View Full Version : RFA-NJ 4th Annual Fluke / Seabass Fish A Thon Trip

06-21-2012, 08:01 PM
OK Guys here is the 4th Annual Fluke / Sea Bass A Thon official sign up thread.
This year will be hosted on the JAMAICA STAR (formerly the Atlantis) out of Bogans Basin in Brielle. We all know these guys know how to Fluke!

Trip is on Sunday July 29th from 6:30AM till 2:30PM
Fare is $90.00 Adults and $50.00 for Children 13 and under
Trip includes: Boat , Crew Tip, Lunch, Soft Drinks and great time.
Boat Pool , raffles etc optional for an additional fee.

Sign In on www.rfanj.org or see link below for details on check option.
http://www.dneconsulting.com/4th_Annual_RFA_Fish_A_Thon_Fluke_Seabass_trip_July _2012.pdf

As in the past THANKS to all that support these trips. This site and all you anglers are much appreciated. Look forward to fishing with all again.
Lets hope its under 100 degrees this year.
1-3) Shrimpman (pd ck)
4-5) Lefty Reeler ( pd online)
6) Sam Sinkerman (pd ck)
7) Tropics (pd online)
8) Madman9132 (pd online)
9) Tony S (Oasis) (pd online)
10) Kurtis B (pd online)
11) Mike C (pd online)
12) Larry / Hartattack (pd online)
13) William H / Bill -Fish (pd online)
14-15) John K / Bgccfishteacher (pd online)
16) DirtyChimneyman (pd online)
17) Gerry Z (pd online)
18) Keith M (pd ck)
19) Vinnitastic (pd ck)
20-22) John W (pd ck)
23) Mark Berry (pd ck)
24) Joe S (pd ck)
25) Jim J (pd ck)
26) Andrew Flanagan (pd online)
27) Glenn Fin Reaper (pd cash)
28) Capt Fran (pd)
29) Capt Fran Guest (Pd)
30) ME (pd)
31) Dave Fitzgerald (online registration)
32) Jimmy C (via Quanmann)
33) William Eerosa
34) Geddy Z Bro JOE Z
35) Jimmy Live Bait

shrimpman steve
06-21-2012, 08:02 PM
shrimp plus entourage (5)=total of 6

been waiting for this should be a great time.

a little pre elks warm up!

The Sinker Man
06-21-2012, 08:04 PM
Put me in for 1

06-21-2012, 08:15 PM
I'm in. Payment sent.

06-21-2012, 09:31 PM
Put me down for 1. I'll make my payment tomarrow. I'm looking forward to seeing and fishing with you guys again :-)

shrimpman steve
06-21-2012, 11:23 PM

I figured we would be half full already:D

06-22-2012, 05:17 AM
Payment made hope it is not hot as last year.
Thanks Dave for getting this up.

06-22-2012, 06:35 AM
I'm in.

06-22-2012, 09:16 AM
Dales I'll get bagels for the trip so breakfast will be covered/included...

Thanks for organizing... :D

06-22-2012, 09:26 AM
All in :)

06-22-2012, 01:57 PM
Hi Dales... thanks for organizing. I'm all paid up (via paypal) and in for 1, looking forward to it!


06-22-2012, 02:08 PM
How many spots still available? I will know in a day or two if I can make it...(hope I can get off work)

06-22-2012, 02:37 PM
ewwww with the heat at shop I missed
1 day on site and 19 spots taken, bettter
check my schedule I'm sure I'll make time
and bring some goodies for all

shrimpman steve
06-22-2012, 06:29 PM
ewwww with the heat at shop I missed
1 day on site and 19 spots taken, bettter
check my schedule I'm sure I'll make time
and bring some goodies for all

come on Jeff, don't wait too long!

06-22-2012, 09:14 PM
Just paid for me and my buddy Phil.

06-22-2012, 09:35 PM
How many spots still available? I will know in a day or two if I can make it...(hope I can get off work)

Plenty of spots available, Come on aboard

06-25-2012, 08:09 AM
Dales I'll get bagels for the trip so breakfast will be covered/included...

Thanks for organizing... :D

Ron, Thanks as always for the bagels. Always a nice start to the day.

Good news, I fished with Capt Jerry on the MONGER on Friday and after the typical MONGER sea bass and Fluke crush Capt Jerry was kind enough to donate some open boat trips to our raffle!:D
There will be some happy winners for those trips.

Fish The Drop Off
06-25-2012, 08:26 AM
Thanks for the sticky and it is great to see this trip filling up. Can't wait to fish with some of the Regulars on this trips and would love to meet some new guys also.

This trip is open to everyone to come. RFA members and Non-RFA members Please come and enjoy the day!!!!!!

Maybe I will be able to get a keeper fish on one of these trips soon. LOL

Sorry I could not make the Striper trip but I have blocked out the date and will be on this one. I might even be wearing my EAGLES Green for you giant's Fans. LOL

06-25-2012, 09:49 AM
I'm in. How would u like your $$

06-25-2012, 01:09 PM
Thanks for the sticky and it is great to see this trip filling up. Can't wait to fish with some of the Regulars on this trips and would love to meet some new guys also.

This trip is open to everyone to come. RFA members and Non-RFA members Please come and enjoy the day!!!!!!

Maybe I will be able to get a keeper fish on one of these trips soon. LOL

Sorry I could not make the Striper trip but I have blocked out the date and will be on this one. I might even be wearing my EAGLES Green for you giant's Fans. LOL

You always catch keepers and thow them back, Skates, Robins :D
Looking forward to fishing with you again Capt. Fran

06-25-2012, 01:11 PM
I'm in. How would u like your $$

Go to the link they take PayPal

Fish The Drop Off
06-25-2012, 01:39 PM
I'm in. How would u like your $$

The best way is to follow the RFA-NJ site link and reg and pay throughout the site.

Thanks for coming is going to be a great time.

Fish The Drop Off
06-25-2012, 01:40 PM
You always catch keepers and thow them back, Skates, Robins :D
Looking forward to fishing with you again Capt. Fran

LOL yes I have master them. :D

06-27-2012, 02:10 AM
Just as long as its not 300 degrees outside like last year:D :D its going to be a amazing trip

Gerry Zagorski
06-27-2012, 08:21 AM
In and will bring some NJFishing.com t-shirts for the raffle. I'll see what I can do about getting some handcrafted beer from JJ Bitting Brewing Company too. Burp :D Should be a great time with this cast of characters.

I'm thinking we should have a little fun with an optional side wager. Let's call it the NJFishing.com Wall of Shame Award...

If you are in this challenge and enter a pool fish and it's the lightest, you wear an NJFishing.com thong and a pink bra from the last drop of the day all the way back to the dock. You can wear these items on top of your close if you so choose. As a special bonus you get your very own sticky post featuring your photo, which will be taken (tastefully of coarse) on the bow pulpit. Post stays up a day for each pound of the largest pool fish entered in this contest.

Steve please bring the bra and I will provide the thong. Probably best if we get XXLs and think we might also bring some duct tape to insure a proper fitting ;)

If you are in (totally optional) post in this thread and I will track the names here in this post.

