. I will have another hoagie tray so everyone can stuff their face
12-14-2012, 09:11 AM
[QUOTE=Ismellfishy]Wow, I had no idea there was a cowgirl's fan in the group!!! I think I just puked!!
are u from dallas or did u just fall in love with the star as a kid and forget when u grow up youre supposed to root for the Hometown team????
he prolly goes around telling kids there isnt santa clause and taking their lunch money!
yes im from philly and yes im a stinkin pidgeons fan, along with all the philly squads, but at least I was raised to root root root for the home team. and yea my team blows this year, so I will shut up and take the beating.
I dont even care if I win now, just thatt a dallas cockrroach cant point tthe staate out on a map doesnt win!! at least none of our or any giants players ever killed a guy
shrimpman steve
12-14-2012, 09:13 AM
[QUOTE=Ismellfishy]Wow, I had no idea there was a cowgirl's fan in the group!!! I think I just puked!!
are u from dallas or did u just fall in love with the star as a kid and forget when u grow up youre supposed to root for the Hometown team????
he prolly goes around telling kids there isnt santa clause and taking their lunch money!
yes im from philly and yes im a stinkin pidgeons fan, along with all the philly squads, but at least I was raised to root root root for the home team. and yea my team blows this year, so I will shut up and take the beating.
I dont even care if I win now, just thatt a dallas cockrroach cant point tthe staate out on a map doesnt win!! at least none of our or any giants players ever killed a guy
Plaxico did shoot himself in the foot:eek: :D
Life's A Beach
12-14-2012, 09:18 AM
Why OUCH??
He spoke the truth.
Stellie thinks Dallas is a STATE. He thinks Troy Aikman and Michael Irvin were better than yeoman NFL players. He thinks Tom Landry was straight. He thinks Emmit Smith could run behind any O line. He thinks Jerry Jones is entertaining and good looking.
Stellie 15:1 500:1 to get his "CAT" BAG back!
Gerry Zagorski 99:1 to WIN...........25:1 to catch ONE keeper!
12-14-2012, 07:23 PM
Hey LAB will you be bringing white leggers again for Sunday or should I pick some up?
Life's A Beach
12-14-2012, 07:38 PM
MVP - Alex is a nice guy and he seems to put himself in position to catch trophy size fish (all species) quite often. This being said........some peepz rise to a challenge and some wilt. I've seen (well, actually HAVEN'T "seen") his results the past 2 years in fluke tournaments. The House says WILT 20:1
MRod - New guy to PUOSU this year and a certain air of cockiness (I like that). Sunday's his chance to join the elite and claim the final crown. HMMMM Top 5 but NO 8:1
Stellie - About Time he PUT UP but it was the Preliminary Round. He tawked trash this week but tawk is cheap. Skate Hard my friend.......don't sit still. 4:1
Foul Hook - Tony's an avid fisherman and another nice guy. I'l not big on Nice Guys winning. It takes a certain mental toughness which Mr Sanborn doesn't possess (his wife does). 25:1
Gerry Z - Made the cut and did it without his own personal mate. I'm proud of you G-Man. NOT proud enuf to WASTE money betting on this horse 50:1
Black Cloud Bob - Been hearing stories about Bob's captaining abilities for years. Seen numerous reports from putting BNR on the meat here for years. Yo Bob.........Kenny will put us on the bottom, you've gotta catch ONE BIG fish. I'm from Missouri.........SHOW ME! 30:1
I Smell Fishy - Another unknown and didn't get a real "feel" on the Pre Lim????? Only 1 unknown is wearing a PUOSU Crown and he accomplished it with Foul Hook as his personal caddy. 60:1
Black Fish Bobby - He has wallpapered his house with his pics of big fish on The Fisherman Mag. Pays his house payment with boat pools. Gotta show the love here 3:1
Loudsprtfish - Clearly out of his league in this tournament. Louie's one of those private boat wonders that flounders on a big boat. Well it's Black Fish season, not flounder. 99:1
