View Full Version : No reports today?Well heres a trout report.

10-20-2012, 05:56 PM
Decided to fish the lower musky with outfline today.River was in great shape after yesterdays rain with a slight tint and back to flows that i like.We fished some really good spots and covered allot of water but only found the fish in the areas they stocked them not spread out at all.total for the day was 6 fat azz brookies,few smallies,rock bass,largemouth and chubs and couple quick releases.Not many people on the water today also saw some real pigs swimmin around in a few weeks its gonna be real good when these fish are settled and hungry.

10-20-2012, 06:13 PM
Nice Job.... Glad to hear somebody catching more than one or two. I saw some nice fatties the last time out too and can't wait till they start biting,
there's something about that four pound test rippin off that tiny rod and chasing them down the stream that makes my heart go BOOM BOOM!!!

10-20-2012, 06:26 PM
WOW! GREAT JOB!!! Sounds like a blast.

10-20-2012, 06:50 PM
Sounds like a good day, catch allota leaves ?

10-21-2012, 11:15 AM
Got a couple 6-8"maple leaves that fought well:D

10-21-2012, 07:52 PM
Got a couple 6-8"maple leaves that fought well:D

Nice report. Those leave can put a real bend in the rod:confused: Hate casting out and the first thing that a lure finds is a leaf or three, crap, gotta reel in and start over.

10-25-2012, 01:30 PM
BTW, that fish count what Shuckers! I couldn't catch my azz if I tried! Even the big leaves eluded me!