NJFishing.com Wall Of Shame Award Particpants
1) Gerry Z
2) Lefty
3) Larry
4) DirtyChimney
5) Fran
6) Dales
7) Shrimpy???? Bula.... Bula??

shrimpman steve
06-27-2012, 08:45 AM
In and will bring some NJFishing.com t-shirts for the raffle. I'll see what I can do about getting some handcrafted beer from JJ Bitting Brewing Company too. Burp :D Should be a great time with this cast of characters.

I'm thinking we should have a little fun with an optional side wager. Let's call it the NJFishing.com Wall of Shame Award...

If you are in this challenge and enter a pool fish and it's the lightest, you wear an NJFishing.com thong and a pink bra from the last drop of the day all the way back to the dock. As a special bonus you get your very own sticky post featuring your photo, which will be taken (tastefully of coarse) on the bow pulpit. Post stays up a day for each pound of the largest pool fish entered in this contest.

Steve please bring the bra and I will provide the thong. Probably best if we get XXLs and think we might also bring some duct tape to insure a proper fitting ;)

If you are in (totally optional) post in this thread and I will track the names here in this post.

NJFishing.com Wall Of Shame Award Particpants
1) Gerry Z

trust me, you don't want to see me in a thong:eek:, the bra was bad enough. I will have to think about this one!

shrimpman steve
06-27-2012, 08:46 AM
I'm in. How would u like your $$

send me the money, I'll take care of it:p

06-27-2012, 09:46 AM
In and will bring some NJFishing.com t-shirts for the raffle. I'll see what I can do about getting some handcrafted beer from JJ Bitting Brewing Company too. Burp :D Should be a great time with this cast of characters.

I'm thinking we should have a little fun with an optional side wager. Let's call it the NJFishing.com Wall of Shame Award...

If you are in this challenge and enter a pool fish and it's the lightest, you wear an NJFishing.com thong and a pink bra from the last drop of the day all the way back to the dock. You can wear these items on top of your close if you so choose. As a special bonus you get your very own sticky post featuring your photo, which will be taken (tastefully of coarse) on the bow pulpit. Post stays up a day for each pound of the largest pool fish entered in this contest.

Steve please bring the bra and I will provide the thong. Probably best if we get XXLs and think we might also bring some duct tape to insure a proper fitting ;)

If you are in (totally optional) post in this thread and I will track the names here in this post.

NJFishing.com Wall Of Shame Award Particpants
1) Gerry Z

Im def in.. now that I have about a $700+ fluke set up I'm bound to win the pool :eek:

06-27-2012, 10:06 AM
I'm confused Gerry :confused:

Let's say you caught a contender but it gets edged out by the pool winner. The angler who caught the contender is put on the wall of shame but anglers who caught the non-contenders skate away scot-free :confused:

Without knowing the answer - I'm in.

06-27-2012, 10:21 AM
In and will bring some NJFishing.com t-shirts for the raffle. I'll see what I can do about getting some handcrafted beer from JJ Bitting Brewing Company too. Burp :D Should be a great time with this cast of characters.

I'm thinking we should have a little fun with an optional side wager. Let's call it the NJFishing.com Wall of Shame Award...

If you are in this challenge and enter a pool fish and it's the lightest, you wear an NJFishing.com thong and a pink bra from the last drop of the day all the way back to the dock. You can wear these items on top of your close if you so choose. As a special bonus you get your very own sticky post featuring your photo, which will be taken (tastefully of coarse) on the bow pulpit. Post stays up a day for each pound of the largest pool fish entered in this contest.

Steve please bring the bra and I will provide the thong. Probably best if we get XXLs and think we might also bring some duct tape to insure a proper fitting ;)

If you are in (totally optional) post in this thread and I will track the names here in this post.

NJFishing.com Wall Of Shame Award Particpants
1) Gerry Z

Now we have some "Game" to this trip. Thanks Gerry and glad you are coming!!. Its easy to get the size right, just ask Capt Fran what size he wears:p

If you can actually get people to PAY to wear this get-up I defer all future fundraising to YOU LOL.

Sent you PM on the NJFishing Fluke tourney. Be glad to help.

Gerry Zagorski
06-27-2012, 02:30 PM
I'm confused Gerry :confused:

Let's say you caught a contender but it gets edged out by the pool winner. The angler who caught the contender is put on the wall of shame but anglers who caught the non-contenders skate away scot-free :confused:

Without knowing the answer - I'm in.

Larry - Some additional clarification..... This is totally separate but somewhat realted to the boat pool Dales is running. No monies will be collected for the NJF Wall of Shame and it's totally optional if you want in. You can be in Dales pool and choose not in particpate in the NJF Wall of Shame. If however you choose to particpate in Dales pool and the NJF Wall Of Shame, if you weigh in a fish for Dales pool to get at that pot of money you are one of the qualifiers for the NJF Wall of Shame. Your fish will be compared to other NJF Wall of Shame particpants and the lightest fish out of the NJF Wall of Shame group gets the prized thong and bra.

Further, if you choose to particpate in the NJF Wall of Shame you are not forced to enter a fish in the pool but that makes you ineligable for Dales pool. In the event that no one from the NJF Wall of Shame group enters a fish into Dales pool, no NJF Wall of Shame person will be named. If however you are the only person from the NJF Wall of Shame who enters a fish in the pool you are awarded the NJF Wall of Shame.

Should be interesting ... I'm in the Dales pool and think I have a contender but I'm also in the NJF Wall of Shame, do I risk weighing in a fish to get at shot at the money?? Is anyone else from the NJF Wall of Shame going to be weighing in a fish? I'm confident I have the biggest fish for Dales pool but there are no other NJF Wall of Shame contenders in the pool, do I take the money knowing I'm also the NJF Wall of Shamer ???

Feel free to shoot holes in this or suggest revisions, but I think it works and makes it interesting.

Gerry Zagorski
06-27-2012, 02:45 PM
Now we have some "Game" to this trip. Thanks Gerry and glad you are coming!!. Its easy to get the size right, just ask Capt Fran what size he wears:p

If you can actually get people to PAY to wear this get-up I defer all future fundraising to YOU LOL.

Sent you PM on the NJFishing Fluke tourney. Be glad to help.

Dave/Dales - Glad I can come and help this great cause but the million dollar question here is are you and Fran in or out on the NJF Wall of Shame?? I think it would be the sporting thing to do and would be a further testiment to your support and commitment to the RFA :D

As a side, can you believe Shrimpy is on the fence here :rolleyes:

Fish The Drop Off
06-29-2012, 08:21 PM
Now we have some "Game" to this trip. Thanks Gerry and glad you are coming!!. Its easy to get the size right, just ask Capt Fran what size he wears:p

If you can actually get people to PAY to wear this get-up I defer all future fundraising to YOU LOL.

Sent you PM on the NJFishing Fluke tourney. Be glad to help.

So what you are telling me, I would have to get a keeper and weight it in and if it was the smallest fish out of the group I would be wearing something. That is great since I have never landed a keeper on any of the trips yet.

I am think about getting in on this one. Might have to give a special price to this winner.