SaltLife1980 - Oh Mr I'm Wearing White Slicks After Labor Day had the Cheshire Cat's grin on his face Thursday, winning $300 Pools on the OX. Like taking candy from a baby with the upside spinning reels and hacks he competed against. NOT THIS SUNDAY! 49:1
Captain Meat - Another "friend" of Mr "I'd rather see Griffith play risk getting embarrassed AGAIN on PUOSU. Yo Meat (God I loved that 70s saying).......Yer goin' down Baby! 99:1
Thing1 - Not sure which one is #1 but BOTH spent more time asleep in the cabin than Stellie on a warm summer day after lunch. It's nice to see them fishing with BFB but PUOSU separates the men from the BOYZ. Another 100:1
Scooter - Got a pic text today that SSK caught BIG fish on the Ma## M. They musta been chewing hard and Sammy musta NOT had you on sticky bottom. Last week he spent more time in the rocks and re-tying than actually fishing. Hacked It Up. If the bite is on..........he stands a puncher's chance but ....... Not Sunday. Time better spent surfing the net for a new hottie to replace the one who's breaking his heart. LIFE LESSON - if a chick has "HAND" over you..........don't tell LAB lmfao 10:1
Shrimpman - Wasn't sure if he was fishing or hanging dry wall with all the hammering he was doing. LIFE LESSON - use the same damn bait everyone else is using and spend the time improving your SKILLS, not the bait. A warm-up on the Mimi Saturday will do NOTHING to improve his odds 25:1
LAB - They say you're the champ until the next guy is crowned. I played nicey nice last week...........didn't mug any bites, kept quiet and minded my own business. The kid gloves are OFF. If you get a bite and miss...........that sliding feeling against your leg will be my shoulder. I totally plan on being the only repeat champ and ending this 5 year run as the KING AMONG BOYZ. 2:1
There will be a judge(s) on this trip. Nothing set in stone at this writing. Judges are allowed to fish but may NOT win pool or crown. Not that it matters because either one/both couldn't find the ocean from the boardwalk.
PLEASE try and be ready to leave @ 6am.
NO PAYPAL NEEDED. Bring one (1) $100 bill and one (1) $20 bill. This will pay for fair, tip, crabs AND pool. Anyone brings a check (you "no" who you are) and you can just turn around, get in your suburban and drive back to Boigen/Passaic County!
Life's A Beach
12-14-2012, 07:38 PM
Hey LAB will you be bringing white leggers again for Sunday or should I pick some up?
pick 'em up
THIS is why this kid ain't got any chance
Joey Dah Fish
12-14-2012, 09:51 PM
It sure would be nice if I was a judge :)
12-14-2012, 10:00 PM
MVP - Alex is a nice guy and he seems to put himself in position to catch trophy size fish (all species) quite often. This being said........some peepz rise to a challenge and some wilt. I've seen (well, actually HAVEN'T "seen") his results the past 2 years in fluke tournaments. The House says WILT 20:1
MRod - New guy to PUOSU this year and a certain air of cockiness (I like that). Sunday's his chance to join the elite and claim the final crown. HMMMM Top 5 but NO 8:1
Stellie - About Time he PUT UP but it was the Preliminary Round. He tawked trash this week but tawk is cheap. Skate Hard my friend.......don't sit still. 4:1
Foul Hook - Tony's an avid fisherman and another nice guy. I'l not big on Nice Guys winning. It takes a certain mental toughness which Mr Sanborn doesn't possess (his wife does). 25:1
Gerry Z - Made the cut and did it without his own personal mate. I'm proud of you G-Man. NOT proud enuf to WASTE money betting on this horse 50:1
Black Cloud Bob - Been hearing stories about Bob's captaining abilities for years. Seen numerous reports from putting BNR on the meat here for years. Yo Bob.........Kenny will put us on the bottom, you've gotta catch ONE BIG fish. I'm from Missouri.........SHOW ME! 30:1
I Smell Fishy - Another unknown and didn't get a real "feel" on the Pre Lim????? Only 1 unknown is wearing a PUOSU Crown and he accomplished it with Foul Hook as his personal caddy. 60:1
