View Full Version : Jig Bags up online

08-08-2012, 05:55 PM
We will be shipping all orders on Friday morning. The bags are scheduled to arrive early Friday and I have a few hundred of each size. I have a ton of emails and PM's for them. I placed them up online, so you guys can purchase them that way if you like.

They are now available in 2 sizes, both are the same style, one is smaller and ideal for bucktails, while the larger bag is great for all types of jigs and lures.

Sizes are: 7"x20" and 9"x20". 20" is the length when unrolled and opened. The other sizes are the width. Velcro to close each pocket, as well as a long strip of Velcro to close the entire bag after rolled up.

Rich, Adam, Bryan, John and all others who have contacted me, please let me know if you order online so I do not hold your bags. :)

All orders will ship Friday morning. Link to buy them below:

08-08-2012, 06:01 PM
Tom hold my bags I will want to stock some with OMT Buck Tails 6oz. and 8oz. save 6 bags for me.
Thanks Richie

08-08-2012, 06:11 PM
Tom hold my bags I will want to stock some with OMT Buck Tails 6oz. and 8oz. save 6 bags for me.
Thanks Richie

They will be here mid morning on Friday. So, let me know when your coming.....I promise I WILL be there this time!! :D I assume it will be some time next week???

08-09-2012, 09:45 AM
Bags are here in the shop as of this morning. Can ship today, or all walk ins will have them ready as well.

The price has been fixed online now. Reg - $7.99 Sale - $5.00 :)

Just a quick note;;;; I can't honor the discounts here. If you want the discount, we have to do it on the regular price. You guys are buying them about $0.12 over my cost as a promo that I sold out of and kept my promise on.


08-09-2012, 12:02 PM
Placed my order this morning. If it's convenient for you, you can ship with the second half of my OMT bucktail order.

Thanks again!

08-10-2012, 09:14 AM
Placed my order this morning. If it's convenient for you, you can ship with the second half of my OMT bucktail order.

Thanks again!

Jigs will be here today. Just cant keep them in. Although I have full row of 5oz jigs for 2 weeks now....go figure?? All others are out as quick as they come in. ( 5oz is my favorite size too!! )
Pay Pal issue again...lol. Out of 32 Pay Pal payments for the bags, we had 7 incomplete again. Must be their server I guess?? Your jig order didnt go through. CC orders are not an issue. Only Pay Pal for some reason. :confused:

All bags are shipped out for all orders up til now - 8am Friday. We are out of the small 7" bag again, expect more by mid week (Wednesday) . Still have some of the 9" bags for any future orders. :)