06-30-2012, 04:05 PM
I was jumping ahead and I barely understand the rules currently...but "f" it...im in too...lol:cool:

07-02-2012, 02:21 PM
Dave/Dales - Glad I can come and help this great cause but the million dollar question here is are you and Fran in or out on the NJF Wall of Shame?? I think it would be the sporting thing to do and would be a further testiment to your support and commitment to the RFA :D

As a side, can you believe Shrimpy is on the fence here :rolleyes:

I see you are "shaming" me into the wall of shame which i respect. Cant fund raise without the "shaming" aspect lol.
So long way to the answer but YES I am in. I see an 8 pounder in my future anyway so i should be safe. Maybe we should make it real simple and say "ANY" keeper is in the wall, be funny to see people slipping the "lighter" ones into Shrimpy's Cooler.

shrimpman steve
07-02-2012, 09:03 PM
I see you are "shaming" me into the wall of shame which i respect. Cant fund raise without the "shaming" aspect lol.
So long way to the answer but YES I am in. I see an 8 pounder in my future anyway so i should be safe. Maybe we should make it real simple and say "ANY" keeper is in the wall, be funny to see people slipping the "lighter" ones into Shrimpy's Cooler.

stay out of my cooler:D

07-02-2012, 09:05 PM
stay out of my cooler:D

OHH you will be in that pink bra and You know it, with or without Geddy's side bet

Fish The Drop Off
07-02-2012, 09:09 PM
OHH you will be in that pink bra and You know it, with or without Geddy's side bet

LMFAO,,,, I would say I would help with getting fish into his cooler but I only get skates and Sea Robins. :D

Gerry Zagorski
07-03-2012, 06:34 AM
I see you are "shaming" me into the wall of shame which i respect. Cant fund raise without the "shaming" aspect lol.
So long way to the answer but YES I am in. I see an 8 pounder in my future anyway so i should be safe. Maybe we should make it real simple and say "ANY" keeper is in the wall, be funny to see people slipping the "lighter" ones into Shrimpy's Cooler.

Dales - Glad to see you jump in on this.... Looks like the confirmed cross dresser on this site is still on the fence. Bula......Bula???

Thought about "any keeper" but that would require additional monitoring and inspecting people's coolers...... If we keep it to people volunteering fish into the pool we avoid those issues and having to weigh in a lot more fish.

Fish The Drop Off
07-03-2012, 08:14 AM
17 days before this trip. If your on the fence do not wait to long to get on board. It is a great way to support Your RFA-NJ Chapter and have a fun day on the water at the same time.

All the money raised stays here in NJ. :) :)

Thanks for the help in the past and the great support on all the trips that we have done.


07-03-2012, 12:55 PM
Just posted the below with details of our trip on the Fresh water forum. trying to entice some of our sweet water friends to join us on the trip. Why not mix it up and meet some new people!

I know this is a Saltwater Post but throwing it on here to see if any of you sweet water guys want to join us, meet some new fishermen and basically enjoy a day on the water with fellow NJfishing .com sorts. Its Fluke and Seabass so right up your alley and your tackle would work too. Maybe we could spice it up with a special salt water vs fresh water pool.

I will personally donate some bucks to a fresh water foundation of Andy S choice for every sign up we get from you sweet water guys to entice you further. So lets hear from you.

Andy, if this is out of line for your forum feel free to remove or do wjatever you think best. Just trying to fill the trip and meet some of you guys at the same time.

07-03-2012, 07:23 PM
Dales - Glad to see you jump in on this.... Looks like the confirmed cross dresser on this site is still on the fence. Bula......Bula???

Thought about "any keeper" but that would require additional monitoring and inspecting people's coolers...... If we keep it to people volunteering fish into the pool we avoid those issues and having to weigh in a lot more fish.

OK so another scenario, I get my 8 pounder and the next closest fish is in the 4LB range. When they see my 8 lbr no one else even trys to weigh a fish.
Now I have the heaviest but also the lightest fish entered as its the only fish.
So therefore Shrimpman has to wear the outfit right?:cool:

Gerry says ........ Exactly :)

shrimpman steve
07-03-2012, 08:20 PM
everytime I think I'm out, they pull me back in!

07-05-2012, 11:22 AM
Happy to report that Capt Freddy of Andreas Toy has graciously donated a $150.00 Gift certificate to fish on his boat for our raffle.
Thanks Capt and it was a pleasure speaking with you.

OK we still need some more to sign up to make this trip worthwhile. We have some top sponsers open boat trips and other great stuff in the raffle.
110 Ft Fishing Platform = PLENTY of room, Top notch Fluke producer, Lunch,
Beverages , Great crew already, Fishing, Fishing, Fishing etc. Going to be a great trip. Only 2 weeks to go so if intertested please sign on.

07-06-2012, 09:14 PM
Boarding list updated. Lost a few for very good reasons so everyone moved up on the list accordingly. Picked up 1 and 8 more in the pipeline. Trip is a GO regardless

Also picked up another HUGE Raffle prize in an open boat trip by Capt John Cole on Golden Touch Charters. So now you have Capt Jerry on da Monger, Capt Freddy on Andreas Toy and Capt John on Golden Touch for a chance on the raffle prizes.

Thanks Capt John!!

07-06-2012, 11:50 PM
2200 views and about 19 members... quite embarrassing

Lets get this thing off the ground asap, im assured we go regardless but def more fun with a bigger contribution from our regulars. You know who I'm talking about cmon hop aboard and lets set this MF off:D

The Sinker Man
07-07-2012, 06:46 PM
I just think it's a shame that with all the hard work that Dave and crew go through and with thousands of members on this site that at this time only 24 people signed up...If you go party boat fishing then jump on this trip..Plenty of fishing room, large boat and limited to 40 people...Fare is just about what you would pay elsewhere as the tip is included along with hogies and drinks...The raffle prizes alone are worth going for..I t seems like some very good and well known capts have donated trips..Plus it also includes a donation to the RFA-Nj....So sign up NOW!!! Don't let it get to a point where these trips are no longer offered...Good boat, good capts and crew, good food, good friends and good members..

07-07-2012, 09:33 PM
I'm in!!!just figure I would give someone else a chance at a new pole :p Always fun sorry for the delay...checks in da mail..

Fish The Drop Off
07-08-2012, 10:38 AM
Only 11 more days to get on this trip. Very hard to believe that this trip is not sold out :confused: :confused:

Great day on the water and everything is provided and support your right to fish here in NJ. Some great door prizes also.

We have made some great progress but still a lot of work to go.

Thanks to all the guys that are going.

07-08-2012, 09:30 PM
I wouldnt have missed this one, this year, for anything.:cool: I heard how great the trip has been, and even last years trip that was HOTTTT, everyone seemed to have such a good time. It really doesnt cost much at all considering all the "extras". Doesnt make sense why we aint filled up yet! C'mon y'all!!! :eek:

07-10-2012, 08:45 AM
I'm mostly a freshwater guy.. but If I can finagle that Friday off of work I'm all over this trip.

07-10-2012, 07:40 PM
I'm mostly a freshwater guy.. but If I can finagle that Friday off of work I'm all over this trip.

We would be happy to have you on the trip. Keep me posted on you're finagleing

07-10-2012, 07:43 PM
I'm in!!!just figure I would give someone else a chance at a new pole :p Always fun sorry for the delay...checks in da mail..

Great news Vin, Before now I didnt know what I was going to do with the new pole. You sure have had your luck with the raffles but as they say you have to be in it to win it! Got your check today THANKS.

shrimpman steve
07-10-2012, 07:50 PM
come on guys! lets get out there and support the RFA and catch some fluke! time to put your money where your mouth is. I know some cant take a Friday off, but if you can, sign up and show your support for our sport. The door prizes aren't bad either:D

07-12-2012, 08:43 PM
List updated.