Black Fish Bobby - He has wallpapered his house with his pics of big fish on The Fisherman Mag. Pays his house payment with boat pools. Gotta show the love here 3:1
Loudsprtfish - Clearly out of his league in this tournament. Louie's one of those private boat wonders that flounders on a big boat. Well it's Black Fish season, not flounder. 99:1
SaltLife1980 - Oh Mr I'm Wearing White Slicks After Labor Day had the Cheshire Cat's grin on his face Thursday, winning $300 Pools on the OX. Like taking candy from a baby with the upside spinning reels and hacks he competed against. NOT THIS SUNDAY! 49:1
Captain Meat - Another "friend" of Mr "I'd rather see Griffith play risk getting embarrassed AGAIN on PUOSU. Yo Meat (God I loved that 70s saying).......Yer goin' down Baby! 99:1
Thing1 - Not sure which one is #1 but BOTH spent more time asleep in the cabin than Stellie on a warm summer day after lunch. It's nice to see them fishing with BFB but PUOSU separates the men from the BOYZ. Another 100:1
Scooter - Got a pic text today that SSK caught BIG fish on the Ma## M. They musta been chewing hard and Sammy musta NOT had you on sticky bottom. Last week he spent more time in the rocks and re-tying than actually fishing. Hacked It Up. If the bite is on..........he stands a puncher's chance but ....... Not Sunday. Time better spent surfing the net for a new hottie to replace the one who's breaking his heart. LIFE LESSON - if a chick has "HAND" over you..........don't tell LAB lmfao 10:1
Shrimpman - Wasn't sure if he was fishing or hanging dry wall with all the hammering he was doing. LIFE LESSON - use the same damn bait everyone else is using and spend the time improving your SKILLS, not the bait. A warm-up on the Mimi Saturday will do NOTHING to improve his odds 25:1
LAB - They say you're the champ until the next guy is crowned. I played nicey nice last week...........didn't mug any bites, kept quiet and minded my own business. The kid gloves are OFF. If you get a bite and miss...........that sliding feeling against your leg will be my shoulder. I totally plan on being the only repeat champ and ending this 5 year run as the KING AMONG BOYZ. 2:1
There will be a judge(s) on this trip. Nothing set in stone at this writing. Judges are allowed to fish but may NOT win pool or crown. Not that it matters because either one/both couldn't find the ocean from the boardwalk.
PLEASE try and be ready to leave @ 6am.
NO PAYPAL NEEDED. Bring one (1) $100 bill and one (1) $20 bill. This will pay for fair, tip, crabs AND pool. Anyone brings a check (you "no" who you are) and you can just turn around, get in your suburban and drive back to Boigen/Passaic County!
I like that nice round $300 number, I like that boat. I like to mug a friend when conditions warrant and I want that Giants colored hat to match my Flyers PUOSU trophy cap. Thanks for the respectable odds ^^^ Labbie my boy!
12-15-2012, 12:09 AM
Im going to show up extra early to make sure i get the port stern corner spot:D
shrimpman steve
12-15-2012, 03:05 AM
25:1, Im just glad I made the cut!
no smack talk from me (to bad we are not pin hooking in montauk);)
leaving for my saturday warm up, see you guys Sunday AM, I'll be down all weekend.
LAB, will you take a certified check:eek: :eek: :D
shrimpman steve
12-15-2012, 03:32 AM
if anyone is interested, I have a room at the atlantic motel (two beds). If anyone wants to come down early and split the room please give me a call. I'll even bring you to leftys xmass party as my date!
201 788 0060
Life's A Beach
12-15-2012, 08:32 AM
Im going to show up extra early to make sure i get the port stern corner spot:D
Come as early as you want
The finishing list from the Pre Lim is the boarding/spot picking order. there was so much room on EX there was no need for "the order". Sunday it will be adhered to. MVP picks first (the last time MVP and FIRST will be used in the same sentence for PUOSU 5).
