View Full Version : Just got more Frenzy Tuna Poppers in stock!

07-13-2012, 12:50 PM
Just unpacked more Frenzy Tuna Poppers. We took the last of the clear natural poppers that they had in stock!! I dont know how long it will be before we see that color again. The manufacturer is out of stock in the clear natural color.



Kevin Bogan
07-13-2012, 04:36 PM
Tom, they are some great looking plugs. Priced right!!!

07-13-2012, 07:28 PM
Tom, they are some great looking plugs. Priced right!!!

Sold out of them in about 2.5 weeks when we first got them in back in late April. :eek:

Like you said, a tuna plug at that price.....that works........ not many of them around!!!!!!! :D Built tough, great action and the fish are all over them!