View Full Version : Jersey Tackle - Please read if your trying to contact me!

07-22-2012, 09:18 PM
Many of my customers and NJ Fishing Members who are not a customer, have my personal cell phone and contact me often. I wanted to post real quick, to let you know that I DO NOT have my phone and I am waiting for a replacement still!!!!!!!!

I am not ignoring anyone, I just cant get your calls or text messages. I hope to be back to normal in another day or two........

Yes, the phone is now part of a reef in the Atlantic!! :o

I had a couple calls at the shop today from people who are used to a response right away, so I have no other way to spread the word except for the forums. Please use my email for now. Its slower, since I cant use the phone to check it, but I will check it every chance I get.

Whats the deal with the insurance we pay on these phones??? They promise the world, until you need to use it!! :mad:

07-22-2012, 11:04 PM
don't EVEN get me started with Sprint/ Blackberry.....