12-15-2012, 11:18 AM
So we are boarding as we placed in the pre lim.. sounds good.. looking forward to fishing with everyone again tomorrow..
12-15-2012, 01:31 PM
so whos bringin what tomorrow?
we got Bbq pulled pork & dr. pepper from LAB
I am in for a hoagie tray and some fresh sticky buns with raisins and walnuts( I think I'm setting myself up right there...)
who wants to add to the list??
Life's A Beach
12-15-2012, 01:48 PM
Hey LAB will you be bringing white leggers again for Sunday or should I pick some up?
how many did you get for the trip?????????
Gerry Zagorski
12-15-2012, 03:24 PM
I will bring the Philly Pretzels
12-15-2012, 05:28 PM
I will bring the Philly Pretzels
if you bring an extra bottle of that mustard, we might be able to keep blackfish Bobby inside all day:D
12-15-2012, 05:37 PM
how many did you get for the trip?????????
Prob going to pick some up in the morning before i go to the boat... Why are you bringing some?
Foul Hook
12-15-2012, 05:40 PM
I grabbed a little cheese,peperoni platter to snack on for breakfast. Gerry I love that phili pretzel hot mustard ;) hint hint. Locked and Loaded!!
12-15-2012, 07:09 PM
bringing 20 hot bagels with a pound of cream cheese and some butter. anyone bringing beers?
Life's A Beach
12-15-2012, 07:34 PM
Hey LAB will you be bringing white leggers again for Sunday or should I pick some up?
you asked........"should I pick some up?"
Pick some up
Tomorrow you can ask Gerry Z................He has the answer for you!
Rabbit out of a hat is all I can say!
12-15-2012, 07:50 PM
Good luck guys glad I'm out, got the"itis" man I can't wait till this fever breaks!
My money is on Shrimp or HD , go get em guys! Keep warm, n dry. I'll be out next weekend or less ...
New add-on pulpit:
12-15-2012, 08:28 PM
Forecast as of 3:37 PM EST on December 15, 2012
Coastal Waters From Sandy Hook To Manasquan Inlet Nj Out 20 Nm-
Coastal Waters From Manasquan Inlet To Little Egg Inlet Nj Out 20 Nm-
Se winds 10 to 15 kt. Seas 2 to 4 ft. Mainly in E swell with a dominant period of 9 seconds. A slight chance of rain after midnight. A chance of rain late. Vsby 1 to 3 nm after midnight.
Se winds 10 to 15 kt. Seas 3 to 4 ft. Mainly in se swell with a dominant period of 9 seconds. A chance of rain early in the morning...then rain likely in the late morning and afternoon. Vsby 1 to 3 nm.
Wow, what fun :rolleyes:
Joey Dah Fish
12-15-2012, 09:08 PM
Good luck to all!!
And to all a good night!!
12-15-2012, 09:24 PM
bringing 20 hot bagels with a pound of cream cheese and some butter. anyone bringing beers?
I will have a cooler of some treats for ya scotty
12-16-2012, 12:51 AM
not to bad..
12-16-2012, 05:25 PM
12-16-2012, 05:40 PM
I'll bet they didn't have any fine Pa beer to drink, so I'm guessing they were dry out there. lmao...:D :D :D
Sea Soda Sport Fishing
12-16-2012, 06:10 PM
Not sure if its true but I heard louDsportfish1 won with a 6.7lb tog
12-16-2012, 06:37 PM
I don't know, but I'm guessing it was slow out there without my fine Pa beer selection to partake of...lmfao...
12-16-2012, 07:05 PM
I don't know, but I'm guessing it was slow out there without my fine Pa beer selection to partake of...lmfao...
We were lucky to have ismellfishy with some fine PA microbrews today. I helped him drink a few of the Wolf Winter Ales :D .
