View Full Version : How to catch tog with shrimp.....
shrimpman steve
09-06-2008, 06:27 PM
I have received some PM's and see on other posts some would like to know how to use shrimp to catch blackfish.
I have explained this on threads in the past but will go over it again for anyone interested, if not interested STOP reading here.
at any supermarket buy a two pound bag of COOKED FROZEN PEELED shrimp. Medium or large (I prefer the large).
Hook the head end sideways and push it up the shank, then hook the tail. Unlike crabs don't wait for the 2nd or third THUMP, hit it on the first good pull. Unlike crab there is no hard shell in the way and if you give them more that one shot, the shrimp will be gone, you might as well serve it up with cocktail sauce!
also unlike clam, for some reason the doggies usually leave the shrimp alone. another benefit is no stinking crab guts all over your hands and equipment.
I am sure blackfish sharpies will call this heresy, but I have used this method exclusively for the last few years, and I swear by it. By the way I consider myself a damn good blackfisherman, one of my favorite species!
If anyone else has tried this please let me know how you do with it. The attached pics were all caught on shrimp.
the shrimpman
09-06-2008, 09:02 PM
went on my first blackfish trip last fall and only had one throw back but i'm definetly going back this fall and will give the shrimp a shot. thanks for the lesson maybe see you out there soon for a demo.:D
09-06-2008, 09:39 PM
Steve, a picture might be helpful for some.
09-06-2008, 10:16 PM
What hardware , hook, rig, etc. are you using?
09-07-2008, 08:55 AM
I know ling love shrimp as one time last year shrimpman fished one corner I was on the other and I reeled in a ling with a shrimp in his mouth. :p
09-07-2008, 01:07 PM
The asian markets sell whole head on shrimp. Did you ever try them Steve? I was on the Angler a couple years ago and when Cristine was cleaning some guys ling there was Italian sausage in their bellies. He was using it for bait.
shrimpman steve
09-07-2008, 06:38 PM
have tried the raw shrimp, head on, head off, and all combonations! I have found the cooked frozed shrimp (no head, pardon the expression) to be the most productive by far. don't ask me why, I don't pretend to know. but thats what I have come up with.
09-07-2008, 07:03 PM
How about hook size and one or two etc.? Appreciate the advice.
09-07-2008, 07:18 PM
I rather eat them
shrimpman steve
09-07-2008, 07:21 PM
How about hook size and one or two etc.? Appreciate the advice.
gammi 4/0-5/0 octopuss hooks. I use whats known affectionatly as the belmar bottom or partyboat rig. A large surgeons loop with the lead slipped onto the bottom of the loop, then attach a snelled hook with a perfection loop to the surgeons loop 4 fingers up:eek: (keep it clean!).
I will take a picture of the rig as the season gets closer.
Tony Cav
09-07-2008, 08:38 PM
With all due respect, are you saying that shrimp will out fish crabs, greenies, white leggers or otherwise, day in and day out? I know they will eat 'em but I would need some convincing to fish shrimp exclusivly.
More power to ya.
Tony C
Blackfish Doug
09-07-2008, 08:59 PM
The one thing I will say is it won't stay on your line very long. When using the
Shrimp you got to be ready for a very fast hook set. Most of the time by the time you lock up your reel into gear your into a bite. I still prefer some of my other baits that you did not mention. But Steve did beat me out this year for a nice pool on a shrimp on the very last drop of the day. His fish even beat out my Cod that day.
shrimpman steve
09-07-2008, 09:56 PM
Doug, that was a fun day on the water. I remember it well! Lots of laughs, I remeber that fish hit like a ton of bricks when I was talking to (that's my fish) Mike. - also remember the question to the yellow bait stealers "did you bring that shrimp on your hook?" What a day!
Labs, I will never say that one bait will always outfish another! But I will say that the shrimp usually comes thru for me enough times that I use it exclusivly! Give it a try!
Blackfish Doug
09-08-2008, 12:35 AM
Yeah Steve that day was more funnier than a comic roast. Tell all the boys I said hello we will be getting together soon it's coming up to our season now.
I sent you a email I don't want to post it here.
09-08-2008, 10:03 PM
good to hear the shrimpman discussing his no longer secret weapon it means tog times almost here,i will second his reccomendation of the cooked shrimp as my old man caught them well on the cooked more then fresh,but i caught bigger on my baby blues. it seems every year a new bait arrives for tog i hear its all about the mitten crabs this year
Clam Strings
09-08-2008, 10:18 PM
Cait wait till first nice weekend blackfishing everyone on the MBH and other sponsers are gonna be using shirmp...
Clam Strings
09-08-2008, 10:24 PM
The asian markets sell whole head on shrimp. Did you ever try them Steve? I was on the Angler a couple years ago and when Cristine was cleaning some guys ling there was Italian sausage in their bellies. He was using it for bait.
Bruce i got you beat..When i was workin on the D thier was some customers throwning Chicken bones over the side..Well the end of the day when i was cutting fish i had about 12-15 ling all with chicken bones in them...they eat anything...
09-09-2008, 01:10 AM
When your book comes out can have your autograph(lol)
If they're eating chicken why would we sacrifice shrimp? :D I can personally vouch for Steve's black fish catches with shrimp. The shrimp were catching right away but it took a while before they started chewing on crabs when I was out with him.
