View Full Version : 25% OFF BUCKTAIL SALE!!!4 days only!!

08-10-2012, 02:03 PM
Thank you to all for your continued business!!

For Friday 10th, Sat 11th, Sunday 12th and Monday 13th we are selling all size of Fluke Balls and Bulk bucktails At a 25% discount!!!
Great Priced bucktails at 25% off??!!! How can you go wrong


4oz White Bulk Bucktail: $3.75(original price)
- 25% Discount: -.94
Sale Price: $2.81!!!

See our website order page to place your order Today!!

08-13-2012, 08:31 PM
Thank you to all who took advantage of the sale. Only a few hours left!!!!

08-13-2012, 10:37 PM
Hey keefe...just placed another order with you guys. Members...if u haven't ordered from these guys...what r u waiting for??? These guys are top notch...and better then all the rest.