View Full Version : Pending New World Record Golden Tilefish

08-10-2012, 05:05 PM
Wow, the past two days have been crazy. So the rumors and previous posts are true, I caught a pending new world record Golden Tilefish (65.20 lbs)!! I am lucky that I have such great friends because without their decision to wait for me to get out of work I wouldn’t have even been on the boat. They could have overnighted for tuna which was their original plan. Because they didn’t want to hear my whine about missing the trip, they opted for deep drop to allow me to join them. I will never forget that.

So I was invited to go fishing with my friend Jason for tiles. I jump with both feet at any opportunity to fish with him because as they say he’s got “mad skills”. Unfortunately I don’t get out with him often enough. The All Star Crew consisted of Jason, Dennis (63.5 lb record), Mike Garone (Garone Custom Rods), and me. The crew was up to the task for anything, but who knew that we would have such an amazing tilefish day.

We headed to the canyons for some deep dropping. What a day it was. Let’s just say many big tiles were landed and the smallest Golden was around 8lbs.

The record came up on a Jigging Master PE8 reel filled with 65 solid Jerry Brown braid. Filled up by Basil @ BHP Tackle. The reel was borrowed from my best man Ralph (too many times to count I’ve borrowed that beauty). Thanks Ralphie! The reel is the best I have used for deep drop and I’ve used just about every reel out there.. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get a deal on my own Jigging Master reel now , I sure could use one. Maybe Kil can help?

So here are the details about the bite. So after my buddy Jason had landed a really nice fish, we went back to same area. After a while they guys were all hooked up with good fish and were fighting for a bit. I was starting to whine and wondering if I would get my turn. After a while, instead of being the last one on bottom at the end of the drift I started to reel up. As I got about 10 cranks off the bottom… BAM!! I got lit up like Christmas and the fish was a brute pulling tight drag at a heavy clip! The fish fought hard all the way up, and it felt like forever before it came to the surface. Unlike smaller fish that float up this pig came up slow and was still giving a battle at the boat.

The size of this thing is unbelievable and these tilefish are tough ! One of the other big fish almost got its freedom by getting into its burrow but luckily we got that one out. The head on it is massive and I knew I had a contender when I went to lift the fish.

It was a great crew and I think it was interesting having the record holder Dennis on board to witness this catch. I don’t think he took his eye off me the whole time. Dennis and I know each other for a long time so I’m glad he passed the torch over temporarily. It was a great experience.

It will be a state record for MD if I can make it back down there. Unfortunately they won’t allow it to be weighed out of state to be eligible and I haven’t decided if 4hrs each way is worth the trip.

Tile fishing and deep dropping in general is an addiction and I got my first taste of a big fish 4-5 years ago with a 45lber. I never thought I’d get one this big but I’m starting to think that there are more big ones than I thought previously. I’ll be out there trying for more that’s for sure.

Everything is pending approval but I don’t see why there would be any issues. I am convinced that it will be knocked down by a bigger one eventually anyway, probably by the small group of anglers like myself that are hooked on this style of fishing. Hand cranking the deep baby!

I can’t thank Jason enough for having me onboard and for bringing us to the grounds. His mechanical skills and technological skills makes me comfortable onboard even so many miles offshore. He really knows the deep drop game.

Also thanks to Dennis for showing me everything over the years. I’m glad he got to be a part of it. I’m sure he’s got a voodoo doll that he’s poking right now….Also thanks to Mike for his help and assistance running around the last couple days with the fish and the gear. I have a feeling the next record tile could come on one of his Garone Customs.

Pics will be coming shortly… hang tight for more :)


Art Berkman
08-10-2012, 05:18 PM
Awesome catch !!!

08-10-2012, 05:30 PM
congrats that is a truly once in a lifetime catch butseriously 8 hours to be a world record holder come on dude turn the key!

08-10-2012, 05:40 PM
Awesome Fish! And you're right about that Reel, unbelievable!

Garone Custom Rods
08-10-2012, 05:58 PM
congrats that is a truly once in a lifetime catch butseriously 8 hours to be a world record holder come on dude turn the key!

Congrats Angelo. Glad I was part of it!

World record isnt the issue, Maryland state record is.

08-10-2012, 06:44 PM
I'm As Excited for Angelo as I was when I caught Mine!! I have always said that Angelo is my adopted son and with that statement how can one Not Feel As Proud as I do. I Called his Brute a Hammerhead( I'm Known for catching a few of them lately ) at the beginning of his battle but after all his moans and groans, I- we started to believe, he had " The One! " Now Angelo, you have the Bulls Eye on your Back! lol Don't forget, I have Mike's Silver eel in the freezer waiting to be sent down into the Abyss within the next week or two while U R WORKING!! Dennis

08-10-2012, 08:24 PM
Nice job....enjoy the title while it lasts. :)

08-10-2012, 09:19 PM
Angelo, congratulations on your catch. You certainly have put in your time and deserve the record. Can 70lbs be far away?

08-10-2012, 10:49 PM
Way to go!! Now "You DA Man"!! We're all gunnin' for you now!!!

08-10-2012, 11:41 PM
nice job angelo

08-11-2012, 12:31 AM
Congrats on the tile!

Angler Paul
08-11-2012, 12:46 AM
It is nice to read a great report about a huge fish from someone who is so humble, congratulations!

08-11-2012, 12:52 AM
Congrats on a great catch. Dennis is a great angler and is ultra competitive but he is willing to share his knowledge with those less experienced. Good things happen to good people so I would not be surprised to read that dennis catches new personal best in the next year or two.

Great report. Can not wait to see pictures.

08-11-2012, 03:18 AM
Great report and Congrats on the Tilefish!! Great work!!

08-11-2012, 10:46 AM
Attached now, had problems loading it with the size and all.

08-12-2012, 01:33 AM
What a trip that sounds like.. Did you guys only find Goldens or were there bluelines around too?

08-13-2012, 10:46 AM
Goldens only. What a blast it was!

08-13-2012, 11:20 AM
thanks for the correction Mikey G! again congrats that thing is a boar!

Gerry Zagorski
08-13-2012, 02:25 PM
Congrats Angelo that is a fish of a lifetime, pending the record of not.