Thanks guys for trying to bump the trip and get your fellow fishermen motivated. These trips are not for everone and thats OK. We will get to a number that works and have PLENTY of room to throw our arsenals at those fluke Bastads.

Just an opinion on Human Nature and Fishermen which I believe we are all a little guilty of.
- Its summer and prime fishing season so our thoughts are mainly on what is at hand in the present and what we are fishing for today, tomorrow or next week.
- The regulations are certainly still flawed but we dont have any closed seasons or horrible size / bag limits so we naturally get complacent.

Thats a problem because its whats next or whats around the corner that scares the hell out of me. I think we need to keep the pressure on the flawed data, get flexibility in MSA, Stop Catch shares and keep NJ the PRIME fishing state it has become.

These trips are all about that fight plus they are just plain fun and fishing with great people who share the same respect for our fisheries.

From an RFA-NJ Email blast on the trip as quoted below.
"All proceeds from the trip will benefit the RFA-NJ chapter and will be used towards the chapter's ongoing efforts to preserve the fishing rights of New Jersey's anglers, which includes working towards scientific research as well as supporting lobbying efforts for legislation supporting the RFA mission statement."

Get in on the action while it's hot, and help support your right to fish!

With 26 guys on the trip after the boat, crew tip and lunch / beverage costs the proceeds would be about $260.00 plus whatever the 50/50 and raffle brings in. You decide.

mark b
07-13-2012, 05:13 PM
I'm in, check is in the mail.

07-13-2012, 05:36 PM
All Paid!!!!!!

07-14-2012, 06:52 PM
List updated: 27 + Fran and myself = 29. Can I hear 30+
Looks like long term forecast is great (I Know, I no) but it does look good

Happy to announce:
Our own Henry Landau / (Jakesdad on here) has donated up to 6 "T" Shirts printed with "whatever" you decide for our raffle prizes. THANKS HENRY, to add to:
Open Boat Charters from:
Fish Mongers x 2
Golden Touch x 1
Andrea's Toy x 1
Rod / Reel Combo this year is from Scottys Tackle.
and other stuff.

As of Monday July 16 :
Registration / payment via RFA-NJ website and PayPal ONLY. No Checks after Sunday.
or CASH at Boat day of but fare will be $100.00 (only fair to those that paid ahead of time)

07-15-2012, 04:34 PM
"Trip is on Friday July 20th from 6:30AM till 2:30PM
Fare is $90.00 Adults and $50.00 for Children 13 and under
Trip includes: Boat , Crew Tip, Lunch, Soft Drinks and great time.
Boat Pool , raffles etc optional for an additional fee."

What time is boarding? Maybe that is scaring some peeps:D

07-15-2012, 05:30 PM
"Trip is on Friday July 20th from 6:30AM till 2:30PM
Fare is $90.00 Adults and $50.00 for Children 13 and under
Trip includes: Boat , Crew Tip, Lunch, Soft Drinks and great time.
Boat Pool , raffles etc optional for an additional fee."

What time is boarding? Maybe that is scaring some peeps:D

We will start boarding in order posted at 6AM. Leave at 6:30 Sharp.
perfect time for Flukin

Fish The Drop Off
07-15-2012, 08:07 PM
We will start boarding in order posted at 6AM. Leave at 6:30 Sharp.
perfect time for Flukin

Boarding order????? I am not even on the list but I am going to be mugging shrimpman's spot. No Question about it. LOL

Only a couple more days before the fishing show starts. Time for the last minute guys to get on this trip.

shrimpman steve
07-15-2012, 11:34 PM
Boarding order????? I am not even on the list but I am going to be mugging shrimpman's spot. No Question about it. LOL

Only a couple more days before the fishing show starts. Time for the last minute guys to get on this trip.

you are welcome to fish next to me anytime, more fish for me:D

see you friday!

07-16-2012, 07:50 AM
Recruited another body we should have 30 as of later today

07-16-2012, 01:43 PM
Boarding order????? I am not even on the list but I am going to be mugging shrimpman's spot. No Question about it. LOL

Only a couple more days before the fishing show starts. Time for the last minute guys to get on this trip.
Ahhh yes, let's mug Shrimpy:eek:

07-16-2012, 08:29 PM
Dales, I got one more if there's still room :)

07-16-2012, 08:35 PM
Replied to your PM. Bring him on and Thanks.
Plenty of room next to Shrimpman and Fran:D
Actually on this boat we can all fit in the bow and they could charter the stern separate. ;)

07-16-2012, 08:36 PM
Boarding order????? I am not even on the list but I am going to be mugging shrimpman's spot. No Question about it. LOL

Only a couple more days before the fishing show starts. Time for the last minute guys to get on this trip.

You Always board first, you have the LUNCH. You just cant come out of the cabin until everyone else has their spot lol.

07-16-2012, 08:47 PM
Haahahahaha.... coool brotha. i just got off the phone with him and he's paying via paypal :) Just a couple of more days boys!!!! I can't wait!!!!!

07-17-2012, 09:10 AM
Hot Bagels just ordered.. thats another $3-$4 on the RFA... and still over 3800 views & just 30 people.... SHAME ON YOU!

My family has a boat, but yet for a few days out of the year we decide to support a great cause, get to fish and bust b@lls all day with some truly great friends and also eat drink and have a chance at some awesome full day trips on a handful of the best Charter Boats.. all for $90 HHHHMMMM :rolleyes:

It's a big disappointment that all the effort that goes into this trip and the others and all we have to show for are 30 people, and not all of those are members? I know its a Friday, I know its summer, and the economy blows, and for those that cant burn the day work/family etc comes first I get that, but for all the others out there that can swing this treat yourself it's not like your making a huge donation without any payback..Breakfast, Lunch, Drinks, Fishing and the chance to see Geddy Z in an NJ Fishing Thong... OMG I'd pay $100 just to get that pic viral....

Either way I know this is gonna be a ton of fun, low 80's decent winds some amazing people (but suspect fisherman at best :D ) last few days to pay up before Friday why not come out and meet some new friends and start the weekend off right.

To all those that have commited already, many thanks to you and your continued support. See u guys Friday

07-17-2012, 04:50 PM
good luck guys just started the new job cannot take off til october sure it will be a great time!

07-18-2012, 06:15 PM
OK Guys here is the 4th Annual Fluke / Sea Bass A Thon official sign up thread.
This year will be hosted on the JAMAICA STAR (formerly the Atlantis) out of Bogans Basin in Brielle. We all know these guys know how to Fluke!

I have been on this boat in 8 to 10' and it is solid, they also now how to bottom fish. There is nothing wrong with filling a cooler with Sea Bass, hope they have Clams on board. Come on guys, gals support the RFA they are our voice unpaid for their time and effort, show them you care as much as they do.
Thanks Capt Fran,Dave and everyone else involved.

07-19-2012, 10:37 AM
This is probably a dumb question, but is there a chance this trip will be cancelled/rescheduled due to the forecast?

07-19-2012, 10:58 AM
This is probably a dumb question, but is there a chance this trip will be cancelled/rescheduled due to the forecast?

