View Full Version : Turns 15!!
Gerry Zagorski
09-21-2012, 09:45 AM
Wow... Hard to believe it was 15 years ago in April of 1997 when this site first came online. I remember the day I met Simon, our original web master. Someone told me he had experience building web sites, we met over a beer and rather then let the opportunity pass over beer talk, Simon and I went to work.
Rewinding a little, it’s funny how people and circumstances in your life can change its direction. I had been working at IBM for 17 years and always felt it would be 25 years and the gold watch for me. Being in sales and having the good fortune to be assigned to the largest PC distributor in NJ I was in a grooved swing. I was at an IBM training session and one of the optional breakout sessions was Wireless Internet… I thought to myself hmmm, this sounds interesting so I attended the class.
After hearing how wireless and the Internet was going to revolutionize the way we live I had a hunger for more information. After the class I stuck around and chewed the instructors ear off. He told me that IBM would be introducing a wireless modem for laptops very soon and were thinking about how they were going to distribute it. This really got me going so in my spare time I started thinking about how best to sell this device.
I knew one of my close friends Gary had been working for McCaw cellular as a cell site engineer so he and I talked about their wireless data network. As luck would have it, they were just starting to build it out. They needed a modem and IBM needed a network. I decided to clear it with my boss and take on a little side project. Gary gave me the name and number of their VP of Marketing whom I arranged to make a call on.
I met with Arvin and sure enough, they had a network but no PC experience or no idea how they were going to sell the service. I had a modem and the knowledge of the PC channels, which they needed for distribution. Arvin and I immediately hit it off and strategized how best to team up and cell his service and my modems. After the formal meeting with all the staff was over, he pulled me to the side and offered me a job. I turned it down since I had 17 years with IBM and was not about to leave the womb. A few months later and with the PC business in a tailspin, I started getting some very persistent calls from one of their headhunters. I was resistant at first but he talked me into an interview. After lots of anxious negotiations and more then a few sleepless nights, I resigned from IBM and was working at McCaw Cellular. This is where I really got an education about the Internet and bought a personal copy of Netscape and started to surf around in my spare time.
It just amazed me how much information was out there and with my passion for fishing, I started discovering and frequenting some fishing sites, most of which were national. Fast forward a few years later and in my spare time I had secured the website address www., met with Simon and started a regional site, the underpinnings of which was this very message board.
The message board started out slow, I think the first post was " Hey… Is there anyone out there?" It gained steady momentum in the next few years but it wasn’t until 2000 when our first sponsors came on. First few years I’d go down to the docks and talk to the various boats and tackle stores about advertising with us…. Most looked at me sideways and did not know much about the Internet and a few told me I was crazy. I was actually thrown off one boat that is now a sponsor of ours. There was however a few that saw the vision. The first one to come on was Mike on the Mi-Jo and shortly after Adam on the Canyon Runner. We’d get a few more added here and there each year, but it was slow going.
As a result of the growing popularity of site, In 2004 I had the opportunity to help launch the NJ Fishing Show, which lasted 3 seasons and brought even more people to the site. As luck would have it, about that same time McCaw was bought by AT&T and then Cellular One, I got caught up in a staff reshuffle and when the dust settled I was out of a job. In hindsight, this is probably the best thing that ever happened to me. When I came home and told Ruth she was floored. After working and traveling for 25 years, I had no intention of looking for a job right away and was going to use the time to take the site to the next level. As you might imagine, this went over like a fart in church, but I was determined.
Life is full of twists and turns so when you come to a fork in the road, be sure and take it. It’s been a very interesting and fun ride and looking back, I would not have changed a thing. I’ve met a ton of great people, made some life long friendships and would like to believe we added some value to our NJ fishing community along the way.
My sincere thanks to everyone for all their support over these past 15 years. Hopefully there will be many more to come.
09-21-2012, 09:55 AM
Awesome site, excellent resources and interesting discussions everywhere.. hope this site is still around when my son is old enough to read and type :p
09-21-2012, 10:02 AM
Great post Gerry! I've been addicted to NJFishing since I found it and have met a lot of great people as a result of it. Keep up the great work, your story of how the site has evolved is inspiring!
09-21-2012, 10:04 AM
Find Tina Cervasio and bring back the tv show. I think about it everytime I leave the J2 and drive past the Shipwreck restaurant.