We missed you today. See you next year ;)
12-16-2012, 07:06 PM
Not sure if its true but I heard louDsportfish1 won with a 6.7lb tog
There was a weigh off at Spikes on their calibrated scale btw louD and Steve (Shripman). I'll let labbie post the particulars beyond that :cool:
12-16-2012, 07:07 PM
Not sure if its true but I heard louDsportfish1 won with a 6.7lb tog
It is true. Congrats Lou nice job.
12-16-2012, 07:08 PM
I will add that Jeff SaltLife1980 was high hook and was on the spot most of the day. Quite some mugging going on all around him :eek:
Life's A Beach
12-16-2012, 07:31 PM
The Results Are In
We headed south and started on a wreck of IBSP. Shrimpie won the Dollar Dollar Bill Yo with a legit keeper AGAIN. That boy can smell money!
Old Salt Jeff caught his LIMIT on this first drop. He had 5 until I fished next to him, clearly my auro taking him off his game. After I left he continued to put on a clinic. Most got a lot of shorts so Kenny decided to move.
We moved down to the reef and fish 3 drops on tanks. These tanks have been there for years and don't stand out like they did when first placed/dumped. Makes is harder to "find the edge" than when fishing a rockpile or wreck. Couple that with further burying from Sandy and ........... BUT LouD dropped on the 2nd tank spot and hit a ~7# on the head.
We made a move north to our last drop and some fish came up. A slow pick but we all heard a call of "net" and Softie pulled a nice fat female. To MY eye it was bigger than Louie's but I'm old and half blind.
Tried weighing them at sea but a steady roll (yes it was) made it impossible. Even tried the boat's Pool Scale but it was as level as could be.
Back at the dock LouD's AND Shrimpman Steve's fish weighed in 6# 12oz so we walked over to Spikes. On their digital pan scale LouD was 6.76# and Steve's was 6.71# 5/100th of a pound made Louie the FINAL PUOSU Champ!
thank you everyone for your contributions of food, drink, ice, utensils. we ate all day long and had a great time. It was nice getting to know some new fellow fishermen.
Things I learned (or heard) today:
(while looking at the tv in the cabin) "Does this thing get porn?"
"Yo LAB, your crock pot of pulled pork just did a back flip off the counter and landed right side up"
You may not see him doing it but Blackfish Bobby catches fish!
Saltwater1999/Jeff is a PULLER, enough said
1313 Mockingbird Lane
Shrimpie takes a lot of abuse but takes it like a man
Scooter aka Scott has lost his mojo
I've enjoyed all 5 PUOSUs but am glad they're done
I DO look forward to the "2013 Inaugural LAB LIMIT CHALLENGE"
12-16-2012, 07:38 PM
Congrats LouD! and to Shrimpman too. Closest POUSU final, if my memory is right. Thanks Lab for the good times and to the rest of the crew and judge. I had a ball.
12-16-2012, 07:39 PM
How is it that Alex MVP (aka Eddie) goes around after a fishing day in the rain and has NOT a hair out of place?
Life's A Beach
12-16-2012, 07:56 PM
How is it that Alex MVP (aka Eddie) goes around after a fishing day in the rain and has NOT a hair out of place?
werewolve of london "......and his hair was perfect"
musta taken lessons from Neil Berkman
12-16-2012, 07:56 PM
The Results Are In
We headed south and started on a wreck of IBSP. Shrimpie won the Dollar Dollar Bill Yo with a legit keeper AGAIN. That boy can smell money!
Old Salt Jeff caught his LIMIT on this first drop. He had 5 until I fished next to him, clearly my auro taking him off his game. After I left he continued to put on a clinic. Most got a lot of shorts so Kenny decided to move.
We moved down to the reef and fish 3 drops on tanks. These tanks have been there for years and don't stand out like they did when first placed/dumped. Makes is harder to "find the edge" than when fishing a rockpile or wreck. Couple that with further burying from Sandy and ........... BUT LouD dropped on the 2nd tank spot and hit a ~7# on the head.