This boat is a sherman tank and if you know anything about the bogans when it comes to fishing they will NEVER put you in a dangerous situation but it will take a lot more than the current forecast for them to cancel the trip.
I have a call into the Captain and waiting for return call but my call was more to decide if we should switch gears from Fluke as the primary target to Sea bass as the primary which means they have to bring Clams as the primary bait.

I will keep you all posted as soon as I hear something. As of right now F it lets GO FISHING.

07-19-2012, 11:29 AM
This is probably a dumb question, but is there a chance this trip will be cancelled/rescheduled due to the forecast?

No dumb questions just dumb people..... sry you gift wrapped that one and put it on a tee, how could I not! :eek:

see u clowns tomorrow rain, wind, hail we shall prevail...:p

07-19-2012, 11:49 AM
No dumb questions just dumb people..... sry you gift wrapped that one and put it on a tee, how could I not! :eek:

see u clowns tomorrow rain, wind, hail we shall prevail...:p
.....and that's the best you come up with??? Weak...very weak:p

07-19-2012, 11:52 AM
.....and that's the best you come up with??? Weak...very weak:p

Just think if Dales gets this trip switched over to Sea Bass, you might be able to retire early... thats a ton of Iron your gonna save in one day...oooooohhhhh

hope you stocked up on sinkers...then go just as quick as the spro's

beter hope Softbait ties you a few rigs, all those dropper loops on the hi-lo set ups might have you tying rather than fishing... good thing you can buy pre-tied rigs... :eek:

07-19-2012, 11:57 AM
OK Guys This trip is still ON.
We will target Fluke first thing but if it doesnt work out the boat will have Clams on board for seabass as the back up plan so gear up for both.

Sam: better bring some LEAD:eek:

07-19-2012, 12:28 PM
Just my 2cents, I'm all for going for sea basa. Don't mind the 15 to 25 mph east wind and the 4-6 ft seas..... see you tomorrow.

07-19-2012, 02:44 PM
Just think if Dales gets this trip switched over to Sea Bass, you might be able to retire early... thats a ton of Iron your gonna save in one day...oooooohhhhh

hope you stocked up on sinkers...then go just as quick as the spro's

beter hope Softbait ties you a few rigs, all those dropper loops on the hi-lo set ups might have you tying rather than fishing... good thing you can buy pre-tied rigs... :eek:

shrimpman steve
07-19-2012, 04:56 PM
I will bring some cards and poker chips. worst case senerio is we can get a card game going:eek:

Fish The Drop Off
07-19-2012, 05:02 PM



Just another day...... I will leave the drinks and food in the cabin and be sleeping in my truck when you guys get in LMFAO

07-19-2012, 05:10 PM
I will bring some cards and poker chips. worst case senerio is we can get a card game going:eek:

You did mean potato chips didn't ya?:D

shrimpman steve
07-19-2012, 05:18 PM
and the hits just keep on comin!

here is the latest and greatest:


THIS SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-19-2012, 06:00 PM
Sucks ain't the word.... Anyone want my spot? I'm kidding, but not really;)

07-19-2012, 06:04 PM
We are in discussions right now about a possible postponment/ reschedule. I will keep you posted as soon as a decision has been made.

07-19-2012, 06:05 PM
The kind of day that separates the men from their lunch!

Fish The Drop Off
07-19-2012, 06:10 PM
The kind of day that separates the men from their lunch!

That was good. Time to man up food is ready. If the Captain says we go I will be on the boat and not sitting in my truck.... I am manning up on this one. :rolleyes:

Fin Reaper
07-19-2012, 06:13 PM
When you don't feel good on land your "Under the weather"
When you don't feel good on a boat your "Over the rail"

Yea the forcast is looking a tad sporty, but the weatherman has been wrong before...best of luck to you all!

07-19-2012, 06:14 PM
That was good. Time to man up food is ready. If the Captain says we go I will be on the boat and not sitting in my truck.... I am manning up on this one. :rolleyes:

Should I bring you a ginger ale :D

07-19-2012, 06:35 PM
In the best interests of ALL and a conversation with Capt Howard and Capt Tony Bogan.

Myself, Capt Fran and RFA-NJ have decided its just not worth the punishment tomorrow. Forecast is E-SE 19-26 knots in the AM footers at 5 seconds and just gets worse from there going to E-NE 21-29 knots with 7 footers @ 7 seconds. The boat can handle it but 16 OZ of lead if your lucky and a few fish even with these guys talents.

Therefore the trip for tomorrow is OFFICIALLY cancelled.:mad:

We are discussing reschedule dates and Sunday July 29th looks like it could be the date but I will confirm shortly.

Sorry for the inconvienence and if you cant make the new date when its confirmed let me know and we will handle the payment / refund accordingly.


07-19-2012, 07:00 PM
So Far So Good. I'm in for Sunday the 29th..:)

07-19-2012, 07:03 PM
Thank You Capt. Fran and Dave for the call I am In for the 29th
Great job guys

Fin Reaper
07-19-2012, 07:17 PM
I'm in as well!

07-19-2012, 07:24 PM
Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in.

07-19-2012, 07:40 PM
29th.... I'm in!

The Sinker Man
07-19-2012, 08:23 PM
Thanks for the call...Better safe then sorry...Maybe we can get a few more guys.....I'm in..

07-19-2012, 09:03 PM
Got the phone msg, thanks Capt Fran !! Better safe than sorry.

I'll need to change some plans on the 29th and will let you know by monday. . .

07-19-2012, 10:07 PM
Busier evening than I planned. Sorry again guys but I think we made the right call. I believe that either Capt Fran or myself have made phone contact with everyone.

SUNDAY JULY 29 works for most and some new people so that is the date.
Thanks to everyone for understanding and continued support. We really appreciate it.

I am going to keep the boarding order in place. If people drop out then the ones that stay will move up accordingly, then new sign ups will be added after that in order of registration.


shrimpman steve
07-20-2012, 08:38 AM
capt. fran, what time are we boarding today:D

me and my boys are..........................................in! (for the 29th)

Fish The Drop Off
07-20-2012, 08:41 AM
capt. fran, what time are we boarding today:D

me and my boys are..........................................in!

I am on the boat and we already left the dock where are you............

And yes you got me really good last night LOL :D

shrimpman steve
07-20-2012, 09:00 AM
I am on the boat and we already left the dock where are you............

And yes you got me really good last night LOL :D

all in good fun! I was laughing my a$$ off! See you next week!

Gerry Zagorski
07-20-2012, 10:12 AM
Dave and Fran - you guys made the right call. Looking at the ocean right now and its evil.

I'm in for the 29th and since it's a Sunday, I might be able to recruit a few more people.

07-20-2012, 10:24 AM
Great call guys - is not worth it

Be Well Be Safe and Fish -ON


07-20-2012, 03:04 PM
Thanks for the phone calls.. sorry i could'nt pick up.
Unfortunately i went to my boat in Atlantic Highlands to get my gear for today and found my motor half under water.. Some body took it upon themselves to climb on my boat and cut my builge pump wire!!!!!!!! it's not the first time this year someone's been messing with my boat. I call the cops to make a report and after 5mins. of questioning me. he came up with the brilliant conclution that my wife must have done it, I must fish too much!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!

Fish The Drop Off
07-21-2012, 07:26 AM
Just wanted to let everyone one know that the sign up for this trip is still up and if there are any last minute people that would like to go they can throughout the RFA-NJ website.

