View Full Version : Vintage surf rod
10-21-2012, 01:20 PM
I was given a harnell rod by a widow friend of my family. It is a little over 10' and has a lot of action. The number on it is 533r, has a detachable wooden handle reel seat and what looks like fuji guides.
Anyone know anything about it they can share? Any recommendations on a reel for it?
10-21-2012, 01:23 PM
Trident 13
10-21-2012, 06:03 PM
Loose the wood handle,use alum pipe wrap with cork tape, if spinning model go with the era for the reel, use a penn 700,or 704z
10-21-2012, 06:45 PM
I have a 704z but it seems way to heavy for this rod. The action is very light. I like your suggestion about the butt end. Where can i get alum pipe wrap and cork tape?
10-22-2012, 05:14 AM
I have a 704z but it seems way to heavy for this rod. The action is very light. I like your suggestion about the butt end. Where can i get alum pipe wrap and cork tape?
You can always use an old broken rod, fit it up into the top section to make it like a one piece rod.
10-22-2012, 06:44 PM
They are garbage!!! But you cant throw them need to take them to an authorized dump site.......and we happen to be one!!! So bring it down and I will be happy to take it!! No charge!! :p
They are a very desirable rod for a select crowd. They are very good for people who throw pencils properly! The whippy action is IDEAL for pencils to be worked the way they are made to work! To get that action, place the butt in between your legs, and start whipping up & down, while cranking with the other hand!
You have NEVER seen a pencil work properly, until you use a rod like this!!
If you don't like the rod, I am sure you will have no problem selling it. Its worth some good money. Depending on the condition, you have 3 markets for a buyer.
1-A collector who wants it as is
2-A smart fisherman, who knows exactly what you have there.
3- Trolling Rods for bunker spoons & Krocs
Either way, I have seen them go for anywhere from $150 -$250. If I can help you out any more....shoot me a PM. ;) Just don't get ripped off!!! Its worth more than the $25 some people will offer.
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