09-21-2012, 10:16 AM
Thanks Gerry for starting this, I remember using the new jersey map on the home page when I first came on here in 1997. I remember because I was working my first job out of school and I had to post the specials for the day to send a mass fax back then....and everyday i would check the reports ect. At the same time. I used the sight for many years without registering under a handle of my own, that being because I was a little intimidated of the Internet for many years .lol .who new by now I would be giving and getting reports on my phone daily and wouldnt think of going out without checking here first. Thanks again gerry
09-21-2012, 10:19 AM
Wow, I had no idea this site was that old. Great job Gerry! Here's to another 15 years!
09-21-2012, 10:20 AM
Happy Anniversary!!!!!! Great site Gerry. Your hard work and dedication shows every time I log on.
Overtime Fishing
09-21-2012, 10:51 AM
Great post, thats a pretty cool story. Hard to imagine how it was way back when. I was thinking the other day how bad it must have sucked for fishing without the internet. I dont even know how you would get the weather forecast without going down to the boat and turning on the vhf lol
09-21-2012, 10:56 AM
Congrats - Jerry - you had a good idea and ran with it and it turned into this
Great decision and even better/more success going forward -
Thanxs for the site
parker pete sportfishing
09-21-2012, 11:01 AM
the facebook of, Its great to post daily reports... much better than waiting for the asbury park press .....b4 hook line and sinker...although i did love john Gieser's fishing reports
Congratulations! I actually joined way back around 2000. I had the pleasure of attending which I believe was NJFishing's first party boat trip on the Mi-Jo for stripers in Ambrose Channel. It has been a blast and I'm glad to be back. Great job! :D
The Bill TM
09-21-2012, 11:14 AM
I have to say, This site is now my new obsession, I am always on here checking reports, seeing what fishing 'gold' is in the classifided or which charters and open boats I want to go on when the wife lets me off of chores duties ;)
With NJ having such diverse fishing areas and styles it is great to have something dedicated to just our little fishing paradise here in the garden state. I know I haven't been a member long and now after this post knowing what it took to get it to what it is now, I am glad I signed on.
Keep up the good work, You have a member for life here now.:D
09-21-2012, 11:44 AM
There are many ways to judge or evaluate our lives. In my opinion aside from being a good father and husband having a positive impact on others is at the top of the list. What you've been able to accomplish here has truly effected the lives of many. As George Bailey would say, "No man is a failure who has friends!" You are a very successful man my friend, thanks for creating this site for all of us to share and enjoy!
09-21-2012, 11:52 AM
Gerry as we have come to get to know one another both personally and as fisherman, can't say enough about what you have provided to many whose hobbies have crossed paths. I've met some amazing people on this site, some which I know will be lasting friends, and the memories of the past as well as those to be experienced in the future make everything you do worthwhile for so many...
I know its early but I'm very much looking forward to the Christmas party again this year, always seem to have a good time ...never know just how crazy things might get....:eek: ;)
09-21-2012, 12:11 PM
I don't often post much but am an avid reader of I joined the site back in grammar school when I was either 13 or 14 and I am now 25 :confused: How time flies. This site has grown so much since then. I still remember when there was just one board for every post :D . I just want to congratulate you on running a great site and getting so many fishermen and sponsors involved. It was through your site I first met Capt. Fred, when I was right out of high school and landed my first job (in between college) as a mate on the Andreas Toy. I went on to learn so much valuable information from him and still today we stay connected. I then landed on the Misty Morn, where I continue to mate in between my "real" job now. The Misty is a second family and the "docks" have become a second home. It is great to see that both boats I have worked on have gained such excellent reputations and continue to be sponsors. It is also great to see the youngins' posting here and gaining interest in a sport most of us here hold a deep passion for. I can't express enough how much fishing has changed me and helped me grow as an individual. Glad to see Eye's on First Ave is benefiting from this great group of guys, as my girlfriend's mom Sue, works there and tells me about all the new faces from the board she meets on a daily basis. Keep supporting our sponsors guys! They really do appreciate it more than any of the Wal-Mart’s of the world do. Plus can't beat the discounts and giveaways.
Gerry thanks again for running a tight ship and keeping the garbage out! Can’t wait to see the additions in the next 15 years!
09-21-2012, 12:12 PM
Cool story Gerry, thanks for sharing. I had no idea NJF has been around that long. There are some exciting things happening in the NJ tech community between all the tech meetups, incubators and accelerators coming together. It's appropriate we have a great fishing site!
09-21-2012, 12:26 PM
Cant Get Thru The Day Without It;) Awesome Site,everything Locked Up In A Nutshell...good Job Gerry Carry On....