09-09-2008, 09:49 AM
When your book comes out can have your autograph(lol)
What's the name of his book..."Hypoallergenic Bait Selection for East Coast Recreational Fishing"? "Supermarket Fishing Baits"?
With Gulp so popular, maybe someone else can publish "The Berkely Gulp Recipe Book".
09-09-2008, 03:22 PM
Its really the rubber gloves thats the secret.:)
shrimpman steve
09-09-2008, 04:16 PM
now why do we have to drag my gloves into this.
It started out that the gloves protected my sensitive skin, now its more of a trademark:D
for anyone who doesn't remember how sensitive my skin is here is a reminder,
hope your not eating!:eek:
09-09-2008, 04:22 PM
now why do we have to drag my gloves into this.
It started out that the gloves protected my sensitive skin, now its more of a trademark:D
for anyone who doesn't remember how sensitive my skin is here is a reminder,
hope your not eating!:eek:
How did you get the rash on your feet?
shrimpman steve
09-09-2008, 04:36 PM
I used my toes to bait the hook:). I had this back in may maybe poison ivy maybe psoriases. but either way I try and protect my skin as much as possible. That rash took me almost a month to get over, never want to go thru that again!
I could have had something on my hands, P.Ivy, or fish slime, or bait slime, whatever and when I changed my boots and socks touched my feet! no one is really sure how it happened, but it SUCKED!
The slime from the fish and the bait has always f**ked my hands up, so I learned to fish with the gloves, plus it's the brunt of a lot of jokes!
the shrimpman
09-09-2008, 05:15 PM
Steve keep wearing the gloves!!! ouch!!
Blackfish Doug
09-09-2008, 06:36 PM
Steve I just got over with that same rash what you need to do is wash with Brown Soap Octagon brand. It removes any oils that cause dermatitis also Tecnu is another good cleansing product that remove the same oils that cause dermatitis.
Do you use shrimp for seabass also? If so did it work better then fresh clam
shrimpman steve
09-09-2008, 10:51 PM
I don't know if it works better than clam for seabass, but I will say I have caught plenty of seabass, and last year some cod while using the shrimp.
I am beginning to think I should have kept my shrimp secret to myself! but why be selfish!
go get em!:D
09-09-2008, 11:21 PM
but why be selfish!
go get em!:D
steve don't you mean shellfish?
09-10-2008, 11:13 AM
How long till the bait shops stock frozen pre-cooked shrimp?.......(at twice the price).:p
When they do ,Steve you should get a cut of that;)
09-10-2008, 11:38 AM
But have any BIG fish been caught on this bait. I mean big slob tog, I'm a 100 years old type of fish? Any? You may put a nice catch together with them, but for those guys looking for a mule, I don't think this is the bait.
I know down south they get them, but that's all different down there.
Capt. Jerry P
09-10-2008, 11:53 AM
We had Guys in Delaware do very well with shrimp, a good amount of keeper fish to 5lbs, but they never won any pools or had fish over 10lbs,
not saying it cant happen, but the guys with whites could have 10 fish between 8-12lbs and shrimp none.
but it did work very well for numbers,quick bite like clam or fiddler,but felt the larger fish had a hard time picking it out or even getting to it before smaller one did.
Seen guys fishing with it in nj on searcher, and voyager, same deal.
10llb+ tog Almost Always Go for the whites and blueclaws... But Ya gotta be a lot more patient.
If you enjoy catching all size tog , shrimp is good, i am a believer and shrimp man does consistently well with them
Good post fellas, everyone chomping at the bit, with fluking closed.
09-10-2008, 12:12 PM
I'm thinking that I may want to take some shrimp along tomorrow for the sea bass and porgy fishing the party boats are doing. Any keeper blackfish should be a pool winner at this point. I'm pretty sure the boats aren't going to have crabs on board.
shrimpman steve
09-10-2008, 01:39 PM
If I was going bottom fishing tomorrow there is no doubt I would bring my "secret" bait. If you go please let me know how you do. I am thinking the same as you!
for the record I have caught a few 10 plus pounders with them. you never know!
09-10-2008, 02:11 PM
this time of year if theres any triggerfish on the wrecks they'll jump all over the shrimp
Boston Pete
09-10-2008, 02:19 PM
I will fish whites if I can get them..for me it's about the bite, there is nothing like a big fish chomping on a whole white crab...gets my blood pumping. The fight is great on a 10+ but that bite is sic.
I'm no "blackfish sharpie" by any means & I've seen people outfish me using small 2/0 hooks with little pieces of green crabs but thats not what I'm fishing for....whole crab on a 2 hook 5/0 snafu rig is the way to go for big fish.
I'm not much about putting 20 2-3lb fish in the boat(could be cause I don't eat em) give me a shot at a 10 lb fish everytime.
No disrespect to anyone.....just my choice.
shrimpman steve
09-10-2008, 04:59 PM
no disrespect taken! to each his own. I think we all love that bite from a 10pound tog!
go get em'
Padiwan "Robin"
09-13-2008, 04:33 PM
Steve....I cannot believe that this post has had over 2200 views... you are becoming immortal. :cool: lol.... i may be going out on monday...are you in?
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