We made a move north to our last drop and some fish came up. A slow pick but we all heard a call of "net" and Softie pulled a nice fat female. To MY eye it was bigger than Louie's but I'm old and half blind.
Tried weighing them at sea but a steady roll (yes it was) made it impossible. Even tried the boat's Pool Scale but it was as level as could be.
Back at the dock LouD's AND Shrimpman Steve's fish weighed in 6# 12oz so we walked over to Spikes. On their digital pan scale LouD was 6.76# and Steve's was 6.71# 5/100th of a pound made Louie the FINAL PUOSU Champ!
thank you everyone for your contributions of food, drink, ice, utensils. we ate all day long and had a great time. It was nice getting to know some new fellow fishermen.
Things I learned (or heard) today:
(while looking at the tv in the cabin) "Does this thing get porn?"
"Yo LAB, your crock pot of pulled pork just did a back flip off the counter and landed right side up"
You may not see him doing it but Blackfish Bobby catches fish!
Saltwater1999/Jeff is a PULLER, enough said
1313 Mockingbird Lane
Shrimpie takes a lot of abuse but takes it like a man
Scooter aka Scott has lost his mojo
I've enjoyed all 5 PUOSUs but am glad they're done
I DO look forward to the "2013 Inaugural LAB LIMIT CHALLENGE"
Just wanted to say thank you for putting together a great trip.. I had a blast..
Ended the day with 10 keepers{only keeping my legal limit} and prob 15 or so shorts.. Biggest prob 4 - 5 pounds..
Gerry Zagorski
12-16-2012, 07:57 PM
Congrats Lou. Amazing how close your and Shrimpies fish were. A tough day of fishing for sure, except for Saltlife who put on a clinic. I think he had his limit on the first 2 drops.
Great job as usual by our fearlesss leader LAB setting this up. I know it takes a lot time and effort coordinating these trips and it is much appreciated. A great 5 year run Mike, thanks.
cool hand fluke
12-16-2012, 08:31 PM
Congrats, Lou - way to go!
Thanks Mike for arranging this and allowing me to "judge"...had a blast fishing with friends and meeting and few new ones
12-16-2012, 10:54 PM
I don't know, but I'm guessing it was slow out there without my fine Pa beer selection to partake of...lmfao...
yes there was some good PA beer, Lancaster brewing co winter warmer ale at a paltry 8.9%:eek:
Jeff, aka salt, was smokin em all day long, no matter how many muggers came by!
congrats to Lou for taking the title, and shrimpy for govin him a run for da money. big thanks again to LAB for runnin this whole thing as it was an absolute blast!
12-16-2012, 11:17 PM
Congrats Lou!!!
Fish Stix
12-17-2012, 12:28 AM
Lou, congrats bro! And most of all thanks for winning so LAB couldn't!
12-17-2012, 06:59 AM
Thanks guys. Also a big Thank You to Mike for putting both trips together.
Life's A Beach
12-17-2012, 07:38 AM
Eddie; all grown up
A special thanks to Alex/MVP for making the connections so we had enough whiteleggers for the trip
12-17-2012, 09:05 AM
Congrats Lou
12-17-2012, 01:33 PM
way to go Lou!
broken bobber
12-17-2012, 04:31 PM
my man Stelli talked MAAAAAAAAD SH*T on da monger the other day.... looks like another EPIC CHOKE
Foul Hook
12-17-2012, 05:16 PM
Thank you Mike for running this trip and the last four. Congrats to LouD on his crown/hat and also to Shrimp who was swingin the hammer all day.That was close. "They come for the hermit and stay for the crab" Classic! Good time great pulled pork from the chartermaster.
shrimpman steve
12-17-2012, 06:05 PM
first off, congrats to lou! His fish was longer, mine was fatter, but in the end his was heavier! When my fish hit the deck late in the day LAB was panicking! I heard him mumbling in the corner "anyone but shrimp":D. He said something about his worst nightmare come true or something. Well LAB it was close, but don't worry, I lost fare and square!
