View Full Version : Shark Feeding Frenzy off Island Beach

Angler Paul
08-18-2012, 12:14 PM
Here is a great video of a shark feeding frenzy off Island Beach State Park taken by my fellow Berkeley Striper Club member, Tom Lynch. http://www.news12.com/articleDetail.jsp?articleId=331019&position=1&news_type=news

08-18-2012, 12:59 PM
You need to be a cable tv customer or pay $5.00 per month to see this video:mad:

Try this link instead

08-18-2012, 02:23 PM

08-18-2012, 07:03 PM
Here is a great video of a shark feeding frenzy off Island Beach State Park taken by my fellow Berkeley Striper Club member, Tom Lynch. http://www.news12.com/articleDetail.jsp?articleId=331019&position=1&news_type=news

That is just incredible! Thank for sharing. Any idea what kind of sharks they were? I would have guessed browns but they don't look like browns coming out of the water! There also appears to be a few threshers mixed in as well but it's amazing how many sharks there appear to be in that school. In one of the shots, you'll notice a school a little further off shore which seems to be getting attacked as well. It's great to see so many adult bunker still around this late in the season this year. If I'm ever reincarnated, probably the last thing I want to come back as would be a bunker, they have one tough life!

Very cool!


Andreas Toy
08-18-2012, 07:14 PM
Very cool, been catching brown sharks for the Last couple of weeks, lots of fun on light spinners.

08-18-2012, 09:02 PM
What no bass and blues.Now thats cool in N.J.

shrimpman steve
08-18-2012, 10:53 PM
and that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I don't swim in the ocean!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

08-19-2012, 12:17 AM
I can't believe I missed this! I also just saw a video of a hammerhead just swimming in the first wave in the same place.. both of these just this week.. and here I am NOT catching sharks in LBI. Looks like Ill be trying IBSP sometime this week! Or maybe the sharks will follow the massive trail of bunker up here...

Angler Paul
08-19-2012, 12:53 AM
There are all kinds of sharks in our area right now. However, I do know of someone who recently caught a blacktip shark from the beach in that area. We have always had browns, sand tigers, etc. around during the summer. However, they are not known for jumping through schools of bunker like that while feeding. I believe they are blacktips and possibly spinners which are known to do that. The excessively warm water we have had since mid-June has attracted these infrequent visitors to our coast.

08-19-2012, 07:39 AM
Great Video, Thanks for posting!:eek:

08-19-2012, 12:30 PM
There are all kinds of sharks in our area right now. However, I do know of someone who recently caught a blacktip shark from the beach in that area. We have always had browns, sand tigers, etc. around during the summer. However, they are not known for jumping through schools of bunker like that while feeding. I believe they are blacktips and possibly spinners which are known to do that. The excessively warm water we have had since mid-June has attracted these infrequent visitors to our coast.

Whatever they are, that is one impressive demonstartion of how many shark there are in the area. Again, with the amount of bait currently in shore there's no doubt there will be predators under them. That is one of the coolest videos I've ever seen, would love to have been in a boat at the same time. Wonder if throwing large poppers through the school would have elicited some insane strikes!


08-19-2012, 02:46 PM
That's nuts!

08-19-2012, 03:10 PM
WOW!!! Very cool.

08-19-2012, 06:11 PM
Great video, shark week on discovery and in the NJ. Here's a little bit longer video that I found on you tube, its about 3 min. longer with some different footage I think. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6H0ikZ6vf0