Foul Hook
09-21-2012, 12:47 PM
Gerry, My dad(chumslick) turned me on to this site a few years ago, now I'm on or lurking everyday. I don't have a facebook but wife calls this site "fishbook" because I'm usually on or checking. I've learned a few things about fishing here and taught some as well. I've met and fished with some great people from this site. For that I thank you! best of luck going forward. Foul Hook "Tony"
Reel Class
09-21-2012, 12:48 PM
Congrats Gerry. I've basically been here since the beginning and things have grown exponentially since the late 90's. Great work, let's hope the next 15 are even better!!
09-21-2012, 12:52 PM
I do not know what I would with out my daily fix of NJ fishing!!!!!!
Congratulations Gerry.
I feel like it was only yesterday when I sent you a ranting e-mail saying I couldn't register on your board...Back then it was just a running list of reports, comments, ect(the old board)...Remember that?? Oh man!
Great job and thank you!
bunker dunker
09-21-2012, 02:43 PM
congrats jerry,thanks to this board i have had the pleasure of meeting and fishing with some really great peeps.thanks again
09-21-2012, 03:13 PM
Congrats Gerry on the finest fishing site.
09-21-2012, 03:21 PM
Congrats and hats off to you for a great job and keeping this ship heading in the right direction!
see ya at the rail somewhere down the road...
09-21-2012, 05:42 PM
Check out the old message board !!!!!
09-21-2012, 06:31 PM
It's great to be part of the Family. Only thing missing is the latest chapter in the adventures of Fireball - it's been 10+ years since the last installment :eek:
Congratulations Gerry. You have one of the best sites/forums on the net and have built a great community of anglers, captains, bait shops and all the rest of the sponsors where we all benefit greatly. Your presence is most informative and always positive
It is by far THE best fishing site I have ever seen, couldn't live without it, and luckily all this happens in our back yard here in NJ.
Awesome job and thank you!
Gerry Zagorski
09-21-2012, 07:38 PM
Thanks for all the thanks but it's not me who you need to thank, it's all the people who helped behind the scenes and donated their time and attention to keep the wheels on this thing along the way...
Our first moderators John AKA Buckshot, Larry the King of the Knoll Rhodes and Jimmy the River Rat...
They passed on the torch to Mike Wells AKA Life's a Beach, always on the job and some of the best NJF trips ever. AndyS who put the fresh water section on the map.
Thanks guys and hope you enjoyed the ride. I "no" it wasn't always Peaches and Cream but we all hung in there through the rough spots and we all owe a debt of gratitude to you.
09-21-2012, 08:03 PM
There have been other fishing sites/forums that have had their moments in the sun, but what sets this site apart is that the NJFishing forums have consistently been growing in a positive direction, in great part due to the folks that post here, as well as the moderators, management and sponsors. Thanks!!!
Art Berkman
09-21-2012, 09:49 PM
It's great to be part of the Family. Only thing missing is the latest chapter in the adventures of Fireball - it's been 10+ years since the last installment :eek:
1st off Congrats Gerry !!
Met some good Peeps on this site !!
Larry that could be arraigned :D :D :D
Rockfish smartie out !!!
09-21-2012, 10:23 PM
Congratulations Gerry! This site is awesome. I may be one of the younger members, but I have meet quite a few people and learned a lot from this site. Its too good to be true!
Thank you for all the hard work bringing the site to where it is today!
09-22-2012, 12:51 AM
Congratulations Gerry. This is an awesome site and I visit it at least once a day. I am looking forward to the next 15 years. When I fish on party boats I make it a point to support your sponsors because they normally post their fishing reports here.
MM Insure
09-22-2012, 06:21 AM
Great site Gerry! Congrats and hope for another 15!
Tuna Tales
09-22-2012, 01:08 PM
Congrats Gerry!
Great site!
Joe T.
Down Deep Sportfishing
09-22-2012, 06:45 PM
Congratulations Gerry, we raise our glass to you and the next 150 years.
The crews of Down Deep Sportfishing.
09-23-2012, 09:19 AM
shrimpman steve
09-23-2012, 10:22 AM
not bad:D
Dollar Bill
09-23-2012, 10:38 AM
Congrats Gerry. Excellent site with some great info shared. Learned a few things here.
Tenacious Sportfishing
09-23-2012, 01:04 PM
Congrats Gerry, you are helping the fishing industry move forward and as we all know we need more positives to fight all the crap thats going on.
I stuck it out with IBM for 35 years and I like you would not change a thing. When I retired they paid for my Captains license and I'm living a dream.
