View Full Version : 10/20/2012 -- South Branch area

10-22-2012, 12:37 PM
Fished the South Branch area from about 2:45 till sundown on Saturday with a friend. Fishing was a bit slow initially but we jumped around and managed to pull some fish out of the water. My buddy had 2 or 3 small, impeccably-colored browns. I caught 3 browns of similar size and coloration, 2 chubby brookies and two palm sized smallies. Not a bad way to burn a few hours... Cant wait for the leaves to be gone! Should be about a week or so judging by the color of the remaining foliage.

Catch 'em up!

10-22-2012, 02:00 PM
I'm with ya on those leaves.

Good job with the mixed-bag catch. My buddy and I call that Linder-Fishing. LOL