View Full Version : Rubber Core Sinkers

06-27-2012, 01:07 PM
Anyone know where I can find large rubber core sinkers. I plan on using them on Tuna trips off of a head boat I've booked. I think they would be good to have on hand.

Also any suggestions on using them are welcomed.


Garone Custom Rods
06-27-2012, 01:35 PM
Anyone know where I can find large rubber core sinkers. I plan on using them on Tuna trips off of a head boat I've booked. I think they would be good to have on hand.

Also any suggestions on using them are welcomed.


Most guys use egg sinkers or for heavier weights just use a bank sinker connected with a rubber band.

06-27-2012, 02:07 PM
How heavy are you looking for?

The egg sinkers & rubber bands will work as mentioned.

06-27-2012, 02:11 PM
Thanks Garone, good call on the sinker w/rubber bands and will go that route.

I should have explained myself better. In addition to egg sinkers I think it would be helpful to have rubber cores if I want to make a quick adjustment while fishing instead of untying/retying.



06-27-2012, 03:04 PM
How heavy are you looking for?

The egg sinkers & rubber bands will work as mentioned.

Enough weight to where if I was on an angle, say 30 degrees, I can add rubber core sinker or two on to the line without having to waste time tying knots, esp if there is a bite going on.

Just a thought.


Capt. Lou
06-27-2012, 04:28 PM
Rubber cores are available up to two ounces I believe.
I've used em' for over forty seasons tuna chunking & prefer them , as stated east to install , quick to change to add or subtract weight.
I've taken several giants on them as well.
One word of caution put above swivel so they will not slide under pressure of bigger tuna.
Also if used a lot the rubber will stretch , keep extras on hand.

06-27-2012, 04:50 PM
Rubber cores are available up to two ounces I believe.
I've used em' for over forty seasons tuna chunking & prefer them , as stated east to install , quick to change to add or subtract weight.
I've taken several giants on them as well.
One word of caution put above swivel so they will not slide under pressure of bigger tuna.
Also if used a lot the rubber will stretch , keep extras on hand.

Thanks Capt Lou, much appreciated!!!

Pennsy Guy
06-28-2012, 12:44 AM
adamu, I use them also--from 3/8 to 1 oz but only on 50 and 30# lines...although I did catch a swordy with 3/8 oz on 80#...go figure.......above posts are correct, especially use above swivel....I also use eggs on everything....banks/rubber bands good idea...if you watched "Wicked Tuna", you'd have noticed they used bank/rubber band setups for the giants...
Sometimes I'll slide the rubber core up the line10-30'...that seems to work, also...at least for me;)

06-28-2012, 09:13 AM
adamu, I use them also--from 3/8 to 1 oz but only on 50 and 30# lines...although I did catch a swordy with 3/8 oz on 80#...go figure.......above posts are correct, especially use above swivel....I also use eggs on everything....banks/rubber bands good idea...if you watched "Wicked Tuna", you'd have noticed they used bank/rubber band setups for the giants...
Sometimes I'll slide the rubber core up the line10-30'...that seems to work, also...at least for me;)
Pensy, thank you too. Detailed information, much appreciated!!!