View Full Version : Home Intruders....
07-09-2012, 04:19 PM
Besides a gun.. (which I am not against) but dont need one in my house with the kids around, what would you recommend having in the house that's legal / affordable (say 50 - 200 bucks) that you an have close by, that if you hear that muth*f'er walking up the stairs, you know you can hit him off with something and he is either going down or run out the house.
Im all ears....
07-09-2012, 04:20 PM
dog works for me, they never make it inside.
Irish Jigger
07-09-2012, 08:58 PM
Get an old shotgun and don't purchase any ammo. The sound of a 12 gauge being loaded even empty is about the scariest noise someone could encounter and alot more intimidating then a dog bark. Its a quality blunt instrument if you choose to use it as a bat.
07-09-2012, 09:56 PM
flare gun ;)
07-09-2012, 10:15 PM
Bayonet on a unloaded rifle. Nice and long to greet any motherf@);er at the top of the stairs. "now use can't leave":eek:
07-09-2012, 10:36 PM
Don't bring a knife to a gun fight-
There's nothing better than the real thing
I have a s&w walther p 22- 3 clips and a biometric safe that unlocks to my and my wife's fingerprints- no need to mess w a combo at that point, yes its a few more bucks but you tell me what's more important
Life or money
This is only my opinion, I could be wrong
Glazer rounds are loaded w glass beads, plenty of stopping power - non mortal
--- an alarm system with central station monitoring sounds about your style - safe but secure
07-09-2012, 10:58 PM
"Glazer rounds are loaded w glass beads, plenty of stopping power - non mortal" Why?
The Sinker Man
07-09-2012, 11:11 PM
Baseball bat...Mace...
07-10-2012, 10:00 AM
I agree with Irish Jigger, the sound of cycling a pump gun is distinctive and you need a really big set to continue after hearing it
07-10-2012, 10:03 AM
I agree with Irish Jigger, the sound of cycling a pump gun is distinctive and you need a really big set to continue after hearing it
You need an even bigger set to pull the trigger, esp. if it's not loaded:eek:
07-10-2012, 01:15 PM
Woman 4 doors down from me in Clark was murdered Friday.
Got the mace, seal pup elite and ol' betsy on stand by since.
Lard Almighty
07-10-2012, 09:44 PM
A gun is definitely best, just lock it up so the kids can't get it.
07-10-2012, 10:12 PM
Hehheh...ditto on the seal pup, and I've got it's big brother Jungle Warrior.
Not to mention a couple Gerbers, Camillus...and 6 razor sharp Katana :D
bunker dunker
07-11-2012, 02:28 PM
10 gauge double loaded with #4 buck,54 pellets per round.knock knock
07-11-2012, 07:59 PM
Glock 9 and a streetsweeper.
shrimpman steve
07-11-2012, 08:02 PM
I have shotguns and handguns. They say the best weapon for home defense is the shotgun. I have kids in the house and they know about the guns. shotgun is handy and the shells are hidden where the kiddies won't find them. I do take the guns out and take my kids shooting so they learn to respect the weapons and NOT play with them. My 15 year old is a hell of a shot and my 11 year old is learning.
I would have no problem pulling a trigger if the situation arose. better them then me!
Also nice in case of a zombie Apocalypse:eek:
07-11-2012, 08:14 PM
I have a rottweiler and a crazy alarm system. Cameras, screens in windows wired, motion sensors, motion detectors. I spent over 20K on my alarm system. I live in a mini fort Knox. I have some crazy weapons though just in case. LOL
Lard Almighty
07-11-2012, 08:17 PM
Good point, Steve. Teaching kids about guns and how to use them safely is far more effective than any lock or safe.
My dad took me shooting for the first time when I was 3 years old. He showed me his .38 special and told me about how to always treat it as if it was loaded, always point it straight up, down, or down range, and to never point it at anyone EVER. He then handed me the gun and showed me how to cock the hammer and squeeze the trigger to fire. I cocked the hammer, squeezed the trigger, and the gun roared to life.
Scared the living sh*t out of me!
That day I learned just how much power a gun has, and that that power must be respected. Since then I have fired all sorts of guns and enjoyed every minute of it. I believe that I appreciate them a lot more because I was scared by one.