This trips has been moved to Sunday 29th so if you can go on a weekend and sunday works for you we would love to have you join the trip.

Looking forward to getting out this time. :)

07-23-2012, 09:34 AM
Still only 32 fishers? C'mon guys it's a Sunday. Get on board and support the RFA. My killie bucket will be full and a $1 donation to the RFA will get you a nice big fat killie of your choice while supplies last.:D

07-23-2012, 03:03 PM
Dales and Capt Fran... thanks for the call last week, I'm in for the 29th!

07-24-2012, 08:31 PM
Just added to raffle a Gift certificate to Oasis Day Spa in Bedminster, NJ for a Massage or a Facial.
Come on everyone let’s get this trip FULL. It should be a lot of FUN!!!!!!!!

07-25-2012, 09:19 AM
Just added to raffle a Gift certificate to Oasis Day Spa in Bedminster, NJ for a Massage or a Facial.
Come on everyone let’s get this trip FULL. It should be a lot of FUN!!!!!!!!

Nice Gesture Tony.
I am sure your spa is top notch and with some of the "mugs" on this trip it will surely put your business's facial skills to the test:eek:

Guys, you better give this one to the wives as a nice suprise for you fishing on Sunday.

07-26-2012, 11:25 AM
Great weather forecast 30 peeps comon guys some day these guys are going to give up, no support its like the march empty busses, I will never give up my freedom to fish.

Lets make this a great trip, LETS FILL THE BOAT SHOW YOU CARE !!!

07-27-2012, 11:20 AM
List Updated at 32. Plenty of room for Buck Tail Mayhem
RFA-NJ says THANKS to all you guys for the continued support. This list represents a 90 -100% participation level on the last 6 and now this 7th trip which means the SAME guys come out to support our fishing rights. Shame its always on the same shoulders but we always have a great trip.

We have a great cast of fishermen and a HUGE THANKS to our sponsers that donated Trips to the raffle. Really shows how much they care as well as its not easy to cough up a trip spot in this economy.

NOTE: We will accept "WALK ONS" Sunday morning. CASH ONLY at the boat and it would be helpful if you contact me or Fran prior but not mandatory.
Just cant guarantee you will get lunch if you dont let us know by today.

Looks like a great day on the water so why not come out and join us.

Life's A Beach
07-27-2012, 11:51 AM
Is this a FLUKE trip or a fluke/sea bass trip? Considering jumping on.

07-27-2012, 12:05 PM
Is this a FLUKE trip or a fluke/sea bass trip? Considering jumping on.

Gearing up for both Mike, in other words they will have clams on board but the primary target will be FLUKE. If that doesnt pan out we have a plan B. Fishing the ruff stuff

Be happy to have you:D

07-27-2012, 12:56 PM
I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See you guys Sunday :D

07-27-2012, 05:11 PM
2 TO 3 FT.

Even you fair weather guys could join this.:D

Gerry Zagorski
07-27-2012, 05:51 PM
Can't beat that forecast Richie.....

07-27-2012, 06:12 PM
Can't beat that forecast Richie.....

I am not allowed anymore to comment on the weather or pick dates for trips:eek:

07-27-2012, 06:27 PM
Is this a FLUKE trip or a fluke/sea bass trip? Considering jumping on.

Come on Mike. You always say you can't make these trip unless they are on Sunday. Now is your chance.

Shrimpie and I will show you how to fish for fluke.:p ;)

07-28-2012, 10:02 AM
Sooo Gerry . . . Are you hitting up JJ Bitings or are we stuck with Busch from Tropics :confused:

shrimpman steve
07-28-2012, 10:02 AM
how do I always get dragged in:eek: :D

come on LAB, YOU can show ME a thing or two! I am always willing to learn!
See u tomorrow!

Gerry Zagorski
07-28-2012, 12:11 PM
Sorry Larry looks like we will be drinking Richie's warm Busch :mad:

07-28-2012, 12:44 PM
Sorry Larry looks like we will be drinking Richie's warm Busch :mad:

You only rent it anyway, and its not that DIET stuff thats only fit for cooking.:rolleyes:

07-28-2012, 01:10 PM
18.5 Hrs to lift off. List updated at 34 plus a few tire kickers / walk ons.
Monger, Golden Touch , Andreas Toy trips, Rod Reel Combo (Scottys BT), Oasis Massage (sorry shrimpy Tony doesnt do elbows but a pink "sling" may be in order:eek: ) and Landau Custom Tees up for grabs.
Worth the price of trip alone.

Looks like a good day for buck tail suppliers, a bad day for peanut bunkers, spots, squids, spearings and clams!

See u all tomorrow AM!


07-28-2012, 02:05 PM
Im definitely going to go if there is openings :)

07-28-2012, 02:32 PM
Im definitely going to go if there is openings :)

There are openings. Cash at boat PM Sent

07-28-2012, 02:45 PM
There are openings. Cash at boat PM Sent

Thanks for the call Jimmy. YOU ARE IN

07-28-2012, 06:32 PM
No problem I cant wait! Looking foward to meeting all I dont know:D

Fish The Drop Off
07-28-2012, 06:37 PM
Just picked up the food for the second time. Drinks in the cooler on ice. Rods in the car new leaders done. I think I am ready to get skunked again......

Oh I forgot Rubber gloves -- if shrimpman can land a fluke I am going to get one also. :p

shrimpman steve
07-28-2012, 07:15 PM
Just picked up the food for the second time. Drinks in the cooler on ice. Rods in the car new leaders done. I think I am ready to get skunked again......

Oh I forgot Rubber gloves -- if shrimpman can land a fluke I am going to get one also. :p

once again, I am pulled back in:eek:

Mikey topaz
07-28-2012, 10:18 PM
Hope its not to late jimmylive bait and madman twisted my arm im in c u guys in the a.m

07-28-2012, 10:45 PM
Hope its not to late jimmylive bait and madman twisted my arm im in c u guys in the a.m

See you in the AM. Thanks

07-28-2012, 11:35 PM
I will not be able to make the trip.:( Thankfully, I am alive, or not in a wheelchair.... I fell off a roof at work on Friday, and gratefully I am able to walk n talk. It may be a lil while b4 I can fish tho:( I broke my right hand and have a herniated disc(where I have previously had surgery) Have fun guys!!! Wish I was gonna be there:cool: Im sure Shrimp will have plenty to say and a bunch of laughs at my expense!:eek:

shrimpman steve
07-29-2012, 03:42 AM
who me? That hurts!

I have one word for you..........GRAVITY:eek:

Gerry Zagorski
07-29-2012, 05:26 AM
Sorry to hear that Doug. Hope you're back in action soon.

07-29-2012, 06:28 PM
I just wanted to thank you guys for putting this trip together. The fishing could've been better, but it's not always about the fishing. sometimes you need to just enjoy the day. we had some good laughs.. Congrats to all the winners in the drawings. and congrats to my buddy mikey Topaz with the pool fish.... To think, he almost did'nt go :eek: Gotta love those last minute walk on's :)
Thanks again, I'm looking forward to seeing you guys again soon,

07-29-2012, 08:27 PM

The Sinker Man
07-29-2012, 08:53 PM
What Vinny said, Plus My side of the boat had to fish under the boat ALL day. Would not turn boat to alternate sides...
Other then that, I believe we had a fun day, a little catching , but not much keeping...BIG thanks again to Dave and Capt. Fran and to all those that donated some very nice prizes...

