View Full Version : Big pickerel and a bunch of pike

08-15-2012, 06:08 PM
I only had about an hour to get out this morning before work, and it really paid off. I haven't hit this spot for about 10 days and the last time resulted in about 10 pike with 4 in the mid 30's.

This one spot has deep pools on both sides of the river with weeds and I hit one side going down river and the other side going back up towards my car. Both sides were great today, with 7 pike landed and at least that many hook ups and not landed. All but 2 pike were over 30 inches and 2 were at 36".

But my second fish of the day was this monster pickerel that I think took more line than any of the pike.


Danny V

08-15-2012, 06:22 PM
Nice One!!

Funny, I was thinkin that the other day when I lost that big catfish. This things fighting harder than the pike I got earlier? Then again, it may have been twice as heavy.

Must be the warm water?

08-15-2012, 07:04 PM
Wow nice pick! I'm still lookin to hook one of them on the Passaic. Underrated fish

08-15-2012, 07:34 PM
The master strikes again. Nice pickerel, great color. I've been a big fan of pickerel for a long time, for their size they put up a good battle.

08-15-2012, 09:22 PM
Nice pickerel!

08-15-2012, 09:43 PM
The master strikes again. Nice pickerel, great color. I've been a big fan of pickerel for a long time, for their size they put up a good battle.
Love pickerel fishing I live 1/2 mile away from the DnR canal idk if your familiar with it but it's infested with pickerel. You'll have days where they fight over your lure lol

08-15-2012, 10:03 PM

great if on a single hook presentation, but can be a terror with treble hooks.

Caught too many of these guys, which are great action and a beautiful fish, till you get them to the boat and have to deal with unhooking them.:eek:

Always a reward when, finally the hooks are removed, and the fish swims away

I mostly catch them while bass fishing, and often have treble hooks, so always a chore to unhook a FRESHWATER BLUEFISH...Watch Out for those TEETH!