View Full Version : Big D float 9/29 - Took one on the chin

Lard Almighty
09-30-2012, 10:10 PM
My dad and I floated with our guy on the upper Delaware on Saturday. We started at the 191 bridge on the West Branch and floated down past junction pool for about five miles. Most of the trout we caught were in one pool on the West Branch. Fishing the main stem was slow. A few short walleye, a pickerel, two jumbo fallfish, and a dink smallie. Between the three of us we landed 12 fish in 8+ hours.

This morning we hit the West Branch in Deposit for a few hours on out guide's recommendation. I got a nice 16" brown, and my dad dropped one he said was about 18". A couple other dinks and that was it. All in all a very disappointing trip. The water was at the perfect levels, at perfect clarity, the trout were definitely in the river, they just weren't hitting anything.

A few pics below. I'll see about cobbling a video together, but it might not be worth it. :(

10-01-2012, 01:04 AM
That's a beautiful looking brownie. Shame that the bite was slow.

10-01-2012, 08:13 AM
Great report!! You guys got a couple so at least you avoided the SKUNK. Great pix, awesome colors on the Brown.

10-01-2012, 08:36 AM
The weather was good, you caught some fish, and couple of nice ones at that.
Maybe you are spoiled from previous trips;) :D

Looks like you had a decent weekend to me:)

Lard Almighty
10-01-2012, 09:50 AM
The weather was good, you caught some fish, and couple of nice ones at that.
Maybe you are spoiled from previous trips;) :D

Looks like you had a decent weekend to me:)Don't get me wrong, we had fun (we were fishing, after all). We just expected that, between the time of year, the water conditions, and the weather, we should have done a lot better. Just one of those times where things get tough. I sure hope you and Andy do better when you head up there in a couple weeks.

And yes, we got spoiled last year. :p

10-01-2012, 10:00 AM
Don't get me wrong, we had fun (we were fishing, after all). We just expected that, between the time of year, the water conditions, and the weather, we should have done a lot better. Just one of those times where things get tough. I sure hope you and Andy do better when you head up there in a couple weeks.

And yes, we got spoiled last year. :p
I think later in the season will be better then earlier, due to the long dry summer;)


10-01-2012, 05:43 PM
Gotta get Pops outta those Neoprenes also !!!

Big spinners did the most damage ???

Do a milk-run in November on the main stem and see what happens ??

I guess you stayed in Hancock and ate at the diner there ??

Solid report nontheless.

10-01-2012, 07:15 PM
beautiful colors on the trout. I dont get to do much trout fishing anymore other than the stockies in april, but I love to fish for them, I grew up fishing the little rivers. Regardless nice couple of catches, at least u were out ther right? LOL........better than being stuck at work or home!!!

Lard Almighty
10-01-2012, 10:45 PM
All trout were caught on gold spinners.

10-02-2012, 07:55 AM
All trout were caught on gold spinners. Except for this one:

The old white Mr. Twister:eek:

And since when do you use a wading stick?
I thought you had Superman balance:D