Max@Pride Fishing Tackle
08-24-2012, 05:12 PM
I have had great success using the smaller Shimano Trevala rod bucktailing Fluke in the river. My river rod is way to light for Ocean fishing. I tested out the larger Trevala with a Stratic C14 4400 yesterday. Fishing in almost 70' of water and was holding fine with a 2oz bucktail. Obviously there was no drift and the reason I was using a spinning set up. All I can say is the rod worked great and was alot more fun the my standard conventional set up. I ended my day with at least 10 keepers up to 6lbs yesterday. If your looking for a light weight spinner, take a look at the Trevala's. Click the link below to see pics etc.
Shimano Treval S Rod, 6’3” 50-80lbs 168G Model TVSS-63MH, Medium Heavy, Medium Fast Action. Paired with a Shimano Stratic C14 4400, Model STC14400F, 40lbs Suffix braided Line
Shimano Treval S Rod, 6’3” 50-80lbs 168G Model TVSS-63MH, Medium Heavy, Medium Fast Action. Paired with a Shimano Stratic C14 4400, Model STC14400F, 40lbs Suffix braided Line