Best for the future!
09-23-2012, 07:20 PM
Thanks for a great site! I can honestly say that it helps me get through the day! Living do far from the ocean makes it tough, but reading the reports eases the pain !
09-24-2012, 08:03 AM
Way to stick it out, so many of us started then and gave up (I actually had a site that had a ton of fishing traffic, built pages for a couple dozen boats but sold out in the early 2000's)
I appreciate your passion on keeping this going and wish you success in the future.
Capt. Debbie
09-24-2012, 10:41 AM
Congratulations! The site suceeded and grew due to you hard work. And you keeping it "real."
You are THE site for New jersey fishing.
Wow... Hard to believe it was 15 years ago in April of 1997 when this site first came online. I remember the day I met Simon, our original web master. Someone told me he had experience building web sites, we met over a beer and rather then let the opportunity pass over beer talk, Simon and I went to work.
Rewinding a little, it’s funny how people and circumstances in your life can change its direction. I had been working at IBM for 17 years and always felt it would be 25 years and the gold watch for me. Being in sales and having the good fortune to be assigned to the largest PC distributor in NJ I was in a grooved swing. I was at an IBM training session and one of the optional breakout sessions was Wireless Internet… I thought to myself hmmm, this sounds interesting so I attended the class.
After hearing how wireless and the Internet was going to revolutionize the way we live I had a hunger for more information. After the class I stuck around and chewed the instructors ear off. He told me that IBM would be introducing a wireless modem for laptops very soon and were thinking about how they were going to distribute it. This really got me going so in my spare time I started thinking about how best to sell this device.
I knew one of my close friends Gary had been working for McCaw cellular as a cell site engineer so he and I talked about their wireless data network. As luck would have it, they were just starting to build it out. They needed a modem and IBM needed a network. I decided to clear it with my boss and take on a little side project. Gary gave me the name and number of their VP of Marketing whom I arranged to make a call on.
I met with Arvin and sure enough, they had a network but no PC experience or no idea how they were going to sell the service. I had a modem and the knowledge of the PC channels, which they needed for distribution. Arvin and I immediately hit it off and strategized how best to team up and cell his service and my modems. After the formal meeting with all the staff was over, he pulled me to the side and offered me a job. I turned it down since I had 17 years with IBM and was not about to leave the womb. A few months later and with the PC business in a tailspin, I started getting some very persistent calls from one of their headhunters. I was resistant at first but he talked me into an interview. After lots of anxious negotiations and more then a few sleepless nights, I resigned from IBM and was working at McCaw Cellular. This is where I really got an education about the Internet and bought a personal copy of Netscape and started to surf around in my spare time.
It just amazed me how much information was out there and with my passion for fishing, I started discovering and frequenting some fishing sites, most of which were national. Fast forward a few years later and in my spare time I had secured the website address www., met with Simon and started a regional site, the underpinnings of which was this very message board.
The message board started out slow, I think the first post was " Hey… Is there anyone out there?" It gained steady momentum in the next few years but it wasn’t until 2000 when our first sponsors came on. First few years I’d go down to the docks and talk to the various boats and tackle stores about advertising with us…. Most looked at me sideways and did not know much about the Internet and a few told me I was crazy. I was actually thrown off one boat that is now a sponsor of ours. There was however a few that saw the vision. The first one to come on was Mike on the Mi-Jo and shortly after Adam on the Canyon Runner. We’d get a few more added here and there each year, but it was slow going.
As a result of the growing popularity of site, In 2004 I had the opportunity to help launch the NJ Fishing Show, which lasted 3 seasons and brought even more people to the site. As luck would have it, about that same time McCaw was bought by AT&T and then Cellular One, I got caught up in a staff reshuffle and when the dust settled I was out of a job. In hindsight, this is probably the best thing that ever happened to me. When I came home and told Ruth she was floored. After working and traveling for 25 years, I had no intention of looking for a job right away and was going to use the time to take the site to the next level. As you might imagine, this went over like a fart in church, but I was determined.
Life is full of twists and turns so when you come to a fork in the road, be sure and take it. It’s been a very interesting and fun ride and looking back, I would not have changed a thing. I’ve met a ton of great people, made some life long friendships and would like to believe we added some value to our NJ fishing community along the way.
My sincere thanks to everyone for all their support over these past 15 years. Hopefully there will be many more to come.
09-24-2012, 05:37 PM
best site i ever been on and the friends i have made through this place are even better
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