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07-02-2012, 09:43 AM
I have a fish tank and one of my fish died.

Would you try to use him as bait?

I am curious to see what would happen...is that wrong?

He died of natural causes...

The circle of life...if I catch a fish on it....

07-02-2012, 09:46 AM
Would it be recognized as bait? (bunker, squid, killies etc.)

Blackfish Doug
07-02-2012, 09:51 AM
I guess you wanted to use it for fresh water my guess don't do it. It's illegal & there is a good reason for it bacterial parasites that are in your fish tank even though the are microscopic they can cause a problem. Even though the fish you had died from natural causes it was immune to that bacteria the other fish are not and can cause a problem associated with your fish tank.

07-02-2012, 11:50 AM
Doug - didn't think of that! But do you really think a dead fish from my fishtank can cause a parasite problem in the ocean? I don't know about that...

Anyways...I flushed it!


07-03-2012, 07:09 AM
The laws are funny on this topic. They restrict using live bait, because of introducing a new, nonnative species into an area, but the dead fish laws are kind of overkill IMO. Look how many people use chicken for crabbing...... Thats a bacterial mess and non native! lol.

I know guys who use gold fish for bait and do very well. When we can find them, we sell land locked herring as bait and the fluke crowd loves them almost as much as the offshore crowd. They come from freshwater areas, sold live and work on just about everything. The tuna guys love throwing them into the slick and letting them swim for tuna and mahi, even the occasional marlin. I have heard its illegal, so I called on it and was told its fine. I think these rules are a little overkill, but until they change, we have to follow them. :)