07-29-2012, 08:54 PM
Thanks Dave and Fran for putting together another fun RFA trip. Dave congrats on picking a day that the weather didn't suck even if it took two tries. I had a good time, got lucky and won the raffle rod. Can't wait for the next one.

Fin Reaper
07-29-2012, 09:04 PM
Thanks to Dave, Fran and anyone else who took the time and went thru all the BS to put this trip together...twice. Had a great time, lots of fun, lots of laughs and in spite of the lovely boat ride :rolleyes: we caught a good amount of fish! Just a great freaking day!

PS, I understand the owners of the boat have rules that must be obeyed but before reading the mate the riot act about how playing the radio is offensive it would have been nice if the Capt. found out if anyone was actually offended...I felt terrible for the mate and I really enjoyed having the radio on in the cabin.

07-29-2012, 09:26 PM
Thanks to Dave and Fran for putting this trip together. It was great seeing some old faces bringing back great memories working deck. Vinny i couldnt agree more and thanks to the mates for their great efforts. Congrats to my boy Mikeytopaz for the pool fish and outfishing me again! Was great to make some new fishing companions as well.

07-29-2012, 09:26 PM
Dales and Fran thanks again for putting together a great day of laughs and fun even though the fishing wasn't the greatest but low and behold we still managed to bust chops all day in the stern. Congrats again to all the wins, I ended the day with three nice keepers and an open boat on my man Gansta Freddy's Andreas Toy. Also won a thirst and my boy flanagan won a open monger trip.

Few things worth mentioning, first Doug sorry to hear about your hand bro lucky your alive to be honest, but I wanted to let you know that crab you mistakened the other week could have been a turtle...(still funny) as I actually did see a sea turtle out there and also a jimmy swimming by, and there is no way you could mistaken the two.. Hopefully that spill you just took cleans up your eyesight.

Jonny tomatoes might have the sexiest pair of star wars storm trooper boots I have ever seen, Shrimp and i had the soundtrack going (dun dun dena dun de dun dun de dun) and I swear I thought the Evil Emporer was going to come out of the wheel house... Pics to follow

Tropics thanks for the Cuban, nothing better than cigar and a buttered bagel for breakfast.

Fran actually caught a keeper today, it went in my cooler, and also caught quite a sizable bluefish as well, but after that I'm certain he didn't wet a line the rest of the day.

I've never targeted Ling with buck tails before but I'm sure at one point we were all fishing for them whether we knew it or not.

Shrimps thanks again for bringing the trusty satellite tunes, I swear if we didn't have that radio there might have Been a coup on the boat...

Gents although the turnout wasn't the greatest and the fishing well... Vinny coved that already, I still manage to have a blast on these trips rockin out to tunes, smoking some stoagies ;) and busting horns all day.. Really no other way id rather spend an afternoon than with such a pleasant group of fishermen..

Thanks again for everything the Rfa does for us and you can bet you will have my continued support..

Mikey topaz
07-29-2012, 10:20 PM
Fran and dave id like to thank u guys i think you guys did a hell of a job arranging and setting up this trip its alot of work as we all know. I mean 90bucks for trip plentey of fishing room,food,tip,and a great time and laughs,and a chance for wonderful raffle prizes com'on cant beat it ! Slow day with the boat constantly moving evrey five mins. would have deffinetly liked wen i got done tying my ling set up to hit bottom before capt. blew the horn to move. owell i got the pool fish with one other fluke and some sea biscuts and had a blast, looking forward to fishing with all u guys.

07-30-2012, 01:18 AM
Thanks RFA guys for putting on the trip. Vinnys and Sams comments were absolutely on point. Seems like every time we started to catch fish the horn went off and we were moving again. If this is the way the Star runs charters they should be tied up at the dock for the rest of the summer. Send the Capt. up to Waterway-I'm sure he could do a good job ferrying people across the Hudson River! I will definitely enjoy the trip on the Touch I won today--the only bright spot we had all day.

07-30-2012, 05:39 AM
Thanks Capt. Fran, Dave for setting this trip up. I couldn't agree more with the comments that were made, I was disappointed with the boat ride, I really thought we were going to see the Statue of Liberty.
I was able to box 4 keepers, had lots of shorts, lots of laughs fishing my my buddy Fin Reaper.Congrats to every one that one any of the raffles, I won a set of custom T shirts.
Mikey congrats on the pool.
Ron thanks for the Bagels they were good.Look forward to fishing with all of you again. Also enjoyed meeting some new people.
Thanks to the mates Joe and Rick

07-30-2012, 10:18 AM
We cant THANK you guys enough for the continued and solid support of RFA-NJ. There is no other group of fishermen I could think of spending THAT kind of day with than the crew assembled on this trip. It seems no matter what is tried, either the weather, fishing or boat gods never seem to align for us on the day of the trip but yet somehow these trips are always a success in my mind due to YOU. Lots of fun , laughs, some fish caught (actually more than I thought when the cleaning station got going) and if nothing else some great "Karma" with who won the raffle prizes.

The positive:
Some nice fish were caught and congrats to Mikey on the Pool, Lefty with a couple of nice keepers, Tropics and Fin Reaper with some quality fish. Fishing with Vinnie, Shrimpman, Lefty, Johnny T, Billy, Gerry and Joe Z, Jimmy Madman, Mikey Topaz, Jimmy Live Bait etc around the back of the boat was worth the price of adnmission alone.
Hey and FRAN broke his northern waters PB "Fluke" Cherry with some keepers, (thats right Fran caught keepers).

Also great hanging with Long time supporters Kurtis B and brother Mark, Larry Hartattack, Sam the one and ONLY Sinkerman, Mark (Quanman) and great meeting OasisTony S, Big CC Fishteacher and the other new faces. As stated we couldnt have asked for a better crew.

The other stuff:
As Vinnie stated we had strong crew of known pullers who deserved a better chance to show their stuff. I am sorry you didnt get that chance.
I will say that it appeared to be a tough day all around for most of the fleet out there and it was one of those days where I guess you either had to:
A) Stick with the "short" life and hope for the occasional "big" Inshore game.
B) Commit to the "deep water" 60-75 feet plan and take what was available and accept the conditions.
C) I learned its possible that having a Plan B isnt always the best choice. Either there was a lack of communication on my part or a lack of commitment to what I thought was the game plan but that will be handled "Off" the board and in private with the Captain.
D) I will no longer be picking the date or the boat for the trips :eek:

Again THANKS to all of YOU. After the work that goes into these trips it always seems worth it after spending the day on the water with you guys even if the fishing doesnt always co operate.

If we decide to run another trip this year I hope you all will stick with us and return once more for another shot at the fish. Good luck to all of you for the rest of the season.

07-30-2012, 10:38 AM
Great RFA trip again - it's always a blast !

Highlight for me was seeing a free swimming Mako (< 100 lbs) when we finally made an off-shore drift. Would've been interesting to toss my offerings to him, but the Captain moved the boat AGAIN.

shrimpman steve
07-30-2012, 11:19 AM
it's all been said. Dave and capt. fran did a fantastic job setting this trip up! My thanks to them. Also thanks to ALL the sponsors who donated prizes that I didn't win:D.