07-11-2012, 09:15 PM
I would only echo the use of a gun but be prepared to use if you pull it. NJ law provides for stiff penalties just for brandishing. My household in PA has many that would be used in a moments notice and are also used, carried and licensed for my personal protection. Gun locks are a necessity if you have children but education is vital as well. Mace, telescopic batons or a stun gun are options but require close proximity to a perp to use.
bunker dunker
07-12-2012, 12:23 PM
f>>> the law,if my family or myself are threatend by an intruder in our home i'll take my chaces in court.i would rather spend the rest of my days in jail knowing my family is ok than one minute wishing they were
07-12-2012, 02:00 PM
I have read on several sites where it is recommended that a can of wasp/hornet spray is very discouraging. Many youg women in both college dorms and those out on their own have that as a dissuader to the bad boys and keep it on a night table next to their bed.
07-12-2012, 05:28 PM
We have a 95 LB German Shepherd / Junkyard Dog mix.
He's gentle with our family for the 8 years we've had him.
If he latches on to an intruder's arm or nutz,..I pity the fool.
I believe a potential burglar would beat a retreat at the first loud bark.
I like the wasp / hornet spray idea. Time to re-stock just in case.
Followed up with Louisville Slugger.....Homeowner 1, Bad guy--zero.
07-12-2012, 10:11 PM
I agree with Irish Jigger, the sound of cycling a pump gun is distinctive and you need a really big set to continue after hearing it
I have kids and guns but no ammo in the house. Just last week I said to my wife that just the sound of loading snap caps into our semi auto 12 ga shotgun should send an intruder running. She pointed out that a stanger would never get past our head of Security, Sherman, a lean 185lbs of American Mastiff, to get close enough to hear the cycling of the shotgun.
Mastiffs are great with kids and low maintenance.
Ok Im from PA so the whole gun thing is easier for us over her personally I like my options pistol grip home defense shotgun under the bed loaded with birdshot first two rounds (because it will not pentrate two sheets of drywall with any lethal velocity) then if it gets bad next two 3 in mags of BB shot followed by 2 buck shot. plus side saddle with 6 addition rounds. plus I have 3 pistols in my bedroom, 45ACP, 9mm and 380. I like my options. People always ask me would I shoot someone if the broke into my house in the middle of the night my answer is always the same. Yes and shoot to kill. My theory and thought on it is if you need something so bad that you feel you need to rob me come do it when I am not home and your not a threat to my well being. Material items can be replaced. If you come while I am home that tells me you do not care for my life and well being so I do not care for yours.
Friend who is a cop told me it is always better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6.
I would suggest getting a shotgun with birdshot and keeping it locked up. You dont want to bring a knife to a gunfight.
07-13-2012, 01:22 PM
Thanks for all the replies...
To date - I have known people
Who have had their doors knocked in - bound / tied
People who come and say you need work on your driveway and the second guy comes in
Opportunitisic - trying to open windows / cars / doors etc
Case the neighborhood and spree the whole place and come back weeks later
With all that said, you can have an alarm, but forget to put it on that one night, you can have a dog and he can wake you up, but why would some intruder care about putting a dog down
You can be watching TV and BOOM they just kick the door down. When you live in a neighborhood that people mind there business and have a lot of seclusion, it spells a home intruders dream.
My neighbor was brushing his teeth at 6AM to only watch his car speed of his front lawn from a car thief.
I just want to be in a position that if I am sleeping or seeing someone case my house while I watch TV, that I will have that guy leaving in a heartbeat.
I like the mace idea.. wasp spray, weapon that non mortal but will do the job
Thanks guys.
07-13-2012, 03:33 PM
I like the mace idea.. wasp spray, weapon that non mortal but will do the job
nice humanitarian idea, but if my door ever was kicked in I'm not reaching for anything less-than-lethal
save the less-than-lethal stuff for the police who may need to stop people but not necessarily put them down for good. someone breaking into my home with unknown purpose does not get this same consideration.
07-13-2012, 04:47 PM
Thanks for all the replies...
To date - I have known people
Who have had their doors knocked in - bound / can have a dog and he can wake you up, but why would some intruder care about putting a dog down....
Thanks guys.