The pulled pork was great, don't know how it survived the suicidal leap off the microwave! Many laughs all day long, I had a blast. Good food, good friends, (old and new). Great fishing with everyone!
LAB, thanks for all the work in putting the trips together.
Life's A Beach
12-17-2012, 06:26 PM
first off, congrats to lou! His fish was longer, mine was fatter, but in the end his was heavier! When my fish hit the deck late in the day LAB was panicking! I heard him mumbling in the corner "anyone but shrimp":D. He said something about his worst nightmare come true or something. Well LAB it was close, but don't worry, I lost fare and square!
The pulled pork was great, don't know how it survived the suicidal leap off the microwave! Many laughs all day long, I had a blast. Good food, good friends, (old and new). Great fishing with everyone!
LAB, thanks for all the work in putting the trips together.
Don't feel bad Steve...........I would have said the same thing (even louder) if Stellie had caught a big fish. And God forbid>>>>>>>>>>Gerry Z.
You're ok in my book and will be on the list for the 2013 LAB LIMIT Tournament on the Mimi on Sunday 12/15/13!
12-17-2012, 07:00 PM
2013 LAB LIMIT Tournament on the Mimi on Sunday 12/15/13!
I knew this would not be the end.
Life's A Beach
12-17-2012, 07:33 PM
I knew this would not be the end.
it's the end of PUOSU
a few quality fisherman won: me and river rat
a few got lucky: ha ha ha
and more than a few couldn't handle the pressure of the PUOSU
Gerry Zagorski
12-17-2012, 09:22 PM
Don't feel bad Steve...........I would have said the same thing (even louder) if Stellie had caught a big fish. And God forbid>>>>>>>>>>Gerry Z.
I feel like the Rodney Dangerfield of NJFishing.... I get no respect :D
Guess I got to get me a pair of Grundens;)
12-17-2012, 09:37 PM
Congrats to Lou.
Mike, I'm glad you got to win one.
12-18-2012, 07:08 AM
I feel like the Rodney Dangerfield of NJFishing.... I get no respect :D
Guess I got to get me a pair of Grundens;)
go back to the one day invite only, this way you dont have to "deal" with it all!! who loves ya? this guy!
12-19-2012, 02:51 AM
Just wanted to say thank you to LAB and it was great meeting fellow anglers.. some great fishermen were on this trip and it was def nice to be honored to fish with you guys! Thanks MPV for the white legger connect.. Lou nice fish! and steve great work!
High hook Honors goes to me!!:D
12-19-2012, 02:52 AM
yes there was some good PA beer, Lancaster brewing co winter warmer ale at a paltry 8.9%:eek:
Jeff, aka salt, was smokin em all day long, no matter how many muggers came by!
congrats to Lou for taking the title, and shrimpy for govin him a run for da money. big thanks again to LAB for runnin this whole thing as it was an absolute blast!
thanks buddy
12-19-2012, 02:53 AM
Congrats Lou. Amazing how close your and Shrimpies fish were. A tough day of fishing for sure, except for Saltlife who put on a clinic. I think he had his limit on the first 2 drops.
Great job as usual by our fearlesss leader LAB setting this up. I know it takes a lot time and effort coordinating these trips and it is much appreciated. A great 5 year run Mike, thanks.
THanks gerry.. it was nice fishing next to you untill i got mugged bad:D
Gerry Zagorski
12-19-2012, 12:17 PM
Salt, you were definately violated :eek:
12-19-2012, 11:55 PM
Salt, you were definately violated :eek:
how about the shripman, "Gerry, so how was that party last night?" as he moves right in. "Not that i care, he adds" LOL... :rolleyes:
shrimpman steve
12-20-2012, 08:23 AM
how about the shripman, "Gerry, so how was that party last night?" as he moves right in. "Not that i care, he adds" LOL... :rolleyes:
That hurts me:D
12-20-2012, 10:30 PM
That hurts me:D
that was one class mugging LOL
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