Now for the fishing, all I can say is, if not for the company, I wish I was home with a broken hand because I fell off a roof:eek:! A plan was set prior, and thrown out the window the minute we left the inlet. 35 peeps, 100 fishing rods, and high expectations. The captain treated us like a boat full of tourists! Not once did the captain alternate the drift, no matter how many times we yelled at him. We were told the boat wont drift well in the NW wind if he alternated. I can understand this if he tried once or twice, but he did not. I was under the boat all day. Number two, we ALL wanted to fish the rocks in 50 or so feet. we spent the morning in 25 feet of water right off the beach, this was not a half day trip with googans, we were all ready with spare bucktails and lead to fish the deep stuff, but I guess the captain figured we were not good enough.

I am not in the business to trash talk any captain, but truth in reporting stands, good, bad, or ugly! I have not fished a "jamaica" boat in 10 years, and probably won't for another 10. Now to keep the truth in reporting, I had 0 keepers and only a hand full of shorts, but this is NOT sour grapes. This capt. did not show his face once on deck, moved the boat like clockwork for no reason (it's not like he was alternating the drift) every 10 minutes. and when we finally begged him to take us offshore a bit, he blew right through the fleet and took us to the flemish cap where we started to pick at ling. He finally found the fish in 50 feet of water at the end of the day, where we should have been all day.

With all that said, the company and laughs could not be beat! Always a pleasure fishing with all of you and the RFA trips can count on my support for the future!

Gerry Zagorski
07-30-2012, 11:22 AM
Thanks Fran and Dave again for setting this up and for all the 2 of you do in supporting our rights to fish.

07-30-2012, 11:35 AM
Glad it was a successful trip for the most part. I hope to join you guys next year. I would like to show my support.


Fin Reaper
07-30-2012, 11:43 AM
Oh...BTW, the food was great and the donated prizes were first rate as well but I must have had the same numbers as Shrimpman :(
Thanks again to Dales and Fran and everyone else who set this up!!! I will be on the next one

07-30-2012, 11:49 AM
We cant THANK you guys enough for the continued and solid support of RFA-NJ. There is no other group of fishermen I could think of spending THAT kind of day with than the crew assembled on this trip. It seems no matter what is tried, either the weather, fishing or boat gods never seem to align for us on the day of the trip but yet somehow these trips are always a success in my mind due to YOU. Lots of fun , laughs, some fish caught (actually more than I thought when the cleaning station got going) and if nothing else some great "Karma" with who won the raffle prizes.

The positive:
Some nice fish were caught and congrats to Mikey on the Pool, Lefty with a couple of nice keepers, Tropics and Fin Reaper with some quality fish. Fishing with Vinnie, Shrimpman, Lefty, Johnny T, Billy, Gerry and Joe Z, Jimmy Madman, Mikey Topaz, Jimmy Live Bait etc around the back of the boat was worth the price of adnmission alone.
Hey and FRAN broke his northern waters PB "Fluke" Cherry with some keepers, (thats right Fran caught keepers).

Also great hanging with Long time supporters Kurtis B and brother Mark, Larry Hartattack, Sam the one and ONLY Sinkerman, Mark (Quanman) and great meeting OasisTony S, Big CC Fishteacher and the other new faces. As stated we couldnt have asked for a better crew.

The other stuff:
As Vinnie stated we had strong crew of known pullers who deserved a better chance to show their stuff. I am sorry you didnt get that chance.
I will say that it appeared to be a tough day all around for most of the fleet out there and it was one of those days where I guess you either had to:
A) Stick with the "short" life and hope for the occasional "big" Inshore game.
B) Commit to the "deep water" 60-75 feet plan and take what was available and accept the conditions.
C) I learned its possible that having a Plan B isnt always the best choice. Either there was a lack of communication on my part or a lack of commitment to what I thought was the game plan but that will be handled "Off" the board and in private with the Captain.
D) I will no longer be picking the date or the boat for the trips :eek:

Again THANKS to all of YOU. After the work that goes into these trips it always seems worth it after spending the day on the water with you guys even if the fishing doesnt always co operate.

If we decide to run another trip this year I hope you all will stick with us and return once more for another shot at the fish. Good luck to all of you for the rest of the season.

D) I will no longer be picking the date or the boat for the trips

Again THANKS to all of YOU. After the work that goes into these trips it always seems worth it after spending the day on the water with you guys even if the fishing doesnt always co operate.

If we decide to run another trip this year I hope you all will stick with us and return once more for another shot at the fish. Good luck to all of you for the rest of the season.

Dave you are one of the main gears DON'T give in. I will be on as many of these trips as I can. I thank you for all you do.

07-30-2012, 12:01 PM
Thanks Dale & Fran that was a great trip. Seems like everyone on the boat had a great time (other than fishing).
Was nice to meet some fisherman on this board, Gerry, Joe, Steve, Ron, Vinnie, John and of curse Mike T and Sam (thanks for the sinkers).
Looking forward to fishing with everyone again in the future.
Tony S

07-30-2012, 12:30 PM
It's been said many times, but thanks to Dales and Fran. I didn't take home any keepers or any of the raffle prizes (thought I might be due after putting a "goose egg" in the cooler :p ), and probably donated half of my bucktail collection to the rocks, but still had a great time nonetheless.

Got to meet Gerry, his brother Joe, Fran and many of the other faces behind the names on this website... nice to fish with guys like Dales and Larry again... and I don't think I've ever had a bad time fishing with Lefty or his crew on board!

These trips are never short on laughs -- throw in a couple of beers, a good cause and good company -- and I'm in for the next trip. :D


07-30-2012, 12:35 PM
few pics..

07-30-2012, 02:42 PM
Thanks Dave and Capt. Fran for doing what you do for all of us. The trips that I've been on have always been a great time and the cause makes it that much better.

Despite fishing under the boat all day I did manage 3 keepers, a few shorts, two short c-bass, and a robin.

Thank you Lefty for the invite but I'm calling Mick Razz to administer the punch in the nose.

Sam is not just a sinker man he catches fish too! Thanks for clearing the shorties out Sam!! :D

mark b
07-30-2012, 05:40 PM
Thanks Dave & Fran for setting up a great trip. It was nice to meet Dave, Fran, Larry, Tropics & I had the pleasure of fishing between my brother Kurtis & Fran all day. Larry seeing that mako was really cool! Seems like everyone in our section of the boat had at least 2 in the cooler. Fought something really big on a really lite rod for about 5 minutes till he broke my leader, probably a blue or ray?
Great food, Great raffles, Great people, Great cause, Great times, I'm in on the next one for sure.

07-30-2012, 07:55 PM
I hope Doug is going to be ok!

Fish The Drop Off
07-31-2012, 09:27 AM
Thanks for the support...... I had a great time landed two keeper fluke and one slammer blue. First RFA-NJ trip I had a keeper. I can't complain LOL. Great meeting everyone and for the coolers that my fish went in I hope you enjoyed the fish.

Thanks again for making it a great day.

Mike M
08-06-2012, 11:05 AM
Sorry I couldn't make this one. Sounds like it was a good day for a good cause. Fran and Dales keep up the good work. Don't ever give up. We have a lot of battles ahead of us.