Regarding a dog. I live in the suburbs and we got the dog for our kids(and me) and to be part of the family. The security he brings to our house is just an added benefit. Someone could kill your dog but more than likely it would have alerted you to the danger before being silenced. If you live in a secluded area you are the next line of defense. If you live in the suburbs and have neighbors with the police a couple of minutes away than I doubt someone would hang around after silencing a dog.
If I lived if a secluded area I would have multiple dogs for security and I would keep a loaded secure gun in several areas of the house.
07-13-2012, 06:04 PM
Install an alarm system and keep them from getting that far. A good system after you purchase the sensors will run about $20 a month to maintain.......and I would still keep the glock close bye!:D
07-14-2012, 01:18 AM
Install an alarm system and keep them from getting that far. A good system after you purchase the sensors will run about $20 a month to maintain.......and I would still keep the glock close bye!:D
best idea there!
Or get your self a Gun.. 40cal or 45 will put a nice hole in whatever u aim it at.. Dont have to shoot the guy, just pop off a few rounds.. he will get the idea real quick..
Mace is a cheap one as well.. but if u spray the guy in the house everyone will be feeling the effects from it.. Stuff floats through the air and spreads out everywhere.. Quick story.. At a party one night some one thought it would be funny to spray some in the house and we all got messed up from it.. its not fun
Id go with the alarm system.. Might spend a few bucks to get it but once its in you will feel safe knowing that if anyone trys or even gets in its going to go off and cops are on the way..
07-16-2012, 02:07 PM
I was thinking alarm system to, but they are easy to disconnect from the street.
Since we are on the topic of alarm systems... anyone got any ideas? Best / priced right suggested.
07-16-2012, 02:15 PM
I have a friend in that business if you want a quote,- alarms, cams, and all the extras ..
07-16-2012, 02:33 PM
I was thinking alarm system to, but they are easy to disconnect from the street.
Since we are on the topic of alarm systems... anyone got any ideas? Best / priced right suggested.
not easy to disconnect at all anymore.. best bang for buck is adt. spend over 1500 and they will install and give you three months to pay them back.
They have cell guard and radio tranmitting systems. i looked into it all, stuff is extremely safe and high tech!
Don't bring a knife to a gun fight-
There's nothing better than the real thing
I have a s&w walther p 22- 3 clips and a biometric safe that unlocks to my and my wife's fingerprints- no need to mess w a combo at that point, yes its a few more bucks but you tell me what's more important
Life or money
This is only my opinion, I could be wrong
Glazer rounds are loaded w glass beads, plenty of stopping power - non mortal
--- an alarm system with central station monitoring sounds about your style - safe but secure
The LAST thing you want is the intruder getting up (ever) after you shoot him.
Dead men tell no tales.
Get a good handgun, learn how to use it and keep it in an electronic safe in night stand next to your bed.
And keep hollow points in it (yes they are legal in NJ for self defense).
Hope no one ever breaks into my house when I am home. They may not be too happy.
Ok Im from PA so the whole gun thing is easier for us over her personally I like my options pistol grip home defense shotgun under the bed loaded with birdshot first two rounds (because it will not pentrate two sheets of drywall with any lethal velocity) then if it gets bad next two 3 in mags of BB shot followed by 2 buck shot. plus side saddle with 6 addition rounds. plus I have 3 pistols in my bedroom, 45ACP, 9mm and 380. I like my options. People always ask me would I shoot someone if the broke into my house in the middle of the night my answer is always the same. Yes and shoot to kill. My theory and thought on it is if you need something so bad that you feel you need to rob me come do it when I am not home and your not a threat to my well being. Material items can be replaced. If you come while I am home that tells me you do not care for my life and well being so I do not care for yours.
Friend who is a cop told me it is always better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6.
I would suggest getting a shotgun with birdshot and keeping it locked up. You dont want to bring a knife to a gunfight.
Agreed but there really is no reason to use birdshot over 00 buck.My shotty has 00 buck sitting in it, with some slugs in the side saddle just in case.
of course I have a .40 behind my pillow, a ,45 in my nightstand and a couple of 9mm strategically placed just in case ;)
Mace is illegal in NJ, so u need a good strong pepper spray.
Also, it is illegal in NJ to leave a loaded unlocked firearm within reach of a child. You need to have it locked up, or at least a trigger safety if there are children in the house.
08-01-2012, 08:27 PM
Become a ninja.... :D ;)
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